《Pride X Kämpfer ReVamp》Pride X Kampfer ReVamp - Chapter 12 (Part II)
Chapter 12 - Part II
I lay on the gym floor, staring up at the distant ceiling, my heart pounding from physical exertion while pressured on all sides by the conflagration of emotions roiling in my chest.
While I had been avoiding the clutches of my classmates, a single pained thought had careened off the inside walls of my head. That thought now turned into a flickering flame of unease.
Caprice is dating Crais Shepherd?
The crushing pressure within my chest grew worse.
Is that the real reason she went blonde? Did she do it for him?
I’d read somewhere that girls changed their appearance to suit their boyfriend’s preferences, or to attract the eye of a boy that caught their interest. But I wasn’t asking myself if Caprice was interested in Shepherd – if she wasn’t they wouldn’t have planned a date for this weekend. No, I was asking myself if Caprice was so interested in Shepherd that she would change her look for him.
Then I wondered way she went so far as to disguise her reason for doing so. She had sent me off course when I asked her about it in the elevator. My heart hurt a little as it realized how wildly off course her response had knocked me. It hurt a little more when I acknowledged that I’d foolishly hoped she had done that for me. Since it was apparently not the case, again I wondered at her need for a diversion.
Why hide the fact she’s dating from me? Was she afraid of what I would think of her? And why Crais Shepherd of all people? When had they met? When had the mutual interest sparked between them?
I swallowed despite the growing tightness in my throat.
Did I fail to see the signs because I’ve been so wrapped around Simone’s little finger?
I had another worry – the fact that Shepherd was a Familiar affiliated with the Raynar Pride.
Is she even aware of what he is? Does it even matter to her?
Again, I swallowed down my tight throat.
Why does it bother me so much?
I tried pushing myself up into a seated posture, but I simply lacked the strength, so I slumped back onto the floor and rested. Once more on my back, I tried sorting through my blazing emotions that were only now starting to cool down.
Was I bothered to learn she was dating someone? Yes, I was.
Was I bothered she hadn’t told me first? Absolutely.
However, when I considered my relationship with her, I realized that Caprice didn’t owe me an explanation. We were friends and comrades, but we were also strangers. My thoughts circled back to the undeniable truth that once again I knew very little about her, and that bothered me the most. Then again, if her dating Shepherd was true, then the imaginary boundary between us wasn’t so imaginary anymore.
It wasn’t a line in the sand, but a trench along the ground, and it was one she had carved out.
I snorted inwardly. What does that line matter anymore? After all, I accepted Simone’s confession and made the choice to date her. I have no right to feel bitter or regretful.
However, my thoughts circled back to her dating Shepherd.
I wonder if she knows about him and what he’s doing.
I needed to talk to her about Crais Shepherd afil Raynar, and I had some explaining to do on my end. I also needed to speak to Lidia, and urge her to find out more about Shepherd. I had intended to bring Simone with me when I spoke to Lidia, but had since discarded that intention.
The sound of footsteps approaching me, urged me to prop myself up on my elbows. Through the Awareness-field, I could sense it was Kaleb Deneve afil Lanfear.
The older man stopped a foot away and peered down at me. “Tell me the truth. Is it like this for you every day?”
“Err…no, not really.”
He grinned down at me. “Desanto, I can see why your reputation precedes you. By the way, that was a masterful display. You hung in there pretty well.”
Was he praising me?
I shrugged off my recent feat. “That was nothing. Maya makes me work much harder.” Still propped up on my elbows, I asked him, “So are you going to tell me the real reason why you’re here?”
“Galatea Academy needed a new gym teacher in a hurry, and I was available so I stepped in.”
I squinted slightly up at him. “Are you really a gym teacher?”
“Of course I am,” he replied a little testily, then eased up. “I’m fully certified. It pays to have a backup plan. You should think about your future, Desanto. There is life after serving the Prides as your….”
Kaleb let his words drift away, and I sensed he stopped himself before making an unintended admission.
I lay back down on the ground. “Do I even have a future?”
“Stop sounding so morbid. Now, get up. Gym class is still in effect and I plan to work you guys hard for the next half hour.”
Gaining my feet, I stood before him. “What happened to Mr. Rygart?”
“He had to take a sudden leave of absence,” Kaleb replied, then shook his head at me. “That’s all I know. If you want to know more you’ll need to talk to Principal Mason. Now, start warming up as I’m going to have the lot of you doing laps.”
I glimpsed motion behind him and saw the girl’s gym teacher, Ms. Karsen, walking toward us. Facing Kaleb, I said, “The Countess acted on her own. I didn’t put her up to this.”
“I figured as much.” He gave me a slight frown. “Was she telling the truth?”
“Huh? Oh….” I nodded weakly. “Yeah….we’re dating. She confessed and I accepted”—I crossed my arms—“though I’m considering breaking up with her if this is how she’s going to behave. I can’t believe she announced it to the entire school.”
Kaleb landed a light karate chop on my head. “Idiot. Women do foolish things when they’re in love. Cut her some slack, and lighten up.” Kaleb folded his arms too. “She’s your girlfriend now. You understand what that means?”
I rubbed my skull. “Her happiness is my responsibility.”
“That and a lot more. You treat her right.”
I stopped rubbing my head, and lowered my hand. “I have no intention of hurting her. None whatsoever.”
“Good.” He shook his head as he sighed. “You are one lucky bastard. However, be prepared for some antagonism. That should go away if you treat Alucard right. The girls will see that you cherish her, and the guys will realize that you were the better man amongst them.”
“You make it sound simple. That girl is a handful.” I blushed a little. “Ah—I don’t mean it like that! She is a handful, but she’s also that kind of handful—”
Kaleb narrowed his eyes at me. “Desanto, stop. You’re saying way too much, and you’re embarrassing me.”
Karsen was only about thirty feet away, but I had one more question to ask Kaleb. Facing him, I lowered my voice. “Kaleb, would you happen to know how many Familiars are currently attending the Academy?”
A frown flickered across his face. “Why are you asking?”
“Just tell me. Would you know how many there are?”
“Not off hand. I’d need to look at the academic records, and that kind of search would trigger alarm bells.”
“What if it’s just one student’s records? Would you be able to look it up?”
“Not without triggering more warning bells.” Kaleb stared at me intently. “Desanto, what’s this about?”
“I’m not sure,” I admitted. “It could be nothing.”
“Don’t keep secrets from me.” He dipped his head at me. “Tell me what’s going on.”
In the corner of my eye, I saw Karsen hesitate the last half dozen meters toward us.
Is she shy? Wait—don’t tell me Kaleb’s caught her eye!
I wanted to groan, but fought the urge down, beating it to a pulp within heartbeats.
However, outwardly I shook my head subtly and said, “Not here. After training.”
Kaleb pressed lips together, then gave me an equally subtle nod. “Alright. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.”
My Awareness-field sensed Ms. Karsen step within a few feet of us. A moment later, a polite cough intruded upon us, so I took a step back from Kaleb, as it was obvious Karsen wanted to talk to him and not me.
“Mr. Deneve,” she said. “Might I have a moment with you?”
Kaleb half turned to face her. “Ms. Karsen, I see your students have deserted you as well.”
He grinned ever so faintly, but it wasn’t wasted on the young woman.
Karsen coughed again as she glanced away, her cheeks a gentle rosy color. “Yes, well. Girls will be girls.”
“And boys will be boys. However, their conduct is inappropriate. I intend to have the lads do laps on the sports field until time runs out.”
“Oh, a very good idea,” Karsen admitted with a slight smile, then palmed a fist. “We’ll have them start on opposite sides of the track.”
“And the stragglers get detention?”
She nodded. “As an incentive to take our class seriously.”
“Of course.”
I watched them shake hands as though sealing the pact that would seal our fates for the next half hour. Karsen looked reluctant to release Kaleb’s hand, yet she appeared embarrassed to be holding it at the same time.
“Mr. Deneve—”
“Please, call me Kaleb. However, I must inform you that my full name is Kaleb Deneve afil Lanfear.”
“Oh,” she uttered, and glanced at me. “I see. You’re affiliated with the Lanfears.”
Kaleb nodded pleasantly. “They’ve been very kind to me.”
I frowned to myself. He makes it sound like they adopted him or something.
Kaleb added, “And I can assure you not all the Lanfear’s Familiars are as troublesome as him.” He bowed to her politely. “My sincere apologies, on behalf of my affiliated Pride.”
I gagged in silence. Sheesh, do you have to prostrate yourself? Besides, I didn’t do anything wrong! Blame Simone! And she’s a Raynar, not a Lanfear!
Thinking of Simone sparked a flame of anger inside me.
Damn her! She did all that to pick a fight with Caprice. Just what the Hell happened between those two last night?
Noticing I was being scrutinized by both Kaleb and Karsen in silence, I coughed politely and pointed in the direction of the sports field. “I’ll go on ahead…sir.” Glancing at Karsen, I added, “I’m sure you have much to discuss.”
With a quick bow to them both, I turned and then made my way to sports field…until the public address system chirped back to life, and I was stopped in mid-step with an immediate summons to the Principal’s office.
I had to shower in record time.
I had to dress in a record time.
Then I had to run to the Principal’s office, whereupon I encountered a hand-cuffed Simone Alucard Raynar under the watchful eye of two oversized security guard, standing in the waiting area. Naturally, Simone looked entirely at ease, not a single hair out of place, perched prettily atop her high heels. At the very least she was back in uniform.
After the two of us were escorted into the Principal’s office, I spent the next twenty minutes being lectured by a quietly seething Lavinia Mason Lorian. I chose silence as the wiser course of action, and weathered the storm. Somehow, Mason had concluded I was the root of all problems facing the female student body, starting with my corruption of Simone Alucard Raynar.
To prove her point, Mason summoned a holovid window that illustrated Simone apparent fall from grace. According to the Principal, Simone was a top student with an exemplary record until I came into her life. Since the beginning of the year, Simone’s grades had been on a steady decline, and Mason pointed the finger of blame at me. In other words, the situation was just like a romance comic for teenage schoolgirls learning about love – I was the bad boy and Simone was the good girl gone bad under my influence.
While I could do nothing to mask my disbelief at such an outrageous accusation, Simone calmly protested that Mason was oversimplifying the situation. Her bad grades had more to do with her increased workload as Student Council Vice-President than my influence.
However, this lit a new fire under Mason’s backside.
Whirling upon Simone, the Principal fixed a heated glare upon the girl. “From now on, Alucard, you wear regulation footwear upon school grounds. No more high heels.”
“Ara ara. Regulation footwear—wait! What?” Nothing had perturbed Simone thus far. Now, she was positively flummoxed. “You—you can’t. No. Anything but that. I’ll even do detention for a month. I’ll beg on my hands and knees.”
Despite being handcuffed – yes, she was still wearing them – Simone prostrated herself on her hands and knees before Mason’s desk.
“Please, don’t take away my shoes,” she wailed out her plea.
I looked down at her, struggling with my disbelief.
Are her high heels that precious to her?
I did admit I would miss seeing the sleek lines of her legs, but I was certain she would look good in any footwear. Some girls were just unfairly blessed.
I frowned at myself. Wait a minute. This isn’t some girl. This is my girlfriend! And the only girl with a pair of pins that good is Caprice—and she’s dating someone else! Damn it—this is terrible!
Realizing I would be denied the guilty pleasure of admiring Simone’s godly sexy legs in sexy footwear during school hours had me on my hands and knees beside my girlfriend of only an hour.
“Please, Principal Mason. I implore you. Have mercy. Don’t take away her shoes.”
Mason sounded strangled. “What. Are. You. Doing?”
“Pleading on her behalf. In fact, I’ll do detention with her. I’ll wash your car too. But please, don’t take away this guilty pleasure of mine.”
I bowed my head to the ground.
There was an ominous silence from Mason’s side of the table.
“Get up. Both of you.”
Swallowing hard, I helped Simone up to her feet, and then faced a simmering Lavinia Mason.
“Firstly,” she began, “I can’t give you detention as you have training in the afternoons.”
I started to reply, but Mason crossed her arms and stood straight, silencing me with a hard glare.
Damn, she’s tall, I thought to myself as I looked up at her and swallowed a tad nervously and yet hopeful of a positive outcome.
“Secondly,” she continued, “Alucard has been flaunting her disregard for uniform regulations since the beginning of this year, and I won’t tolerate it any longer. And that is final on the matter.”
“…no fair…,” the guilty party whispered.
I agreed, but threw her a glance nonetheless. “Is that true?”
Simone smiled contritely. “Well, sort of….”
Mason sat down heavily in her high backed executive style chair. “Thirdly, I’m suspending Simone Alucard Raynar from the Student Council. Effective immediately.”
“What?” Simone gasped. “Wait, don’t I get a say—”
“Not after that display of idiocy,” Mason retorted bluntly.
“What’s wrong with telling the world I’m happy to have a boyfriend?” Simone complained.
“Everything about what you did is wrong. Have you lost your marbles?”
I had to agree with Mason, however, I also suspected Simone’s real intention was to spite Caprice, and so I chose to remain silent.
Mason laced her fingers together over her lap. “Get your act together, Alucard. Get your grades back in order, and then I’ll reconsider lifting the suspension. However, should you fail to pass all your next exams, then I’m removing you from the Student Council--permanently. In fact, I’ll be talking to Severin Kell regarding your replacement—temporary or otherwise.”
Simone grew slowly pale. “Wait. Please reconsider. I’ll get my grades back up. It’s my fault after all. I mean, I’ve been distracted and—”
Mason slapped her executive style desk sharply. “Precisely,” she snapped. “You’ve been distracted and then some.”
I felt a stirring of anger within me. Faint, yet undeniable, and before I knew it, I’d taken a step between Simone and Mason’s desk. “If you want to blame someone, then blame me. I’ve been the source of her distraction. However, that comes to an end today.”
Mason blinked but her eyes remained steely hard.
Slightly behind me, I heard Simone whisper, “Caelum….”
I tapped my chest lightly. “Despite everything that’s happened, I’ve kept my grades above par with the weekly exams. Mid-semester exams begin in a little over four weeks.” I pointed at the floating rectangular holo-vid window. “If her record was as good as that, then there’s no reason she can’t get her numbers back up. And I’ll make sure she does.”
“You will?” Mason questioned as she sat back in her chair.
“I will,” I reiterated. “I’ll help her with her studies.”
“You have enough on your plate.”
“I’ll make the time,” I stated firmly.
Mason’s lips flattened into a thin line, as she studied me pensively for a long while. “Very well. If Simone Alucard Raynar demonstrates adequate improvement in her academic record, then I will re-instate her as Student Council Vice-President.”
“Can I have that in writing?”
Mason inhaled slow and deeply. “You shall.” She stood up smoothly and regarded me with a narrow eyed stare. “However, if her grades don’t improve to her previous academic levels then she shall be removed from the Student Council.”
I stepped closer to the desk. “I guarantee that she will not fail to surpass her prior academic achievements.”
“Then we have an agreement.”
I offered her my right hand, and Mason shook it after a moment’s contemplation.
She regarded me thinly. “Remember, Mr. Desanto, she’s your responsibility now.”
I shook my head inwardly. Why was everyone telling me the same thing? Jeez, don’t I have enough on my plate. Ack—that’s exactly what Mason said.
I swallowed quickly and asked, “Regarding Simone being allowed to wear her high-heels—”
“I don’t care if she scores a hundred over a hundred. Simone Alucard Raynar will adhere to school uniform regulations regardless of her academic grades.” Mason leaned forward an inch or so. “That is not open to negotiation.”
“That’s not fair,” I protested.
“Those are the rules,” Mason stated bluntly. “Now, both of you are dismissed. I will instruct the security guards to remove those handcuffs. And Alucard, get rid of those shoes now. I want you back in indoor shoes before you return to class, otherwise you’re on detention.”
Simone nodded weakly, but somehow I didn’t think she was troubled by that as much as being suspended from the Student Council. However, with nothing left to say, I turned away and took a gentle hold of Simone’s right arm. She barely resisted, and her expression remained pale and downcast.
At the door, I bowed respectfully – and nothing more – to Mason, though Simone barely offered her any show of respect other than a simple, absent nod.
Outside the Principal’s office, one of the guards removed the cuffs from around Simone’s wrists. Afterwards, I walked with her back to the high-school building, then down to the lobby where the shoe lockers stood.
As she unstrapped her heels, Simone softly advised, “Caelum, you should go to class. You don’t want to be any late than you already are. I won’t do anything rash.”
“Why did you make that announcement?”
She slipped her feet into her indoor shoes. “I just felt like doing it.”
“Caprice and I are not dating.”
Simone placed her high heels into her shoe locker, closed the metal door and locked it. Then she faced me. “I know that.”
“Did you know she was dating Crais Shepherd?”
“I found out last night when she admitted it to me.”
I sighed and stepped back, leaning my back against the row of lockers behind me. “So that’s why you did it.” With a shake of my head, I added, “You really are the jealous kind.”
“I’m not jealous of her. I want to protect you from her.”
I faced Simone incredulously. “What? Protect me from her? Simone, Caprice has saved my life twice. I’m the one being protected by her.”
“You don’t know what she’s really like,” Simone said, and stepped up to me such that our noses were inches apart. “You don’t know what the girl is really like.”
I shook my head warningly at Simone. “Don’t you talk bad about Caprice.”
“Don’t threaten, me Caelum,” Simone retorted in a low, hard voice. “And I will not allow that girl to come between us.”
I narrowed my eyes at her. “Is this the real Simone Alucard Raynar talking, or the Countess?”
“Both. The Countess and I are one. And we protect what we treasure.”
“Yes. You’re mine, Caelum, as I am yours.”
It felt strange and a little unnerving to her those words from her. They weren’t something I was accustomed to hearing from anyone. In fact, I couldn’t recall having heard them addressed to me ever before.
“Why? Why me?” I asked her. “Why choose me? Is it because of the Kaiser’s Blessing? Is it really all because of that? Do you want to control its power by controlling me? Because if it is then give it up—”
“That’s not it. That’s not it at all!” Simone’s lips parted, and she looked uncertain, almost uneasy, as she averted her gaze. Yet at the same time she was blushing madly as though overheating. “That’s not it. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. You just wouldn’t. You’d laugh at me.”
I leaned my face toward her. “Try me.”
Simone shivered and stepped back. “No. I won’t say it. Not here, and not like this.”
My Awareness-field warned me someone was close by. Sure enough, a teacher on patrol wandered by, undoubtedly drawn to us by our conversation. The middle aged man frowned at Simone and I.
“What are you kids doing? Class is already in session.”
Simone looked the other way, her face still hot, so I apologized to the teacher on both our behalves.
“Just get to class,” he repeated as he stood watching us.
I took a gentle hold on Simone’s arm, and pulled her along with me. As I walked by the teacher, I sensed his attention fall on the pins on my blazer’s left breast.
Through the Awareness-field, I heard him mutter ever so softly under his breath, almost lost in his breathing, “…why do these girls fall for their damn kind…?”
I kept walking, though I almost hesitated in mid-step.
Simone followed along since I had a hand on her arm, until she suddenly stopped, jerking me to a brusque halt. Facing the teacher, her voice and expression hard, the Countess folded her slender yet incredibly strong arms under her godly bust. “We fall for them because they’re special. So special that we can’t help being drawn to them. It’s something you’d never understand.” Fingertips over her chest, Simone stated in a proud voice. “For us Pureblood Aventis girls, finding our fated one is what we live for.”
I stared at her with my mouth agape. What the Hell is she talking about? Has she really lost her mind?
The teacher looked ready to explode in anger.
Yet Simone broke into a clenched smile as she grabbed my arm, and began pulling me along with the immense strength of an Aventis Pureblood. “Let’s go,” she instructed, still smiling though clearly infuriated.
I sighed and decided it was better to follow her rather than be dragged along the ground.
At the door to her classroom, Simone came to a hard stop, and finally released my arm. I refrained from rubbing it while in her presence. Blame it on my desire to salvage my male pride after being forcibly pulled along by someone supposedly weaker than me.
Standing before the door, Simone took a number of deep breaths, and swallowed visibly. “I can’t believe I just said all that.” She palmed her forehead. “Am I really losing my mind? Ah—!” She turned her head and faced me. “Why—why did you say all that to her?”
“To whom?”
“To Principal Mason. Why did you make that promise to her?”
I slipped my hands casually into my trouser pockets, though I wasn’t anything but casual. “I’m tired of being blamed for everything that goes wrong, but I will admit that I’m at fault here.”
“I chose to chase after you and monopolize your time,” she countered. “It’s my fault that I didn’t focus on my studies.”
I shrugged a shoulder lightly. “Partly true. We both had a hand to play in this result. And that is why I don’t intend to give you a reason to waste time on me.”
Simone spun her body around to face me with eyes wide. “Wait. Wait a minute. Are you saying you want to break up?” A look of despair crossed her face, and its intensity surprised me…and worried me. “Why? Is it because I revealed our relationship to the school? Is it because of Steiner? It’s true that I can’t get along with her. But even so—to break up over her is simply too much.”
I felt my face twist into a deep frown. “Break up? I haven’t thought of breaking up with you.”
Not entirely true, but I wasn’t going to admit that to her. At the very least, at this moment in time I had no intention of breaking up with her.
“Then what?” she asked in confusion.
“There’s no reason to try so hard. No reason to waste so much time.” I smiled at her. “Simone. You confessed and I accepted. Let’s leave all the crazy antics behind.”
Her mouth opened and closed a few times, before she finally asked, “Do you mean that?”
“Yes. I do. I told you, didn’t I? I want to date the real Simone Alucard.” I leaned close to her left ear. “So show me the real Simone Alucard…Raynar.”
My Awareness-field tingled and I glanced at the door to the classroom.
A heartbeat later it slid upon with a loud swish and ended with a bang that startled Simone back a few steps. Perhaps unaccustomed to wearing flat shoes, she stumbled a little before catching her footing.
A female teacher wearing a smart business-like grey suit stood flustered within the open doorway. “Simone Alucard Raynar, how nice of you to join us. Did you get lost along the way?”
Simone shook her head, caught off guard on so many sides she stuttered. “No—no, ma’am.”
“Then what are you waiting for? A written invitation?”
“No—no, ma’ma.”
“Then get inside this instant!”
“Y—yes, ma’am.” Simone bowed hastily a couple of times.
The young teacher moved aside, affording Simone space to enter the classroom. Head bowed visibly, Simone hurried into the room, looking chastened and embarrassed.
Once the girl was inside, the young teacher turned her attention on me, and regarded me with a disgruntled expression. “Don’t you have a class to attend, young man?”
“I was just making sure she didn’t get lost along the way.” Bowing to her respectfully, I added, “If you’ll excuse me.”
I turned away and walked down the wide corridor to my classroom some thirty meters away. After knocking on the door politely, I was ushered inside by the teacher who looked none too pleased, so I quickly settled in at my desk.
Sitting beside me to my right, Caprice ignored me, her attention rapt on her smart-desk.
But a minute later, I received a message from her desk to mine.
I typed back a silent reply.
With the neural headset dialed up, I briefly wondered how much worse this day could get, before my thoughts fell into a neat line and my concentration narrowed upon the lecture.
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