《Kirishima X Reader Beauty and the Beast AU》Chapter fourteen Kirishima


I went to the kitchen to find Bakugo yelling at Todorokie. I sighed and walked over to him, “Bakugo can you start dinner? It’s getting kind of late.”

“Yeah sure, whatever shitty hair.” Bakugo says, jumping down from the table, and walking over to the stove.

“Oh, also make enough for our guests.”

“Whatever,” Bakugo mumbles, rolling his eyes.

I chuckle and walk into the living room where Y/N and her family were at to see them all looking confused, and Y/N blushing like crazy. This confused me so I asked, “what’s going on?”

“Denki mentioned something about him turning human if you and Y/N fall in love in time, but he won't tell us any more, can you explain?” Shinso asks.

I glared at Denki as I sighed, not exactly sure how I should explain it to them, to be honest, I really didn’t want them to know just yet. “Ok. so I used to be a bitch and I didn’t help out this old homeless lady who had actually turned out to be a witch, I know, it was very unmanly of me. This caused her to reveal her true form, she then cursed me and my friends to take these forms and enchanted a rose. She then proceeded to tell us that I must find someone to fall in love with me before the last petal fell off the rose she enchanted,” I explained as quickly as possible.

“Sounds like fun…” Shinso mutters.

“So you're telling me that you want my daughter to fall in love with you and break this curse?” Aizawa asks, glaring daggers into my soul.

“Well no, your daughter is amazing and I don’t expect her to fall for me, I don’t even know why Denki mentioned anything,” I grumbled. I glanced at Y/N and saw her blushing, which was pretty cute. I gave Y/N a slight smile, then looked at everyone else, “by the way, dinner will be ready soon,” I annonce, as I sat down beside Y/N. I saw Mic trying to keep Aizawa calm, while Shinso talked with Denki. I soon saw Mina and Eri run into the room, giggling.


I began to chat about random stuff with Y/N, glancing at Aizawa every now and then, since he was glaring daggers at me. I mentally groaned as I kept a smile on my face. A few minutes later, Bakugo came in and announced that dinner was done. Everyone stood up and made their way into the dining room to eat. When we got in there, I saw that it was only me, Bakugo, Denki, Shinso, Aizawa, Mic, Y/N, Mina, and Eri. I wasn’t sure where the others were, but I didn’t pay any mind to it, they disappeared a lot.

We made small talk, also known as the root of all evil, as we ate the steak Bakugo had made. The tension that was in the room before we sat down and ate, thankfully started to lessen as time went on. After everyone had finished eating, Y/N and her family started to head home, which saddened me a little, but I knew I would see her again soon, I can feel it in my gut.

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