《Infinite Wishes》Answer 2


“The results of the research are in. However, since this is such a unique problem, we were not able to find everything.”, said the principle. This unassured me as I was extremely excited to find every single spec of detail on my powers. But if it cannot be done, then oh well.

“The thing about this research was that we were not able to find a single clue in our own library, which is very rare, even our private library had nothing on the situation.”

“Then how did you find the answer?”

“We were backed into a corner and had no choice but to purchase books temporarily off the direct royal family’s private vault. The book’s we purchased were ancient scriptures of lost and unusable magic, here.”, Kate takes out a dirty but large book and shows it to me. I can barely understand anything as the book was nothing but diagrams and pictures, with a few words written in an unknown language. I already know the written language of this world, but this was not it.


“We were able to find a small amount of information about 4 of your affinites.”

“How about the other 2?

“Unfortunately we were not able to find them, in fact we came to the conclusion that they did not even exist until now, nonetheless, we have no information at all on the last two, and the only way to find out is luck.”

“I see, but before you tell me about the four affinites, can you tell me about light and darkness magic?”, both Kate and the Principle shot up with the look of surprise, they noticed they never told me anything about it yet.

“Ehem! I will tell you.”, said the principle, ashamed, as the boss, he took responsibility.


“Both of them are pretty simple when it comes to understanding the general functions of both magic, but what makes them complicated is that they have a variety of spells, many which are not found even today. Light magic is a magic that holds holy properties in order to temporarily strengthen an ally or oneself, it can even heal anything, from wounds to diseases, and even plants and such, depending on your strength. Some spells may include things like strengthening people's physical capabilities, allow them to run faster, strengthening peoples magic capabilities, the list goes on and its unfinished. As for Darkness, as light magic’s polar opposite, it does the opposite effect. Darkness magic holds properties of black magic in order to weaken enemies and such by afflicting curses. Some spells for this may include weakening someone’s mentality, physical strength, magical strength, and so on. Understand?”, so basically, light magic was the ability to buff allies and heal, while darkness magic has the ability to debuff enemies, or anyone technically. This could come in handy.

“Yes sir!”, I show a face of astonishment towards the principle to show him that I actually understood what he said.

“Anyways”, said Kate.

“I will continue with the research results now. First we found a magic affinity within you called ‘Blood Magic’. Allow me to state again that we do not know everything about these magic affinities, we only know about one or two things for each, so for now, all we know is that Blood Magic has the ability to force and create contracts with any living thing. We have our own contract magic that can get you a familiar or slave, but the blood contract seems to be absolute, as in a guaranteed contract with full control over the other life. The method of use is by giving your blood to the other party to drink… and if you accept them as an underling by saying ‘I Accept Thee” the contract will be made, thats all.”, although this sounds terribly cool, I will most likely be having a hard time using Blood magic since I rather not see my own blood.


“Now I for the second magic affinity…”

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