《Infinite Wishes》Shattered Glass


On my way home, I try to get back in using a new method. This method uses the strength that I never knew I had in play. I go towards the wall that is the least guarded from both the inside and outside, and jump over the ten meter long wall with ease, going up an extra five meters. Looking down and realising that I needed to land freaked me out, but that stage was passed without any problems, unless you consider a mass panic attack a problem…

Taking the back door of the castle, a few maids spot me and gave me a questioning look, but said nothing, until the head butler finds me trying to sneak into my room, and gives me a threatening look. I was questioned a few times about what I did and where I was, then was sent to my angry parents and repeated my answers, but I also had to answer the reason I did it. Saying that I really wanted to explore the town which I was never allowed to, they seemed to get less angry, after thinking about how much they caged me in, without intention, they just did not want me to get lost or harmed.

“Well alright, just, next time you want to go outside, take a butler or maid with you, and also get permission by either me or your father.”, she tells me, with a serious expression.

“Alright, sorry, I just thought you would never allow me to go outside.”

“Nonsense! Also we will be leaving in 3 days for your examination anyway.”, every time I am reminded of this, it makes me restless.

“By the way Keith, do you know how the examination will work?”, this led me to question the process, for I did not know the answer, how will they even know my affinity? Also how will I know what magic I can use.


“No, I don't”

“Well, they will first scan your body and check for magic affinities that are connected to your mana veins. These affinities will be displayed in colors when the process is over. Everyone is automatically able to do body and tool enchantment magic, but that doesn’t mean it's hard to use, but this magic will not be shown. The ones that will be shown is wind magic, as a light grey color. Fire magic as a red color. Water magic as a blue color. Earth magic as a green color, and Lightning magic as a purple color. These 5 types of magic are considered the basic elements. But there is more, things like mixed magic, which is a another affinity created by mixing 2 or more types of magic, for example, wind and water makes ice magic, fire and earth makes magma magic, and so on, and also special magic, which is light and dark magic. Most people wield 1 type of magic, but there are a few that actually wield 2 different types of magic, which is a 1 in a million chance, I am one of them, I have water and lightning. I am sure you will also be a splendid mage.”, she kept on explaining, and stopped when she realized she was talking to an 8 year old kid.

“Oh sorry hun, did you understand any of that?”

“Yes, I did, don’t worry, but I have a question.” she was surprised that I understood that all, but nodded to tell me that she is listening.

“If I had no affinity to magic, what would it show as?”

“It wouldn’t show any color at all”

“Would you hate me if I had no magic?”

“No sweetheart, it's totally fine if you don’t even go towards the path of a mage or fighter.”, this made me smile, to think my mother was such a kind noble. In the manga’s I have read in my past life, most nobles would act like supreme scum, but my parents were different, I wondered if thats with every noble in this world.


Today was my birthday, my family and the workers of the castle all gathered to celebrate not only my day of birth, but my day of graduation. I forgot I even celebrated my birthday today since it was trivial when it comes to what is coming next, my affinity examination, and I finally get to unlock my magic.

Both my father and mother accompany me to experience my graduation, also to fill their curiosity as to which affinity I will be gaining. We arrive at the platform where the examination is being held, there were a few adults, dressed in a white with gold outlined uniform, very formal looking. On their shirts, had a tag that had ‘Professor’ written on it. I later learned that the examiners are teachers of the magic combat academy. The lineup was long, at the end of the lineup, I spot the guys I had met a few days ago, Luna, Casey, Riley, and the brothers, Ron and Rim. they turn their heads towards be and wave, as I do the same, and join them in line.

“Hey glad to see we are all here.”, I said.

“Yeah, time to fulfil your end of the bargain”, Riley smirks at me and I smirk back, facially telling him it's not going to happen. Luna was overly excited and so was Casey, it was a surprise to see such an excited expression on her face, since when I met her, she was just shy the whole time. We talk as the line shorts in time, until it's finally Luna’s turn, literally no one has yet to actually gain a magical affinity.

Luna walks through a rectangular shaped object, like the outlines of a door, and stares at the orb which was connected to it. For the first time today, the orb showed signs of color, it wasn’t very bright but the color was definitive. It was lightning, the rarest of the basic elements. Luna’s eyes grew huge, and she started to scream, her parents came to huge her.

“Lightning magic confirmed, Magic Strength is Medium-High”, said the female professor. This made Luna and her parents so much more happy, that her parents failed to realise until it was almost to late that they were suffocating Luna.

“To think we would find a prodigy from a countryside family, God works in mysterious ways.”, said the male professor. I was happy for luna and so was everyone else.

This time was Casey’s turn, she walks through the rectangle, and the professor was surprised as to what's happening.

“Water and Wind magic confirmed, Magic Strength is Medium for both.”, yet another prodigy was found here. Casey was crying, the only people there to celebrate with her were her friends. Where were her parents?

Rim and Ron go next, with no affinity to either of them, but they weren't surprised.

Riley was next, he was not expecting anything but he came just to satisfy his parents. He walked through the rectangle.

“Fire magic confirmed, Magic Strength is low, there seems to be a unusually high level of enhancement magic as well.”

“Riley was extremely surprised at the fire magic, but was almost in tears at the sign of his enhancement magic level, which is usually not shown unless its strong.

It was finally my turn I casually walk past the rectangle, just to see no colors being shown, my mother was shocked, but before anyone can say a word, the orb attached on the rectangle shattered into a thousand pieces.

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