《Grahlgar the Ogre》Chapter 7 - Words to Remember


Grahl had been in the middle of tracking down game when he sensed a great amount of killing intent. The ogre rushed to find the source, wondering why such an intense altercation was occurring so close to the peaceful lake. Although the commotion was some ways away, few creatures would cause trouble anywhere near the lake, simply out of respect for the undine. In order to investigate the disturbance, Grahlgar had raced desperately and because of that, he was able to discover this hobgoblin just before he passed through death’s door.

Grahl’s presence, even as a fledgling ogre, was enough to intimidate the wolves into retreat. They knew that trying to fight here would only end in all of their deaths. Begrudgingly, the River Wolves could only turn tail and flee. When he went to check on the hobgoblin, he was shocked to see his body mangled beyond compare. His organs were pulled out from his body, all four of his limbs had been devoured and large chunks of flesh were missing from nearly every part of his body.

Grahl was saddened, he could sense that the end would surely come for this hobgoblin.

Just as he was about to offer a supplication to send off this poor soul, he heard a faint voice, filled with an indomitable will.

“I can’t die...yet...”

The determination he spoke with, moved Grahl deeply. No matter what, if this hobgoblin could be saved, he wanted to save him! Grahlgar felt that this hobgoblin’s desire to live was not for his own sake. It was for those who depended on him! This was a feeling that Grahl could not shake. The ogre youth replied,

“You won’t die. Aqua will surely be able save you.”

Grahl called for Sylvia and with his voice carried by the spirits of wind, she arrived within seconds. Grahlgar wanted for her to ask Bahamut for his help. While Sylvia could transport others easily, with the condition the hobgoblin was in, moving him with wind magic would kill him for sure.

“Grahl what’s the--Oh my. I’ll go and ask Bahamut to bring you both to Aqua. Leave it to me!”

Then, just as quickly as she appeared, she disappeared. For a fledgling Black Dragon, the bright light of day was like a poison. Sylvia knew this, that was why after she asked Bahamut for help, she told him that the hobgoblin was at the brink of death and even with treatment, it was unlikely that he would survive. He then asked Sylvia,


“It’s important to that buffoon, isn’t it?”

“...Yes, it is.”

“Then I suppose it can’t be helped.”

Surprised by his reply, Sylvia was once again moved by how much Bahamut had changed in the past year. She quickly returned to Grahl and Bahamut followed after, emerging from the shadows. Although one could tell that he was greatly weakened by the sunlight, he never voiced a word of complaint. Bahamut could tell how much this meant to Grahl, so he would do his best to help him. Without saying anything unnecessary, Bahamut used his Shadow Mastery skill to transport he, Grahl and the hobgoblin to the shadows near the lakeside. Within the blink of an eye, they had arrived at their destination.

After using his innate skill, Bahamut’s aura greatly diminished. Transporting them all during the brightest time of day severely depleted his mana.

“I need to rest…”

Bahamut used his skill one last time to return to his den and as soon as he returned, he collapsed and lost consciousness.

Olivia, who had witnessed what had occurred, wore a very slight, but proud smile.

“Bahamut is...a good...child…”

Back at the lake, Grahl knew that Bahamut was suffering because of his own selfish desire to save this unknown hobgoblin. He also knew that he was troubling Aqua by asking her to try and save someone so far gone. He knew these things and felt terrible about them, but he had a feeling that if he didn’t save this hobgoblin now, he would regret it for the rest of his life. He would do anything to gain their forgiveness afterward, but for now, he just watched as Aqua healed the dying stranger.

“I’ll do my best Grahl, but his chances of survival will depend mostly on this hobgoblin’s desire to live.”

Aqua spoke gravely as the hobgoblin was suspended above the lake. His body was surrounded in a sphere of water that radiated with a gentle blue light. Within the sphere, the hobgoblin’s organs were healed and were slowly pushed back into his body. When his viscera was restored to their proper conditions and locations, the gaping wounds and missing chunks of flesh began to regenerate themselves as well. However, even though the wounds were being healed, his life force was unable to be replenished. Water based healing spells could mend or dispel physical ailments, but it could not replenish life force or mana. Only spells from the light or nature elements could do so.

It was for this reason that Aqua said that the chances of the hobgoblin’s survival would depend on his desire to live. His life force was abysmally weak and even if his body was restored, the odds of him willing himself back to life, were infinitesimally small. While Aqua didn’t hold much hope, she still did her best for Grahl’s sake.


Grahlgar on the other hand, never lost faith that this hobgoblin would live. The determination that he demonstrated earlier assured Grahl that we was the type to never give in, never surrender! And he was right. Although it was faint, Aqua began to sense that the hobgoblin was slowly gathering nature-attributed mana to assist in the healing process. However slight it might have been, it was gradually replenishing his life force. Aqua was impressed by the hobgoblin’s latent potential for nature magic.

‘This child certainly has a talent for it. It’s a shame Grahl isn’t very talented with magic. It’s the reason why I wanted him to practice his skill first. Although he is loved by the nature spirits, his magical aptitude is abysmal.’

After a brief moment of thought, Aqua returned her attention to the hobgoblin. On the sides, Grahl could only wait. The time seemed to go by agonizingly slow, but after about half an hour, the treatment was done. They laid him within a shady area beside the lake. The hobgoblin seemed to be in stable condition.

“After a few hours of rest, this child should be fine.”

“Thank you, Aqua!”

“You’re welcome, Grahl. But in truth, the person you should really thank, is Bahamut. He would never admit it to you, but helping you today weakened him greatly. It’s likely that we will be asleep for the next few days to recuperate.”


“Remember this, Grahl. It’s fine to have a kind heart, it’s fine to be gentle. However, helping others without thinking of the repercussions can lead to drastic consequences. Sometimes kindness is only repaid with spite. After all, not everyone in the world can be as kind and gentle as Grahl. I’m telling you this because I want to to realize that sometimes, the ones you love will have to suffer because of your kindness. Of course, I still hope for Grahl to be the same kind and gentle child. I just want you to be aware that while kindness can be your greatest strength, it can also be your greatest weakness.”

Aqua loved Grahlgar’s innocence, but if he stubbornly persisted in such behavior, it would become nothing but naivete. She didn’t want him to be taken advantage of.

“Okay, I promise to remember.”

Grahl didn’t quite understand what Aqua meant, but he understood that Bahamut was the one who sacrificed the most, even though the decision to save the hobgoblin was his. Grahl could not promise that he would never do something like this again, but from now on, he would consider the way his loved ones might be affected by his actions.

“Good. As long as Grahl remembers, eventually, you will understand.”

Just as Grahl and Aqua had finished their conversation, Sylvia chimed in.

“You know, even though I’m a spirit of wind, it doesn’t mean that you can treat me like air!”

“Oooh, were you still here? It’s just that your presence is so thin, we forgot about you.”

“I’m sorry, Sylvia. I was just thinking about what big sis Aqua said.”

“Wuuu...you actually forgot I was here….”

The serious atmosphere had instantly been shattered, just like Sylvia’s heart.

“You actually forgot I was here….”

“I’m sorry!”

“Yes, I’m sorry you have such a thin presence.”

“Aqua, you really aren’t making Sylvia feel any better.”

While Sylvia was in the middle of sulking, she suddenly felt a few presences nearby. Nine of them to be exact. She sensed that it was a group composed of seven goblins and two hobgoblins. They must have been the search party sent for the one that Grahl had rescued. Her sorrowful air quickly disappeared and she swiftly informed Grahl and Aqua about the group.

“Sylvia, can you go and meet them? I feel that they wouldn’t believe me even if I told them. I would probably be lucky if they didn’t attack me on sight."

Even Grahl wasn’t naive enough to believe that others would be able to see past his appearance right away. Ogres weren’t typically known for acts of charity or magnanimity.

“Very well, I’ll guide them here and make sure nothing happens along the way. But Grahl! Next time, I won’t forgive you if you forget about me again!”

“I’m sorry!”

“Apology accepted, but remember what I said!”

After reprimanding Grahl, Sylvia left to escort the goblins to the lake. Glancing over to the resting hobgoblin, the ogre smiled and said,

“It seems like we’re both blessed to have people who love and look out for us.”

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