《Infinite Wishes》The Beginning 1


It hit me like a missle into my crotch. Thinking back, how can so much happen in so little time? This is something i have been spending WAY to much time thinking about then i should be.

Oh dear me, you must be lost right now hahaha, allow me to introduce myself, my names Daniel Nelvine Rosecrown... i wish… My actual name is Kimy Shinguru, but you guys can just call me Daniel Nelvine Rosecrown, please.

You must also be wondering about why i said all these things in the first place, well actually not much has happened yet, since much has yet to come, lets go a bit back in time shall we? At least until we come to the present, trust me, it won't take long.





I smash my keyboard in anger, and throw my mouse to my side but it bungie’s back and right onto my face, my nose to be exact. I fall back in agony, open my eyes to see a dark ceiling and remind myself about how stupid i am. Something drips from my nose, thinking it was bugger, i tried to lick it to enjoy its salty flavour but am exposed to the flavour of metal to quickly realise its actually blood. However, i did not freak out, instead i shrugged it off, and started to enjoy the taste of blood in the place of bugger. Can't help it, i am hungry as hell, all the snacks i saved up to isolate myself in my apartment and play video games for a week straight ended up not being enough. I was in desperate need of some munchies, and by desperate, i really mean desperate, i feel like the term “Sticks and Stones may break your bones” will actually be a threat to me, but instead of sticks and stones, twigs and pebbles will be more than enough. But i really did not want to move, so much that i was almost able to convince myself that i should just keep playing until i die, but i also really valued my own life a lot, since if i were to die, i would not be able to play anymore video games, and that's really bad. Even if i were to reincarnate to another world, there is a really small chance that the other world would have video games. Sighing to myself, i get up with my super wobbly and twig like legs. Using the wall to keep my balance, walk to the door, it felt like an eternity to get to it by the way. I proceed to unlock the door.


Opening the door was a lot harder than i thought, i feel like i literally gained muscles by prying open the door. The moment i open the door, a blast of wind fills the room that was not exposed to any natural air for a long time, cleaning the room and removing the built up carbon dioxide. I look back to the outside view to see its actually night time, so my eyes did not need adjusting, thank god. I wonder what time it is so i take my phone out of my pocket and open it. The shine from my phone was so bright that i wondered if this is what it feels like to get hit by medusa's eye attack, while i flinch, i also drop my phone onto the ground, not only breaking the screen, but literally breaking the whole phone. I stare at my phone for quite a while, giving it the “you inferior being!” look, and kick the phone to have it fall off the ledge and onto someone’s car window, breaking its car alarm. Unfazed at all, i proceed to walk towards the ground floor and towards the convenience store.

While i am on my adventure towards the store, in order to gain the needed quest items in order to fulfill the self given mission, i spot a familiar face on the sidewalk walking towards me, if i remember correctly, her name was Queen Maiya, i doubt the “Queen” was a part of her actual name, but i do not remember her last name and that is what everyone called her. She was the most popular girl in the school. I, had a crush on her but i never talked to her ever, actually there was one time, she just transfered to my school, and asked where the washroom was to whoever was closest to her, me, so i pointed towards the washroom, but now that i think about it, i never actually did say anything to her, only pointed fingers. We cross each other on the sidewalk like complete strangers, although we basically are complete strangers, just to have a last glimpse of her beauty, i turn around to see her back... “mesmerizing, as always” i think, and continue to walk towards my destination, as i was turning away from her, i could have sworn she just turned to look at me as i was turning to look away from her, but i could have been just stupid with my imagination.


I arrive at the store start to check around for some of my favourite goodies.

“Hey son, it's been a while!”

I look towards the counter to see the usual granny working at the register.

“Hey gran, why are you working so late?”

“Well, all the other workers told me they are sick, so they begged me to fill in their positions.”

Sigh… “Sorry to hear that, must be hard”

“S’all right son, i’m used to it, besides, it's not like there's anything else i need to do”

“I see…”

I finally have all of my snacks assembled, and ready to pay for, but i take one extra item and walk towards the cash register. Gran scans each and every item, i pay, she puts them into a plastic bag, and gives it to me.

“Thanks for your purchase, have a good one!”

“Yea thanks”

I take out the Pickled Plum Onigiri out of my bag and place it on the counter and go for the door.

“Is there something wrong with the Onigiri?” she asks, confused.

“It's nothing, you must be hungry”

And leave while putting my hand up to express my farewell.

I leave the building feeling good about that cool act i put on. It was the last cool act i put on in this worthless life of mines. As i walk to return to my den of self pleasure, and no, not the way you are probably thinking right now, i see a shine, glittering in the sky. Thinking its a bunch of shooting stars, i look up… do nothing at all, then look back and continue towards my journey. It's not like i need any wishes right now, my life is perfectly fine the way it is, at least for me. Suddenly the glittering in the sky seems to start becoming more visible and closer, maybe it's a UFO? I reach for my pocket to get my phone and take a video, if this is really a UFO, it can go rival and i can get rich enough to buy all the In-App purchases i want, yet the only thing my hand grabs, is air. I have totally forgot that i broke my own phone after it attacked me with its blinding skill. I continue to keep an eye out towards the glitter in the sky, so at least i can witness a possible greatness, when suddenly my hand starts to hurt so much, as if it was shot by a gun, i look down to see a hole in my hand, and an arrow stuck to the pavement right below its target, there was no noise at all when this occurred. It took a while to process all this in my head, but when it finally hits me that some fucking cunt shot me up with an arrow, i start to panic, before i can even start to scream at the top of my lungs in pain and for help, multiple arrows pierced through my upper and lower body, and lastly, my head.

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