《You can't run me, can you》Chapter 4 come on, hurt each other!


Moyuan is excited! I got the first prize at last.

But Moyuan also has some depression and worry.

Compared with the criminal psychological portrait technology which has already known the results, Shen Bing is more looking forward to becoming a police reward.

The system said, the reward is rich! Is it better than this technology of crime psychological portrait?

Now I have been officially working, right? I also made a record of the inquiry. Although the object of the question was himself, was it a job? But the system just didn't respond a little, which was embarrassing.

Isn't the auxiliary police police?

He was a bit dull looking at the computer screen when he thought about it.

"Wait a second!" Moyuan gave himself a drum.

Actually also have no choice, can wait for what? Do you really make yourself a formal police officer for ten days? Well, it's only nine days left.

"Xiaomu, this police station works! "It's complicated..." Xiao Wu sits opposite Moyuan and tells us in a gesture of people coming.

But before he finished speaking, the hall remembered a hissing.

"The meeting is over! Emergency meeting, get to 301! "

Moyuan is still a little bit ignorant, but small martial arts is like a fire on the buttocks, suddenly jump up, grab the notebook and pen on the table, and go out.

Suddenly saw the face of the face to look at their Moyuan, said: "you go not?"

"Go? Or not? " Some of Moyuan's parties, he did not know whether he should go or not to go at this time.

"Then go!" Xiao Wu picked up another notebook and found a pen to hand it to Moyuan.

Moyuan took up his pen and drew the painting: "this... No ink?"

"Well... It's going to work."

Moyuan eyes burning at him, this can still be used?

Xiaowu, he, smiled and said, "don't be so strange. The most missing thing in the office is pen. Now you are in a hurry to find it. It's not really. Anyway, when meeting, no one will see if you remember it in your notebook. Should you always do it? "

So, there is such a god operation! Moyuan get.

In just three minutes, the meeting room was packed with people, and it was said that the police were really much better than students in terms of prohibitions.

Moyuan felt a little awkward, the police uncle in the police uniform, on his own, a proper rate of 100%.

But Moyuan is also very lucky, Xiao Wu with himself sitting in the back corner of the conference room, or it will be really wax.

"Brother Wu, do you know what it is?" Moyuan has a new consciousness as a sprout, and asks if you don't understand it.


Xiaowu whispered, "who knows? It is estimated that there are any cases of such a fire. "

Moyuan's cognition was refreshed again. In his impression, a big case happened. Should it be several people who gathered together in a small conference room, smoking and burning, and researching the direction of investigation? What is the matter of bringing together more than 100 people in the whole institute?

benefit by mutual discussion?

At this time, several people came in from the door and strode to the podium.

Moyuan only recognizes one of them, which is the director of Yang.

But at the moment, director Yang accompanied a middle-aged policeman of similar age to him, and he was a little behind half a step, walking and saying something.

Xiaowu cried and was sad: "there must be a big case. It's over."

"Why?" Moyuan looked at Xiaowu in a puzzled way.

"Yang was accompanied by deputy director Li in charge of criminal investigation, and the one next to Director Li was chief Liu of the criminal investigation team. What good can you say these two people are here? "

"It's good to have a case!" Moyuan was lost in a moment.

Shouldn't you be excited when there are big cases as police? Although you are just a police assistant, but also the police, aren't you? Well, the system should think the same way.

Xiao Wu turned to see Moyuan, a pair of summer insects can not speak ice look, lazy to explain.

Moyuan is like a curious baby, turning the arm of Xiaowu, and said, "brother Wu, tell me."

Xiaowu broke his finger and said, "last weekend, there were leaders coming to our jurisdiction to investigate and secure! I'll be gone if I say no at the weekend. Last weekend, yesterday and the day before yesterday, I was on duty for three consecutive days, and it ended tomorrow morning. I should have been on a day off tomorrow, and as a result... Ha ha. "

"But in order to handle the case, should not have the spirit of" night after day, sleep and food forgetting " Moyuan thought of his father.

Xiaowu glanced at Moyuan and said, "spirit? The daily chores of the police station can get you nervous. Besides, what spirit you say can not be supported by the sense of achievement and honor! But these big cases, have been done, that is the credit of the criminal investigation department, and the police station grass-roots police half a gross relationship has no relationship. But all the investigation and visits, blockade and network investigation tasks are all pulled up to the police station. In the end, don't say that the credit is done, and there is no hard work. You're happy to change it? "

Moyuan thought about it with his head crooked. It seems... Not happy.


People have a little temper, and the police are no exception.

Just as he said, director Yang started to speak: "well, now the meeting is in urgent need. I will make a short talk. Today, director Li and captain Liu came to our office, mainly for the investigation of the 5.13 indecent cases. Now, Captain Liu is invited to make relevant work arrangements. "

Captain Liu is a thin middle-aged man, bald, no TV series of the captain of criminal investigation that the same kind of sassing, it is estimated that no one can recognize the throw in the street.

He sorted out the information on the table, which was concise and concise: "since last week, four cases of molestation have occurred in our jurisdiction. After considering the four cases' methods of committing crimes, the choice of the objects of the crime and the time of the crimes, the four cases meet the conditions of the series of cases. After asking for instructions, the four cases have been investigated. At present, we have some important clues, one of which is the back image of the suspect, which is relatively tall and large. At the same time, it is preliminarily determined that the person is a Qinglong Street person, and the specific information will be printed and distributed to you. In order to prevent suspects from escaping from fear of crime, we should immediately organize police forces to conduct carpet investigation in Qinglong Street... "

Xiaowu listened, and looked at Moyuan, trying to show off his wisdom to each other. But he found that Moyuan looked at the platform with burning eyes. His earnest strength was comparable to the primary school students in the classroom.

However, he did not know that Moyuan was in a state of stupidity at the moment. His eyes were not the podium, but the virtual picture in the field of vision.

"Get the reward!"

After the idea was confirmed, a stream of clear water turned around his brain, and then felt that people had been forced to plug a lot of things in his brain.

"The technique of criminal psychological portrait, this skill... A little weak chicken!" Moyuan spits a bad sentence inside, "still system, really so stingy!"

The so-called psychological portrait of crime is to analyze the unknown behavior of the suspect, including the related behaviors, motives, psychological process and psychological characteristics of the suspects, and then describe the characters and characteristics of the suspect through the text. It describes the criminal psychology of the perpetrator and serves the investigation work by analyzing the various appearances or information that the perpetrator left behind to reflect his specific criminal psychology.

The technology of psychological portrait is not the subjective assumption of the person who makes criminal psychology research, but has a strong scientific nature.

Moyuan can get expert level criminal psychological portrait technology, which is absolutely very compelling.

But the technology itself has many uncertainties, such as the unreliable data and the uncertainty of the research conclusion, which can drive people with obsessive-compulsive disorder to go mad, which is also the main reason for Moyuan's bad vomiting.

What Moyuan wants is the ability to escape from the sky, such as Monkey King's wrestling cloud.

"Fortunately, there is any chivalrous value. It should be good. Remember that there was a game where chivalrous value was set. You can get it when you want to take a thief. You can accumulate a certain amount of chivalrous value, and even the artifact can be exchanged. I don't ask high. Give me a cudgel of luck, or give me seven dragon beads. If you call a dragon, you will force the cow. "

"What is the use of chivalry, xiaotongzi?"

"Exchange props." The system didn't spit up this time.

Moyuan is very confused: "where to exchange? There is no exchange interface? "

"Silly x, right? You're only a little chivalrous. You can exchange a fart. "

“ヽ(#` Д′)?! You have brain disabilities, right? I asked where to exchange! "

"Silly x, if you have enough chivalry, you will have a list of exchange."

If the system has facial expressions, it must feel very interesting at the moment: come on, hurt each other

Moyuan heart will be a little son scolded a dog bloody, by the way will make this system fool also scolded, do what is so cheap system!

"How to get chivalrous value?"

"Tick! Master, your IQ is in arrears. Please recharge it in time. " Xiaotongzi said a very systematic sentence, and then said in a flattering way, "since it is called chivalrous value, you can naturally uphold justice. The more criminals you catch, the more chivalrous you get. At the same time, the criminal has different degrees of crime and different chivalrous values. "

"NIMA! It's been pit again. "

I thought that the 1 point of chivalrous value was a task reward. The criminals can get the emotional arrest.

However, Moyuan also understood why the system wanted to be a police officer.

Later, my name is "criminal star"! No, it should be called "criminal star".

I don't know when even director Li's speech has come to the end.

"... all personnel are required to attach great importance to it and keep confidential during the process of investigation. Director Yang, the next thing will be handed over to you. "

"Li bureau is assured that we will do things well." Said Yang Suu Rong.

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