《Infinite Wishes》Demon Hunting 4


“What just happened?”, asked Luna

“I don't really know, I my eyes were playing tricks on me.”, answered Casey

“It was probably the black mist, it probably had hallucination properties.”, for some reason Ron joined in the conversation.

“Oh yea, true, Keith has Darkness magic, hallucination is but a fraction of its power.”, said Luna again.

“Ahh yes, that makes sense now, wait Keith has Darkness magic?”, Casey was starting to get concerned again.

“Yes, and light magic, aaaand six other unidentified affi- wait.”

“Is something the problem Luna?”, I tried to act as normal as I can.

“Did you find out what the six affinities were yet?”, I did not mind telling her the truth, or Casey, but Ron was going to be a hassle. I couldn’t lie though, I am terrible at lying. You know what they say, many talents come with many weaknesses.

“Only four of them were identified, the other two are missing.”

“And they are?”

“Well, we can leave that for another time, but I can say this, none of them four are any of the basic elements.”

“I see, you did not conduct hallucination magic on us did you…”

“No, every darkness spell was aimed towards the demon, and none of them was hallucination.”

“Is this the power of genetics?”

“You can say that.”, this caught Ron’s attention

“Wait, what genetics, who could be possibly this strong other then the Hero and the Sage of the last war to have a superhuman child like this.”, well I guess he did deserve an explanation, but I did not want to be the one to explain it. I signal Luna with my chinny chin chin until she gets my message, she is a lot brighter than most her age, this made it easy to be with her.


“Uh, no one knows this and I recommend you not tell this to anyone else…” I start to walk towards the sunlight.

“Keith is the son of the Hero and the Sage, his full name is Keith Von Kingsworth.”,still on his knees, he looked at my black shadow as the light from the sun took away all of my color and made me look like I glowed with a godly aura (i walked towards the sunlight on purpose), his eyes glowing to find newfound respect.

“A High noble of direct noble blood…”, he puts a hand down and only keeps one knee on the floor.

“My deepest apologies for my disrespect earlier, young master.”, this made me nervous, I absolutely hated being treated like I was higher than everyone since I hated the act in general.

“Please just call me Keith, and drop the formalities.”

“Yes sir, but may I ask why you did not ever mention your full name?”, to make sure I got this through this head, I was really straightforward with the answer.

“I simply hate noble scum, and wish to not affiliate myself with them. I rather be treated as an equal, at least when we should be, like in school.”

“Uh, noble scum?”

“Yes, just scum, like people who take advantage of their nobility, hate commoners just because they have lower status, people who did not actually do anything to consider themselves an actual noble by gaining an outstanding achievement, and such.”, the look on Rob’s face was priceless, everything I said made him feel really bad since he fit in every single category, also the way I said this made it so it seems like they are trash. He just looked to the ground for a good few minutes, processing what he had just learned about himself. What pissed me off is that he just realised right now that he is scum, this whole time, he thought that this is how noble’s should act like, since they have the ‘right’ to act like that. Casey and Luna showed a sign of pity towards him, as they felt bad for being verbally dominated with the truth.


“Keith’s group, please report towards the starting point as soon as possible.”, said a voice from the sky, as if it was from a megaphone. We start to make out way back to base, to find the principle waiting for us, or just me, in the front, with a concerned look.

“Hello principle”

“Hello… Keith, I will get straight to the point, you killed the demon didn’t you.”

“Indeed, any problems?”

“No… nothing, but we have some good news. I was able to get the best mages from all over the country to help build and enchant something for me, one of them included your mother by the way, she heard about the news and was extremely surprised.”, so my parents finally know about me, I wonder what they must be thinking.

“What did you build for me?”

“Its a ring.”

“Huh?”, I hope I am taking this the wrong way.

“This ring was enchanted my many of the best magicians to seal ninety percent of one’s power, I would like you to wear it for your sake and the sake of the others around you. Actually you have no choice anyway.”

“Alright, that's fine” he shows be the ring, a gold ring with a black crystal, flatly embedded into it, there were many magic carvings engraved into it as well.

“You have the freedom to take it out anytime you want, put we encourage you keep it on for as long as you can or else the kingdom will send assassin’s to any potential threat, you.”, yeesh, I am guessing the king does not even care if his own nephew gets killed. There is something bothering me more than that though, I feel like I forgot something very essential.

“Sir, what is the date today”

“It is the three hundred and twenty fourth day of year two hundred and five. why?”, ugh, I totally forgot it was my birthday today, time to make another wish. Hehehe. We get back to the school territory, and so I make my wish inside my room, this is something that I have been waiting for, for a very long time, time to reveal the truth about myself.

“I wish for knowledge on my last two remaining and unidentified affinities!”

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