《The Mad Deity’s Chaotic Trial》Chapter 4: Discovered


Lilian was too compelled to not simply stare back into the emotionless stare of the being in white. It was something about her gaze that held her in place; she could not advance nor retreat and she was concerned that looking away would be a dire error. So she kept staring back - something she managed easily for a time.

Then the red-clawed female stepped forward, descending from the platform. A slow gait in time with the ringing of the bells. Now Lilian felt the corner of her eyes twitch. Something about her advance unnerved her deep down. Just as she started to step up towards her through the entranced crowd, Lilian blinked briefly and the female stopped in her tracks.

Damn it, I didn’t mean to blink so quickly!

The figure in white kept staring for a while longer before returning to the platform. She picked up a bell and rang along with the others for a time before saying something in a language Lilian and the others didn’t understand. It was then everyone else put down their bells and immediately noticed the outsiders. Some were curious, some looked at them with worried eyes, and the rest simply stared unsure what the other two groups took notice of.

“Told you we should have picked supplies and left,” muttered Gwen.

“You aren’t traders,” said one next to them - a male with green hair and matching claws. His wings were significantly larger than most of the beings she noticed, but body-wise, he wasn’t much different from the females that looked the same human age. His voice also was unsteady like human language was difficult. “Why are you here?”

“We...aren’t exactly from around these lands,” Lilian said, presenting herself as friendly as possible. “We mean no harm - we’re just...a bit lost.”

“Yeah, you could say we just dropped in,” added Gwen, who received an elbow from Lilian in turn.

The male turned to Gwen as she spoke and from that point forward, his gaze was firmly on her and unmoving. Lilian couldn’t help but be annoyed at this display.

“Three tears from the Eternal Maiden...perhaps it is as Elder said.” The group parted like the Red Sea to make room for the red-clawed female. While some simply focused on Lilian and looked at the female with respect, others flinched as the figure drew close; others clung to ones close to them. Her voice was fairly monotone. “When you said...dropped in...you mean fell from the sky?” She asked Lilian this again without blinking.


Lilian didn’t like the sound of the prophecy-adjacent language; falling in line with it or not was a toss-up regarding if it had anything to do with why they were brought here - if it was really involving them at all.

“I don’t fully remember,” said Lilian semi-truthfully and unblinking again out of habit.

“Please try,” insisted the female - now much closer to the point Lilian could see her face reflected in her eyes. Lilian was still seated so the being towered over her. Some of the beings around looked unsure by the interaction.

“It’s difficult to explain,” said Lilian. ‘I’m not sure if it’ll make any sense.”

“Uh, sorry to interrupt this QnA session,” said Gwen. “But maybe you can treat my friend’s wounds? I don’t know if they’ll get infected.” She hoped the beings knew what infections were.

“We’re not friends,” corrected Lilian.

The red clawed being was the first to blink this time as she examined Lilian once directed to where the tear in Lilian’s dress was. Lilian shivered a bit as the hands touched her back, but she was surprised the scales weren’t as rough feeling as they looked - at least when doing this.

“This dust...you were in Mundefner Forest?” Her voice dropped its montone nature slightly and became more honeyed with curiosity and concern.

“Munderfner?” Lilian was puzzled by the name.

“You truly are unfortunate outsiders,” continued the female. “Humans like yourselves would call it ‘The Mouth of Hell’ from the earthly fangs from the ground. Most with a heart wouldn’t advise going into the forest with so few people.”

Was that voice trying to get us killed then? Lilian grew agitated as she learned this. Their encounter in the forest was a bit tense for their first appearance in a new land. She hoped something more starting level would be where they would wake up...unless that was considered starter level which would be a new fear all on its own.

“Did you encounter a monster of some kind?” she continued.

“Sort of,” Lilian replied.

“Sort of!? That giant bug was out to feed - on us!” Gwen couldn’t believe how much she was downplaying the fight they had.


After a bit of bickering, the female insisted on hearing a description of the beast. Sora ended up giving that and when he was done, the group gasped.

“A Karnipyre Drone - this far East?” The green-haired male preoccupied with Gwen cried. “Where is it now!?”

“Dead - I think. It was cracked in the head a lot and wasn’t moving anymore,” said Gwen.

This only produced more gasps.

“Three humans defeating a Drone - you three must be mighty warriors!” said the same male, now attaching himself to Gwen’s arm. “I am Trecanyx Widewing of Venthoge.”

Lilian didn’t have an immediate reply between the introduction and Trecanyx’s assumption of them; if hitting something with a rock made her a mighty warrior, then the soldiers of her world suddenly became less impressive by comparison. Sora seemed equally flummoxed. Gwen on the other hand…

“Not sure about the long intro, but you can just call me Gwen - the Punk Rock Psychic!” She said with a wide grin and defiant posture that made Trecanyx’s eyes widen more.

“What happened to not overselling it?” shot Lilian.

“Hey, they said we took out something major!” Gwen shot back. “I’m choosing to own it!”

“I’m confused about how this naming thing goes,” admitted Lilian.

“I can explain while I treat your wounds,” said the red-clawed one. “Our ways have only...slightly evolved from the past. And I suspect you are important to speak to.”

As she escorted Lilian over to one of the cottages, Gwen started to follow despite Trecanyx holding on her arm.

“I will speak to your friend later,” said the red-clawed female. “Can you ask her to wait?”

“She’s not my friend,” corrected Lilian. “And yes, she can.”

Gwen started to open her mouth to object, but in the end, she only shook her head and walked along with Trecanyx to wherever he was leading her to. Lilian could no longer see where Sora was.

The door gently closed once Lilian was urged inside. Inside was quite bare; the female seemed to own few possessions that Lilian could manage to see in the main room. A table, two chairs, a cabinet, a chest of drawers. Once seated, the female dug into a drawer and produced a bottle and what appeared to be small puffs of cotton.

“I’m not how this feels for humans,” she said, “but try to relax.”

It stung like alcohol or peroxide on the wounds for a few moments, but for the rest of the time her head felt like it was what was filled with cotton. Lilian felt incredibly dazed, but was aware enough to know when she finally started talking again.

“It is against tradition for a Veloverij to go so long without proper introductions; I apologize for that. But I had to be certain you weren’t exposed to toxins.” She then bowed to Lilian. “I...am Riowytax Bloodhand of Paivrede. The last part is my name of the first of my clan - close to what some races call...surnames.”

Lilian mentally noted that. “So...the Velov...your kind... two given names?”

“In a way…” Riowytax looked at her claws quietly once she sat across from . “Taking Common language names is something...relatively new. But it is the old customs that drew me to speak to you...and perhaps why you were drawn here.”

“You think I’m part of some...prophecy?” asked Lilian curiously.

“The Elder’s, not mine…and so far only a piece of it...” Riowytax’s claws tapped on the table. “Three tears from the Eternal Maiden… And now, three beings appeared from unknown lands. I ask again...did you fall from the sky? I must know...please!”

This was what I was afraid of… What would she do if I admit this? When characters in the books find out someone is from a strange land, it draws all kinds of attention. Good and bad. But that key....it has to be one of those they implied....

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