《You can't run me, can you》Chapter 14 master, where's your face


When Wang Ziyu came to meet him, muyuan didn't show up. He was very busy.

I didn't sleep all night. I felt like I was hollowed out.

So after asking about the record, I went to the duty room and lay for an hour, full of blood - it's good to be young.

I went out to eat breakfast. When I got back to the office, I met director Yang.

He was supposed to have an office with Xiaowu yesterday, but today Yang Suo changed his mind.

Change offices.

Of course, it's impossible to have a single office. Even at the level of deputy director Zhao, it's impossible to enjoy a single office - the office of the police station is not so rich.

This time, Yang Suo arranged Moyuan in Liu Chaohua's office.

Liu Chaohua is the old Liu mentioned by Yang Suo, and he is also a deputy director in charge of the investigation squadron.

Originally, Lao Liu had a colleague sitting opposite him, but because he couldn't bear the endless overtime work of the police station, he found a way to transfer to the Urban Construction Bureau. It's said that now he's about to mention the auxiliary section, which makes people envious and helpless.

"Liu Suo!" Moyuan quickly turned on the computer and said, "what do you think I can do?"

Liu Chaohua, who was sitting opposite, said: "Xiao Mu, it's too much to call Liu Suo. I don't know how old you are. You can call me brother Liu. "

It's not much older than a few years, because it's more than ten years older.

Muyuan naturally won't really refute this matter, and says, "OK, brother Liu! I'm a young man. Brother Liu will have to take care of me in the future. "

"You have a sweet mouth! But who dares to take care of you? " Liu Chaohua said with a smile, "I won't talk about that yesterday. Today, catching Zhao Yuanchao is definitely a textbook case. It is estimated that the whole institute and even the whole situation will have to learn from you."

He's really in a good mood! It's hard to see the punishment once.

"Good luck!" Muyuan smiles modestly.

The next second, his smile was brighter.

Liu Chaohua sees the other side's eyes aiming at his side, but the smile makes him feel shivering.

"Xiaomu, what's the matter? Is there anything on my face? " With that, Liu Chaohua reached out and touched his face a few times.


Mu yuan a Leng, see the other side that is showing silly action, quickly hold back smile, way: "nothing."

Liu Chaohua may also feel that he is a fool. He coughed and said, "Xiao Mu, I heard that you are going to be a policeman in the future?"

"I have the idea." Mu Yuan said seriously.

Liu Chaohua said: "it's quite a policeman. You have to learn some laws and regulations well now, which will help you grow up in the future. Here is a copy of the procedural provisions for handling criminal cases. You can have a look if you have nothing to do. "

"Don't listen to him! There's nothing wrong with learning laws and regulations well, but it has nothing to do with your growth, which can prevent you from being punished or even put into prison because of illegal procedures. " A long voice came, but deputy director Zhao came in. The tone was like a complaining woman.

Muyuan's expression is numb. As a newcomer, it's better not to participate in this topic.

Sure enough, Liu Chaohua glared at deputy director Zhao and said, "Lao Zhao, young man, we have to motivate ourselves to make progress. You're a terrible thinker."

"Did I say that I would not let Xiao Mu learn?" Deputy director Zhao, with a look on his face, said, "it's just that we have different purposes. I'm for him to better protect himself at work. And your words seem to set a high life goal for the other party, but in fact they are not. We'll be hit in the future. "

Liu Chaohua put up a white flag: "your mouth, no one can say you."

Deputy director Zhao smiles triumphantly and looks at Mu yuan. He is preparing to give him some more poisonous chicken soup. However, he finds that the boy is reading a book with great enthusiasm and doesn't seem to listen to their discussion at all.

"This boy..." deputy director Zhao vomited a bad word, and didn't talk about it any more. He said, "Lao Liu, the next class will be handed over to you."

"Go, go!"

Liu Chaohua waved like a fly.

Deputy director Zhao sincerely said: "I wish you a prosperous business!"

"Go away!" Liu Chaohua burst out, "I'm too busy, don't you have to come back to work overtime?"


After the daily communication, deputy director Zhao walked away.

Liu Chaohua snored a few breaths, as if to exhaust the exhaust gas left by deputy director Zhao.

Then he saw that muyuan was reading seriously, so he didn't disturb him any more and began to do his own business.

Is mu yuan really reading?

With the system in hand, it's impossible to read a book. It's impossible to read a book in my life.

Just before he showed a brilliant smile, he got the system prompt that he successfully executed a task of punishing and eliminating evil. According to the evil degree of the villain and the host's participation, he was awarded 11 points of chivalry.

Mu yuan was very excited, on the one hand, because he got 11 chivalrous points, which was far more than expected. On the other hand, the reward was given earlier than expected.

Yesterday, the system decided that the task was completed only after the decision of administrative punishment was made.

According to this calculation, the reward this time should be at least after the suspect is put into the detention house, and even after the court has made a guilty verdict.

But it turns out that the system is very kind, and there is no idea of defaulting on the wages of migrant workers.

Muyuan speculated on the criteria of the system again, and the time node to judge whether the task is completed is the time node that the suspect handed over from his own hands. In other words, as long as the suspect is not within his control, that is, he can no longer participate in the process of handling a case, the system will start to determine the completion of his task.

This view is also consistent with the previous tips given by the system: the reward of chivalrous value is directly related to one's participation.

Just... The chivalrous value of 11 points, how high is your participation? Or low?

A few seconds later, muyuan despised himself. The judgment of participation can be found out naturally. Why do you want so much now?

The top priority is not to see what the 11 points of chivalry can do?

"Xiao Tongzi, Lao Tzu is 12 o'clock chivalrous. How can the exchange interface still not appear?"


Just when muyuan's mentality was about to explode, a form popped up in the virtual box in front of him.

"Chivalrous value mall? Is the level of naming negative? "

In the upper right corner, there are two numbers: 12 / 12.

This should be related to his 12 point chivalrous value, but why it is expressed in this form is still unclear.

Looking down, there are two very beautiful patterns, which are painted with cards in white.

There are two buttons at the bottom of the pattern. One says "take one" and the other says "take ten".

Σ( っ °Д°;) っ

"Cards? What the hell? Are they all card takers? " Muyuan is desperate. He hates to draw cards.

No way, the fear of being dominated by card hand games will never be forgotten.

"Xiao Tongzi, get out!" Muyuan wants to treat the system gently, but his words are always so irritable. This mentality is the same as parents treat their children.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Muyuan habitually ignored the details and asked: "didn't you say exchange props? What's the matter with this withdrawal? Want to pit my chivalry? "

"Where's your face, master? I'm too lazy to give it to you. "

Muyuan: ┓ (') ┏

I'm so upset!

He was silent.

Sure enough, two seconds later, Xiao Tongzi said: "master, this is the rule of the system of natural punishment. What kind of props you can get depends on your luck. As long as it's the props you've drawn, they will appear in the props mall and can be exchanged directly. "

Muyuan some understand, way: "props mall where?"

"Idiot, now there is no props. Where's the props mall?"

Muyuan exploded instantly: "get rough! Can't there be a mall without props? What about the vacant ones? "

"Isn't that the ears of the deaf? As an IQ online system, this kind of thing can't be done. "

(╯ °Д°) ╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯?

Mu yuan shriveled his mouth and didn't intend to argue any more - he didn't feel much achievement when he quarreled with a non-human.

The most urgent thing is to see what kind of rule the card drawing is.

Jade Emperor, Buddha, God, Zeus bless (do not know where the system is drilled out, there is always a suitable for you)! I hope not too much!

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