《The Mad Deity’s Chaotic Trial》Chapter 5: Question


“...before I answer that, I’d like you to answer something I’ve been curious about,” Lilian finally said after a long pause.

Riowytax’s eyes briefly widened. “I...yes, that is fair. If it’s something I can answer, I will.”

“Why are some of the others frightened of you?”

Again, there was a brief display of surprise, but this time, her gaze was downward afterwards. There was a light tapping of her claws on the table in front of her.

“You are quite perceptive, miss--”

“Lilian. Lilian Deidsara.”

“...the truth is I am feared by some of the village, miss Deidsara..”

“Your claws?”

A nod. “For a time, it was the hair as well since black hair isn’t normal for our kind, but after seeing traders with such, this became less worrisome in the eyes of the others. But my hands...all with red claws are linked to horrific events in the history of our race. So from the moment I was born, I was under scrutiny. While some believe the Elder’s judgement, they still fear me.”

“They think you’ll be involved in bloodshed.”

“I am considered destined to. They...believe I will turn on them.”

This was much to take in for Lilian to take in - and seeing so many familiar tropes pile up in physical form in front of her. She felt bad for Riowytax’s situation, but she also had a worse feeling where this was all leading.

“Well, you answered my question, so… yes, one of the last things I remember before waking up in that forest was falling. And since we woke up in a tree, I suppose we did fall from the sky.”

Riowytax nearly fell out of her chair. “So it is true… So you’re here on a serious quest.”

“I can’t speak for the others, but I do want to get home,” added Lilian. “And...I have a weird feeling about the key you put on that...platform?”

“Ah...that is an…” She paused for a bit, slightly mumbling. “...annual ritual for the Eternal Maiden. Taking precious, important, or at least shiny items to act as a mirror to Her grace. That key was my contribution.”

“How long have you had the key?” Lilith asked.

“That’s the thing,” said Riowytax. “I found it yesterday while searching for a contribution.”


The room goes quiet. Both young ladies look away from each other for a moment.

The key might have shown up here just before we were brought here. But to be at the first place we check...it can’t be that easy… Maybe it is just the first step? Or--

“Miss Diedsara...I want to help you,” she said. “I feel like the key is important to your quest. I will help you with obtaining it - and with reaching your goal.”

“Rio, that…” Lilian had to overcome her shock on multiple levels - that they were on the same page regarding her key suspicions, the extreme respect shown to her when she only gets that from those much older or much younger, and the want to actually come along. “I just have a bad feeling. Even if they just allow us to take the key, what if coming with us is running straight into that destiny everyone thinks? I really don’t want to feel like our presence is ruining things here.”

“...I shall take the risk,” Riowytax said while a smile emerged. “I shall not find out how much of this destiny is real by just hoping it doesn’t exist. Besides...to help others is what I judge to be my calling - even the others deem it otherwise. Your presence here may be just what I needed to make more of an effort on this point.”

Lilian smiled in return. “If that’s what you really want to do, I appreciate the help.”

“But there is one thing…” Riowytax looked at Lilian. “You called me…’Rio’?”

Lilian grimaced as she realized it. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have shortened your name without asking - especially given we just met and how angry that makes me if I was on the other side of it.”

“A nickname, yes? ...it’s actually fine if you wish to use that on occasion. But it is not welcome in the village, so I ask you to abstain from that until out of the village.”

“Not welcome?”

“It’s considered disrespectful to a Veloverij’s parents and all past generations to not use their proper name. An outside custom that the village considers most unwelcome.” For a split-second, Rio’s face curled into a growl with a flash of teeth. While some teeth were closer to human-like, many of them seemed to be differently shaped - like they were a bit sharp. But with her teeth set on edge as they were, it wasn’t immediately confirmed for Lilian. “But for me, I am fine with it.”


“Wanting to defy trends...I definitely sympathize,” said Lililan. “But now, what do we do? Is it going to be trouble getting the key?”

“It isn’t protected by anything by just the customs of the ceremony,” said Rio as she stood up. “If the worst comes to pass, we can steal it and leave. But I hope once the Elder realizes this is the prophecy coming to pass, it should be a simple matter of allowing us to have it.”

“Those are the only options? How long would the key be there?” wondered Lilian.

“The ritual is three days. Today was the first. And at the end, it’s not guaranteed the key will survive the third day even if you and your comrades are kind enough to wait.”

“The objects are destroyed at the end!?” Lilian couldn’t help the alarm and it overwrote her want to be more passive.

“The Pillar of Light tends to only leave a few of the objects intact afterwards.” Rio shook her head. “And I’m not sure delaying you here too long is wise.”

Lilian sighed. Despite her wanting to minimize how much disruption she would cause, this methodology is already getting stymied. But Rio’s last words made her stop to think.

“What is the rest of the prophecy?” Lilian asked. “You only told me the first part.”

Rio realized this was the case and grimaced in response. “Three tears from the Eternal Maiden counteract the ripples of this land turned water. They will turn water to stone, but only with careful hand will this stone resemble the ancients.”

Lilian grimaced herself in thought. Rio merely respected Lilian’s thoughts by remaining silent for a time until a cloud briefly impeded the sunbeams’ path into the room.

“We should gather your comrades before we find the Elder, miss Deidsara,” Rio finally said.

“Yeah…” Lilian returned to a mood most grumpy. “Hopefully Gwendolyn hasn’t broken some other rule of this place. Oh...and Rio? You don’t have to use my last name all the time. Just call me Lilian.”

“I….I will attempt so...Miss Lilian.”

Close enough...no point in fighting it… thought Lilian.

The two exited their cottage. No one was close to it, but those who noticed their exit quickly took notice of them. She asked one of them in their language something; they quickly pointed off towards one of the larger buildings.

“Your comrades are in the White Hall,” said Rio. “Seems they are getting treated like serious heroes, especially the taller one.”

“And she’s not doing a thing to stop that, I’m sure,” said Lilian as they started walking over.

“It is rude to refuse hospitality in most places, is it not?” asked Rio.

“Yes, but it’s another to exploit said hospitality,” replied Lilian.

They finally reach the White Hall and a lot of effort was taken to separate Gwen from Trecanyx; his behavior was toeing the line between hero worship and admirer as he barraged her with questions and got her almost anything she wanted. Sora had managed to fade into the background and getting him out of the room was a cakewalk in comparison.

“Why couldn’t the guy be out here for whatever you wanted to say?” asked Gwen once they were outside.

“Because…” Rio took a breath. “As honest as he can be, Trecanyx is perhaps too honest. I’m not sure what he’ll say to the other villagers.”

Lilian and Rio explained their ideas. Sora nodded neutrally while Gwen seemed to have made up her mind from the off.

“Let’s just steal it,” she said.

“I knew that’d be your first choice,” said Lilian with contempt.

“Everyone came to see us but that Elder. Maybe she already doesn’t like us,” Gwen shot back. “Asking for her permission for that thing may not work.”

“In the end, I would like to speak to her no matter what.” Rio was staring at her claws again. “However this key is obtained, she’s one of the few here who have treated me with complete respect and love. To leave without saying something…”

“Even if it’s not with her blessing?” Sora asked. “I mean...she’s important to you, so...I’m not sure if you’ll want to still go if she's against this.”

Rio paused to think. “No...I’ll still go. It’s what I want...when I rarely truly want anything.”

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