《You can't run me, can you》Chapter 6 beautiful picture


Mu yuan was very angry: "Xiao Tongzi, get out!"

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Muyuan took a deep breath and kept reciting: hold it! This is my own system! This is my own system!

But at the thought of the technology just acquired, muyuan's heart is on fire.

"What do you mean? Training Lao Tzu as a police dog? What about odor identification? Can't we just talk about improving olfactory sensitivity? "

"Master, you are stupid! There's no point in just improving olfactory sensitivity. When you smell a smell, you know what it is? What can be analyzed from the smell? "

Mu yuan glared like a bull: "this is not the point, OK? Shouldn't the normal sense of odor identification technology be to identify and judge with the help of instruments and dogs? You're such a technology. Let me smell it with my nose. Don't you bring one like this? "

"Keep quiet, little one!"


Muyuan is helpless. It's really special. Damn it.

Originally, it's a good thing that the olfactory sensitivity is improved. You can solve the case by yourself. When others ask you how to solve it, do you say you can smell it with your nose?

It's estimated that in the future, when we solve the cases and pursue them, we will not take the police dog, but we will take ourselves.

It's a stain on my life.

Can Mu yuan also see, even if oneself again how vomit bad, foul cheap system also won't change this result, still can how?

"Who is to blame? Blame yourself... Who let his hand cheap! If you don't talk about it in the future, it's impossible for others to know, isn't it? "

In addition, after opening the gift bag, we should never use the toilet, even if we just wash our hands.

After comforting him, muyuan felt better.

He took a deep breath and


He didn't feel anything just now, but after taking a deep breath, he felt as if he had fallen into a septic tank, which was still ten years old.

Not only that, but also the smell of lime on the wall, the smell of disinfectant after mopping the floor, the smell of human body, the smell of sweat, the smell of hand sanitizer

All kinds of tastes are mixed, and that's it.

He didn't know how he could distinguish so much flavor from his breath. Anyway, he did feel it. What's more, he could know the year.

After more than ten seconds, he finally recovered.

"Good fellow! It's too exciting to practice deep breathing in the bathroom in the future! "

But it's really powerful.

Forenoon, it was not only a smell, but also a smell of what was emitted from the smell, and it was sporadic about some time. For example, there was a perfume smell which was left from 10 to 12 yesterday morning. Although there is only a breath left, it is still sniffed out by the nose of Mu yuan than the dog's spirit.


"With this skill, it's not as simple as drinking water to solve a case and arrest people?" Muyuan was intoxicated with himself.

It's delicious

However, he also knows that things are not so simple, and there are certain restrictions on such things.

The reason why I can smell so much in the bathroom is that it is a closed space and the smell is not easy to send out.

In the open space outside, the smell will not last so long. Moreover, rain, snow, fog and other weather will also have an impact on the residual odor.


Sitting back on the chair in the duty room, Mu yuan's heart itches.

It's like the monkey king, who has just learned 72 changes, always wants to show off.

Of course, Moyuan didn't want to show off his odor identification technology, but wanted to solve the case.

"Brother Wu, when was the last time the serial case happened?"

Xiao Wu's name is Wu Dechang. He is a veteran in his twenties. He has been an assistant police officer in Qinglong Street police station for four years. He is a veteran.

Hearing Mu yuan's question, Wu Dechang, who was browsing the website, quickly looked up and said in a low voice, "don't discuss this case disorderly. The leader has told me that it should be kept secret."


"That bastard's targets are all minors."

Mu yuan is stunned, but the nameless fire in his heart is more and more prosperous.


At this moment, Mu yuan suddenly understood his father's mood. He had never been so eager to bring someone to justice. Even if he let this guy out for another day, he felt that it was a crime.

Wu Dechang looked outside again, and the people in the reception area were almost gone.

"No! Although this case is not big, but the impact is too bad, the overall situation is holding a strong, determined to catch that guy. You don't know how rampant this bastard is. The last time he committed a crime, it was in the dead end of Qinghua Lane behind our police station. Don't listen to my previous complaints. If I have a chance to catch this guy, I will work overtime. "

"I will, too!" Mu yuan's eyes twinkled with strange light.

Wu Dechang glanced at him, but he couldn't talk any more.

Just then, several people came into the door. They were director Zhao.

"Brother Zhao, didn't you bring anyone back?" Wu Dechang looked at director Zhao and asked.

Zhao Xing'an glared at him and said, "what? Do you think this class is worth too much leisure? "

"How can I?" Wu Dechang said with a smile, "I'm not listening to brother Zhao. You just said there was a fight. I'm ready to stay up tonight."


"The dispute caused by the traffic accident, when the police call the police, it is said that the sky is about to collapse. As a result, they just push and shove a few times and hand it over to the traffic police brigade for handling." Zhao Xingan casually explained a sentence.

Zhou Bin and Liu Xia, who worked with him to deal with the police, also put down their single police equipment and went to work on other things.

Zhao Xingan waved and drove Wu Dechang away from his chair. Then he sat down and the chair creaked a few times.

"Xiaomu, the work of the police station is very complicated..."

A burst of crackle to tell, muyuan feel his forehead jump badly.

Finally, Zhao Xingan summed up: "well, in fact, after saying so much, you don't need to remember one by one. After contacting for a while, you will understand naturally."

Mu yuan was a little bit confused. He found that the deputy director of Zhao should have the attribute of being a good teacher.

Zhao Xing'an looked at his watch and said, "it's almost time to get off work too. Xiao Mu, you just arrived at the Institute today. It's estimated that there are still some things unfinished. You won't be on the night shift tonight. But you can have dinner before you leave. The canteen is not bad. "

"Thank you, brother Zhao." Mu yuan smiles innocently.



Out of the police station, muyuan belched a few times all the way.

"The food in the police station is really good. It's countless times better than the steamed bread last night... Well, it's also better than the school canteen. The important thing is that it's free."

Mu yuan Baji mouth, eyes but keep looking around.

"Qinghua Lane!"

He saw a road sign and his eyes lit up.

Inadvertently stroll in, the lane is not very wide, both sides covered with tall trees, you can see that this lane for some years.

Mu yuan carefully observed the surroundings and searched every lane.

"Dead end... It's not here... It's in the neighborhood... Eh? There is a high wall at the end of the alley. It should be right. "

Muyuan walked into the alley quickly.

The small advertisements pasted on the wall are very thick, and with black and blue bricks, they have a strong sense of history.

This should belong to the lighting area between the two buildings. The high wall is newly built in the back, which belongs to the wall of the community behind.

At the end, muyuan found a corner, less than four meters deep, and then there was no way out.

"This is really a good place to do evil."

Muyuan took a deep breath.

"Nim fuck, a heavy perfume, and there is still residual alcohol. It's deliberate." Muyuan can't laugh or cry.

In fact, the smell here is not so strong. Even normal people can't smell these smells. However, muyuan's nose is very smart. With a deep breath, even if only a few odorous molecules enter the nostrils, they can be identified.

"Well, director Zhao! It seems right. He should have led the police at that time. The time should have been yesterday morning It's a pity that the breath is a little weak, and I don't know if the breath left by the suspect is still there. "

"Hoo... Hoo..."

Muyuan frowned. He didn't smell any valuable smell except the smell of director Zhao.

"According to the law of residual air, the time of residual air is the shortest. If you stay in a place for a long time, the place with the strongest residual smell should be... The ground."

His eyes were fixed on the ground with a tangled face.

Do you want to sniff on the ground? This is a problem.

Two seconds later, he said hello to the eighteen ancestors of the system in his heart, and then he lay on the ground with his nose close to the ground!

"Hoo... Hoo..."

The picture is too beautiful to look directly at.

If this picture is seen by others, it will be on tomorrow's hot search!

Suddenly, Mu yuan's eyes brightened: "time, around 6 pm the day before yesterday... Two people... A man and a woman... The smell of the woman also has some milk fragrance, the age should be under 10 years old... Man, NIMA! Have beriberi, this smell, really special, strong enough! "

"Next, follow the rules and find people."

Muyuan naturally can't smell out the street along the alley like a dog, he still wants to face!

Fortunately, the residual breath on the ground will still slowly escape into the air. If you don't smell it directionally, it's hard to distinguish it. But now muyuan has confirmed the breath. As long as you have patience, it's OK to follow.

But ten minutes later, muyuan gave up his idea.

"The bastard left in a car."

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