《Kirishima X Reader Beauty and the Beast AU》Chapter fifteen Y/N


After we ate dinner, dad and papa decided it was getting late and we should head home. Shinso, Eric, and I were kinda sad when hearing this, since we were having fun. Shinso was enjoying hanging out with Denki, Eric enjoyed hanging out with Mina, and I was enjoying hanging out with Kirishima. Dad did say we could come back, which was kinda surprising since, he was glaring at Kirishima and Denki the whole time.

I hummed as we walked, planning on going to bed as soon as we got home. "You seem happy, " Shinso says, falling into step with me.

"I'm acting the same as always, " I shrug, wishing he wouldn't make a big deal about this.

"No, you aren't, you're humming, you never humming, " he points out.

"Oh right, I don't know what's up with that, I can stop if you want me to, " I mutter, starting to feel subconscious about my voice.

"No! Your voice is beautiful!" This causes me to blush and nod as we exit the woods.

Soon after exiting the woods, we made it home, thankfully we didn’t run into any problems, if you know what I mean. I went straight to my room, I just wanted sleep, although it most likely won’t come, it never does. I quickly got ready for bed and laid down, looking up at the ceiling, I started to hear hushed whispers. “I don’t know how I feel about this Kirishima guy…” I hear dad say, as I activate my quirk.

“I don’t see anything wrong with him,” papa replies. I smile, hearing papa stick up for me, I wasn’t really happy with dad saying what he said, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it.

She’s happier than normal,” Shinso chimes in, causing me to frown. Why was he involved in this? This wasn’t any of his business! I can see dad and papa talking about it, but Shinso?

I curled up into a ball, why were they talking about me with Shinso? I didn’t like when others talked about me behind my back, but it was worse when my brother was involved! On another note, why didn’t they trust Kiri? Would I still be able to see him? So many questions ran through my head as I laid there with my knees glued to my chest, silently crying. I knew I now had to pretend to stay happy or else they would know something was up.

I hated pretending everything was ok, it was painful on the inside. I continued to listen to their conversation which mostly consisted of worrying for me, then convincing dad that Kiri was a good guy despite his past.


I deactivated my quirk, not wanting to hear any more as I laid there, drifting off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning, coughing violently. No one could figure out why I got so sick, it was a really weird drawback when you think about it. You would expect the drawbacks to be going deaf for a bit or losing my voice, but not me, I was the odd one out, and I didn’t like it. I knew that if I went downstairs, they would know I used my quirk, and they prefer me not to use it, because it could get really bad.

I needed to go downstairs soon though, they unfortunately wouldn’t let me sit in my room all day. After about thirty minutes, I finally got myself out of bed, and decided to take a shower, hoping that the coughing would be out of my system by then, plus I actually felt like taking a shower, which was rare.

I pushed myself out of bed and headed over to the bathroom, grabbing a towel on the way. I hummed as I turned on the water and undressed before hopping in the shower. As I washed my hair, I started to cough again. When I pulled my hand back through, what I saw terrified me. Blood!? I quickly washed it off my hands, finished washing my hair, then got out of the shower, dried off, and got dressed. I put on a red tank top and blue jean shorts.

I grabbed a few tissues for later and headed downstairs, taking a deep breath, I put a fake smile on my face, not wanting anyone to worry. “Morning,” Shinso says, as I walk downstairs.

“Morning,” I reply, looking over at him. He frowned when he saw my face, causing me to frown as well. Could he tell I was faking my smile? Could he see the fear on my face? "Is there something on my face?"

"No, but are you ok? You seem pale, " he says, concerned. I mentally curse at myself for not checking my face before coming downstairs.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I lie, chuckling, nervously.

"Ok," he says, but I can tell he didn't believe me. I give a fake, reassuring smile and walk to the living room, sitting down on the couch, I activate my quirk.

I hear footsteps walking the opposite direction, figuring Shinso was walking towards his room. When I felt like he wasn't gonna say anything to anyone, I was about to deactivate my quirk when I heard him knock on a door. Once I heard this, I decided to keep my quirk activated.


"Dad, can I come in?" Shinso asks.

"Yeah, what's up?" Dad asks.

"I'm worried about Y/N," he says, as I hear the door open.

"I thought we went over this last night, " papa chimes in.

"This is about something different, when she came downstairs, she looked kind of pale, and she acted as if something was really wrong, " Shinso explains.

"Well that isn't very good, has she used her quirk at all?" Papa asks.

"I don't think so, " Shinso mutters.

“Not unless she’s been spying on our conversations about her, I really home she hasn’t been, it might make her feel bad,” dad says, as he opens the door.

“Where are you going Shota?” Papa asks.

“To talk to Y/N,” I hear the door shut, and I quickly deactivate my quirk, picking up my book like everything was normal. About a minute later, he was downstairs, standing in front of me with his arms crossed, “Y/N.”

“Yeah?” I ask, putting down my book.

“Have you been usg your quirk to spy on our conversations about you?”

“No,” I lie, making sure to avoid eye contact, while also trying not to make it obvious.

“Look me in the eyes.” I gulped and looked him in the eyes, he looked pissed. I went to say something, but started to cough, so I quickly grabbed a tissue, coughing into it. Why now? Why did this have to happen in front of dad? I saw his face immediately go from pissed too concerned, “Y/N?”

Balling up the tissue and stuffing it in my pocet, I looked up at him, “yes?”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I lie, again my eyes looking anywhere but his.

“Y/N, please talk to me, I can’t help you if you don’t.”

I shake my head, “I’m fine.”

“Y/N, show me the tissue.” he demands, but I shake my head, not making any movement to grab it. He sighs and stands up, “fine, don’t tell me, you can tell me anything through,” he says, as he starts to walk off.

“My life is none of Shinso’s business.” I blurt out.

“What are you talking about?” Dad asks, turning around.

I sigh, “I overheard y’all the last two times y’all talked about me, I can see why you and papa would talk, but it’s none of Shinso’s business,” I began to rant.

“Y/N, he’s just worried about you,” dad says, trying to take his side.

“It’s really none of his business though.”

“How did you hear us?”

“With my quirk…”

Dad sighs, “did it cause you to get sick again?” I look away, not wanting to answer hime. “Y/N,” he says, when I don’t answer.

“Fine, yes it did…”

“How sick?”

“I’m coughing up blood,” I whisper.

“What? I can’t hear you, speak up.”

“I said, I’m coughing up blood.”

I looked up to see his eyes widen, “Y/N! Why didn’t you tell anyone sooner!? How long has this been going on?”

“Since this morning,” I reply, looking down.

“Y/N, you need to see a doctor! Go get ready,” he says, walking off. I groan and get up, walking upstairs. As I head to my room, I see Eri standing at my door.

“Eri?” I ask, walking over to her.

“Y/N! I was worried about you!” She exclaims, jumping on me. I giggle and pick her up, opening up the door to my room, I walk inside, playfully tossing her on the bed, causing her to giggle as well, as she looks at me.

“Don’t worry, you have no need to worry for me,” I smile, as I sit down beside her. She scooted over and hugged me tightly. “I do have to get ready to go somewhere,” I say, standing up.

“Can I come with you?” She asks, hopefully.

“No, I’m sorry, but this is something you don’t need to know about, but when I get back we can hang out together, sound good?”

“Yay!” she exclaims, jumping up, “I’ll see you soon, bye Y/N!”

“Bye!” I chuckle, shaking my head, as she shuts my door, I start getting ready to go to the dreaded doctors. I quickly get dressed and head downstairs to see dad waiting for me by the front door. We both headed out and got in the car, with dad in the driver's seat, and me in the passenger seat, we headed towards the doctor's office.

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