《Muzumi》prologue Part 1 -- Hell


My father is an idiot, I can't understand how a stupid, bland and boring person like him managed to transcend into Godhood and become the guardian of hell.

It requires countless centuries of training and enormous amounts of luck for someone to grow their soul into that of a god. Yet my father somehow managed to do it a few thousand years ago and fight the last guardian and ruler of hell for his domain. What’s even more unbelievable is that a rookie like him actually managed to kill the old ruler and take his place.

Now, you probably think that my father is amazing but to be honest he’s not. If anything this just makes him the biggest idiot in the universe to me. Out of all the domains you can contest for, hell is the worst, I mean come on, its hell. The ruler of hell always gets hated and ridiculed by the other gods. Not to mention the countless amounts of mortals who end up fearing and hating the ruler of hell.

They also wrongfully attach biased views to my old man such as the most evil creation in the universe and all sorts of other nonsense but do they even know what being the guardian of hell is even actually like? No.

Being the guardian of hell is the worst job of all. Your job is to take all the dead and call them down to hell, and then they get judged and sent either to be reincarnated, destroyed, or imprisoned depending on the verdict of a council of Gods sent down from heaven.

Your pretty much a god damn errand boy, the other Gods don't even let you make any decisions and if you flaunt your powers or responsibilities too much they end up sending someone down to make your life even worse.

My old man, does his job to the letter and gets no respect, he’s the best guardian of hell since the beginning of time itself but no one appreciates his work and he gets treated like dirt. Even though his work is way harder than all those lazy Gods in heaven who just sit around and indulge in entertainment every second of their worthless existences

Ahhh but enough about my useless old man, there is a lot more important things for me to consider, you see I am in deep shit right now and my life is at risk.


My name is Muzumi the third prince of the devil. I have two older brothers. My oldest brother is Kuro and the other is Shiro and I am pretty sure that they want to kill me.

Those annoying maggots are jealous of me because I am not a useless weakling like them. Our father began training us on our fifth birthdays. The training gets harder and harder the stronger we get and I managed to become stronger than both of them by the time i was 10 years old. Kuro was 15 at the time and his strength in death magic was comparably to a leaky faucet, Shiro was 12 and he could barely summon a few drops of drops of death magic before passing out while my own death magic was already at the level of a roaring river.

But do I get any respect for working my ass off? No, instead those two useless losers ended up hating me and my old man just because he would always praise only me for being far more adept at death magic than anyone else.

Normally I would never even bother thinking of those two idiots as anything more than specs of dust but lately due to some circumstances I need to be on guard.

My old man suddenly declared that he was going on one of his rare vacations with my mother, who is a half-immortal he met a long time ago, and left hell under my older brothers rule till he would come back.

The last time he took a vacation was 300 years ago so it was really unlucky of me that he decided to take one when there is still one thing in hell that I am not strong enough to protect myself from, the seal of the devil.

And yup you guessed it, my idiot father left the seal of the devil with my oldest brother Kuro who like I said, hates my guts.

My old man doesn’t know that those two idiots hate me so he just casually left the only thing that can destroy my soul with Kuro and left without so much as a day’s warning…

The first thing Kuro did when my old man left was bind my magic with the seal of the devil and chuck me into The valley of death. The valley of death is where all the warrior and battle fanatics get grouped before they get selected for their trials. Now as u can imagine, the council is rather slow with sorting out souls and getting trials completed, and what with their constant “lunch breaks” and “bathroom breaks” and with the valley of death being a valley with millions of warrior souls…..


Endless war, The valley of death is the single most chaotic place in the universe as the war never stops and billions of souls constantly fight each other till there dead corpses become completely unusable and then they possess the bodies of other warriors by battling there wills.. Ugh……………….… long story short if u combine the spiritual and physical attacks u receive………………… Any normal mortal would get instantly obliterated in less than 0.2 seconds.

Even I, the third prince of the devil would get easily overrun in a few hours with my death magic sealed but my older brothers underestimated my intelligence.

The Palace of hell lies in the center of hell on top of a very steep mountain called Carcalo it’s pretty much just vertical. Now that I think about it, it would be more suitable to call it a pillar than a mountain.

Anyways surrounding the palace are 5 domains that hold different type of souls. The two most dangerous are the valley of death and the forest of the forgotten. The forest of the forgotten contains millions of extremely vengeful grudge holding souls. It’s even more scary than the valley of death because the level of the spiritual attacks you receive can sometimes compare to that of a demigod. Those souls are no joke and if my idiot brothers weren’t idiots they should have chucked me there instead. Without death magic to protect me from those scary bastards I would have gotten possessed and my soul slowly would have been devoured by whatever sick thing took over me.

After I smashed into the valley of death bloody and tired from the 2 hour fall the first thing I did was to dig deep into the ground. Now I am no normal mortal I was 17 at the time and the third prince of the Devil my physical strength is at a very high level and doing something like digging a tunnel was something easy for me to accomplish. I also do not need to breathe, one of the perks of being the son of the devil is that I can convert spiritual energy into things like food and oxygen. As far as I was concerned I could live deep underground in the valley of death for an eternity.

But instead, I started digging a path towards Carcalo. On the way I happened to dig close too some super gross decomposing flesh and all sorts of disgusting rotting carcasses so overall it was a really shitty experience. I reached the base of Carcalo when I noticed that the earth in front of me was too hard to dig through, so I dug straight up and into fresh air for the first time in days.

Well I say fresh but as always there was the stench of death and decay, but hey as the prince of the devil u get used to all sorts of sick stuff and air is air right?

After I got to Carcalo I did the first thing that came to my mind, I started climbing. I had to fight off a few spiritual and physical attacks from some fallen angels who flew up to battle with me but it was no big deal I wasn’t getting dog-piled too hard and 1v5 scenarios were nothing to worry about. Arial battles were really fun though, especially when I jumped on the back of one of the dead angels and drove my hand into her heart and steered the angel by pulling her hair. Then I used her sword to run through all the rest.

Pity that her body shook itself into pieces and was unusable after a few minutes, but at least I happened to take advantage of her and fly a few miles higher before jumping off.

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