《You can't run me, can you》第7章 就是這個味兒 Chapter 7 is the taste


At 10 p.m., the newly built office building of Huacheng District Public Security Bureau was magnificent and solemn.

The badge on the top of the building was shining under the light, driving away the darkness of the night.

Next to the office building is a lower office building, which is the case handling center of the branch office and also the office building of the criminal investigation team.

In the conference room on the fourth floor, 78 people sat around the meeting table, dotted with stars and smoke.

Yes, this is the scene of Moyuan dream police breaking their scalp and studying cases.

"The Qinglong Street replied, and no one was found. I will continue to look for it tomorrow, but I hope it is not very good. " Captain Liu had bitter and astringent face, and his bald head hair seemed to be a few less.

A young policeman less than 30 played with a pen in one hand, looked at the map of Huacheng District hanging on the wall, and said with a little doubt: "will they miss anything? After all, it's not specialized in criminal investigation, it's not professional. "

"Wang Ziyu, don't affect unity!" Li, the first deputy director in front of him, stared at him.

The young man stretched his neck and then shrunk back.

"Several incidents were in Qinglong Street police station. The monitoring shows that the activity area of this person is also around Qinglong Street. From the perspective of the crime characteristics, this person is very familiar with Qinglong Street District, and the place chosen for each crime is very hidden, and the blind area of pedestrian sight is all. If this person is not a person in Qinglong Street, it is not too much to say

"But for a long time, the people of more than 100 people in Qinglong Street have been walking through almost every community and every residential building, and no suspicious target has been found. Can this man still drill the earth? "

"Is it going to be our wrong direction?"

"What if the back-up owner who we have been listed as a suspect is not a suspect?"

The people are silent. If the direction is wrong, then everything before is useless.

Although the investigators do often do not work hard, this time we do not want to. The previous four crimes were only two days apart. In time, this bastard will be active again tomorrow and tomorrow.

For a while, the smoke in the meeting room was even stronger.

"Or we should find an expert in crime portraits," Wang said suddenly

"We have done computer simulation portraits before, and the effect is not ideal." "The main victims are children, and the suspects choose to commit crimes in the early hours or the evening. The light is not very good, so effective simulation images cannot be obtained."


Wang Ziyu had originally wanted to refute the computer simulation, but listened to the following sentence and shut up.

Even if the expert who is forced by cattle can not describe the appearance of the suspect, he or she will have to be blind.

Captain Liu suddenly pressed his cigarette head in the ashtray.

"We'll work overtime tonight. Feng long, your group will monitor the surrounding area of the crime site again tonight, and don't let go of any details. "

"The rest, half of them, stay in the team, and give me a look at the surveillance. All the important intersections near Qinglong Street are under control. All the rest, go and squat. "

"Old Wang, you will contact the victim Guardian again tomorrow morning to try to learn more about the characteristics of some suspects."

"As a serial molestation case, no biological materials were left on the scene, and the odor environment was destroyed, indicating that the bastard had a strong anti reconnaissance consciousness. We must be ready for a long-term war Li Bureau, do you have anything to emphasize? "

Vice director Li looked around and felt the heavy atmosphere in the meeting room and said: "we should have enough sensitivity to this case, so as to make the case loose and internal tight, and solve the case quickly and quickly. The Municipal Bureau also gave clear instructions, two third-class places, one individual, one collective. I hope you can get all the energy to bring the suspects to justice as soon as possible... "

A few short sentences, but they have mobilized everyone's enthusiasm.

Third class! In a capital city like Xihua, it is necessary to obtain a serious and large case before it can be obtained. Now, a molestation case promises two third-class positions. This is unprecedented.

But it also shows the fact that the case has also made the city feel pressure and has to take some measures to mobilize the enthusiasm of the following investigators.


The bus was rolling slowly, and Moyuan closed his eyes in a way that was about to sleep.

This is No. 98 bus, which belongs to a very cold door line. You can find a place to take a seat when you get on the bus at any time.

Soon, the bus stopped at a station, Moyuan put his hand in his pocket and got off the back door.

He did not leave immediately after getting off, but slipped up on the platform.

A few minutes later, a little disappointment flashed in Moyuan's eyes.

"The seventh stop, waste 14 yuan, also do not know whether can report."

When another bus No. 98 came, Moyuan got on again.


The bus around 10 p.m., like a donkey with enough grass, ran to make a happy run.

But in seven or eight minutes, the bus broadcast rang: Linxia road arrived. Please get off the bus from the back door. Please pay attention to safety. Lixia Road arrived,the passengers get ……

Moyuan got up again, and Shi ran went underground to the bus.

In the moment of getting off, Moyuan's eyes brightened.

"Yes! That's the taste! "

He smelled the familiar smell of foot sweat again, some spicy eyes.

In Qinghua lane a few hours ago, Moyuan smelled that sweat disappeared on the horse's teeth, and concluded that the man should have left by car and took a taxi.

Moyuan can not determine the exact time of each other's departure through breath. Even if it is only an hour, there are thousands of vehicles passing on this road, which is not of screening value at all.

Besides, for the possibility of the suspect leaving by car, the police handling the case of the project team can definitely take into account, and have carried out corresponding investigation. Since there is no clue, it is no significance to follow up in this direction.

Just as Moyuan was ready to give up, he suddenly reacted. Since the guy's way to escape the scene of the crime is not going to work, he will go along the route he enters the scene.

After that, Moyuan spent most of the hour, relying on the smell of the African elephant, and found the location where the other party entered the scene.

bus station.

It's not a standard bus platform, there is only a standing line sign, and there is only one bus on it, that is No. 98.

Although the suspect may also be taking a taxi to get off here, it is judged that it is more likely to take the bus according to the situation on the spot. Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, Moyuan decides to follow it down.

This chase followed eight stations, Moyuan almost gave up.

Now, there are many fools on the sidewalk on the south side of Linxia road. When you go a distance, you can turn around aimlessly

It's also impossible. After all, it has been two days since the smell has gone away seriously.

Moyuan said: you can't see me! I kept breathing deep on the other side.

After walking along Linxia road for more than 200 meters, the long-distance eyes suddenly brightened, and the smell of the spicy eyes suddenly became strong.

Judging from the intensity of the breath, the person should be in the last hour to be active here.

If there is no accident, the old man's nest should be nearby.

"So simple?" Moyuan was confused, "this is what the guys in the project team do?"

Moyuan decided to ignore these details first, it is serious to catch talents.

Now the breath here is so strong that it is easy to track Moyuan.

Along a route with the most strong smell, Moyuan is constantly looking at the surrounding environment.

Environment can affect one's psychology, and one's psychology can decide what kind of environment he chooses, life or crime

"Noble community... Elegant environment..."

"Bright, good at camouflage, well educated... Dark inside..."

Slowly, a vague image gradually becomes three-dimensional in the Moyuan mind.

The Moyuan brain is a little muddled at this moment, the ghost knows what his brain has experienced? How can we analyze this?

Suddenly, Moyuan Lingguang flashed, thinking of the criminal psychological portrait technology that he just got, which seems to be... It is not so chicken ribs.

If I can know more details of the crime, I may be able to find out the behavior habits of the suspect. Even in this kind of serial case, there is a certain chance to guess the time and place of the next crime.

More than ten minutes later, Moyuan stopped and looked forward.

Under the street lamp more than 30 meters away, there was a middle-aged man of nearly 40 years old.

Nearly a meter eight, slim, with a backpack on his back - this dress is common and usually carries a bag for product marketing.

The light was from top to bottom, and the man's face was clearly angled.

Moyuan pretended to walk by unconsciously, and when he passed the man, he had not yet reached ten meters, and the smell stopped.

It is clear that if there is no accident, this person should be the person he is looking for.

It is not certain whether he is a suspect or not.

Although the Liu brigade of the criminal investigation team said that the suspect was tall and large, and there was a great difference with the person in front of him, but Moyuan was not taken seriously.

Is the conclusion of the criminal investigation team correct?

Crime habits?

Ha ha

For a criminal with a strong sense of anti reconnaissance, the habit left to the police may be a hole.

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