《Grahlgar the Ogre》Chapter 2 - Aqua the Undine


Grahlgar quietly sat beside the lake with Aqua and began to ask a few questions before he started actually practicing his skill. Grahl was a very inquisitive child.

“Aqua, what’s the difference between a spell and a magic skill? Is there a reason you’re teaching me how to use a magic skill before teaching me to use spells?”

To Grahl’s apt questioning, Aqua was very pleased.

“The difference between spells and magic skills are that spells can be learned by anyone and magic skills are either the result of inheritance or feats of great merit. Another difference is that magic skills can be evolved into higher tiered skills. In other words, the stronger you become, the stronger that skill becomes. Spells will also increase in strength and efficiency as you become more acquainted with them. As for why you’re learning magic skills first, it’s because you already have a slight grasp on it.”

After hearing Aqua’s answer to his question, he still seemed to be confused. Since he was learning about this for the first time, what was it that Aqua meant? Seeing his puzzled face, Aqua continued to explain.

“When you travel through the forest, or go out to hunt for food, don’t you use mana to strengthen your body and help you move faster? Reinforce can also be used in a similar way, but this is just the simplest use of the skill. An ogre using mana to strengthen his body, then using Reinforce to multiply that boost is an opponent to be feared. But for now don’t actively use mana to strengthen your body. Just use your skill. It might sound difficult, but once you actually try it, I’m sure that it will become natural for you.”

Grahlgar remained quiet, but nodded in confirmation to Aqua’s informative lecture. He took a few moments to contemplate about what she had said, but then stood up from the lakeside. Grahl thought about the way that mana flowed through his muscles, bones and tendons, making him stronger and faster. From what Aqua had said, he assumed that this skill would improve in duration and strength in proportion to the mana he used to activate it with. In order to test this theory Grahl started off with a small amount.


At first, he wondered how he would even go about triggering the skill, but somehow, he felt as if the knowledge was ingrained into his very soul. Without even thinking about how it happened, Grahl used a small amount of mana to activate Reinforce. Suddenly his body felt much stronger. His skin felt tougher, his movements felt seamless, as if every bone, muscle and tendon moved with utmost efficiency. Even his senses were heightened by it. The sudden change certainly startled Grahl, but joy soon overcame his shock.

After taking a few moments to acclimate himself to the change, Grahl increased the amount of mana he used to activate his skill. From there, he was able to gauge the difference. Upon increasing the amount of mana he used, the boost he received was more than double. It seemed to be a multiplicative effect, rather than an additive one.

“Good job Grahl, that was even faster than I had expected! Now try to strengthen yourself with mana and see the real difference.”

Grahl nodded in response and went to take a quick sprint. Upon putting a slight bit of force into his stride, Grahlgar suddenly propelled forward like an arrow from the gods. Due to this unexpected momentum, the young ogre ended up crashing into a massive tree. Surprisingly, even with a powerful impact from Grahl, the tree didn’t even budge. It was a very old tree that had absorbed enough mana to be shockingly sturdy.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to.”

He hung his head down in apology. The tree slightly swayed its boughs and seemed to give off the vibe that it didn’t mind at all. Grahl smiled and waved happily at the tree, before cautiously proceeding forward. He threw a few punches into the air and a burst of heat and light appeared, before a sonic boom followed soon after. The force that was emitted from this fist was like a powerful cannon. The range extended at least 60 ft (18.28800m) and the power of this aftershock was enough to shatter boulders. Such a powerful effect was unexpected! Imagine if he could get his strength to this level without reinforcement or strengthening! Ahh, just thinking about this made Grahlgar eager to train. He could produce a compressed blast of air without strengthening, but compared to the punch he’d thrown just now, that was barely even child’s play. It was a good thing that he made sure not to aim at anything but the sky.


“Haha! One day I’ll do that without any mana!”

As Grahl was lost in his reverie, he failed to notice that Aqua’s face was twitching in an unnatural manner.

‘This kid...what kind of an outrageous goal have you set for yourself? Sure you might be an ogre, but such strength would be ridiculous. Well, let’s just hope that he doesn’t set another absurd goal later, like to rip the fabric of space and time with just his body and strength….Ugh, now I just feel more worried than ever before...Right, next up is a stern lecture about morals and using power responsibly!’

Grahl on the other hand, didn’t notice at all that Aqua was worried about his...burgeoning potential. Instead, he was appreciating the newfound effects of Reinforcement combined with mana strengthening. His sights had been set even higher! Before he knew it, he whiled away a few hours trying to figure out a low cost, high efficiency combination.

The undine could only sigh, then wryly smile at the enthusiastic ogre. She only hoped that he would always remain this pure and kind hearted. This world needed more like him. Surely he would be able to bring happiness to others, if they would let him. Those were her honest thoughts. Her wry smile turned warm, as she burned these memories into her mind. Though it might be sad, she would likely outlive Grahl and any children he might have. Such thoughts brought her great sorrow, so she resolved herself to wholeheartedly cherish each moment.

Sensing this subtle change in her emotions, Grahl was roused from his arduous training. He turned toward her and looked at Aqua with deep concern.

“Aqua, are you sad? Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”

Aqua was surprised at how sensitive Grahl had been to her change in mood. She then figured that it must be the effect of Reinforcement. Hearing Grahl’s concern certainly warmed her heart. She floated away from the surface of the lake and hovered at eye level with him. Aqua then gently kissed his forehead and gave a playful wink.

“Just stay the way you are, Grahl. That’s all that I need.”

Grahlgar panicked inwardly, but tried to play it cool on the outside. Stricken with embarrassment, he still managed to reply with vigor.

“If it’s just that I’d feel like it’s not enough...I would do anything for big sis Aqua!”

Aqua only kept that same warm smile and nodded.

“Me too, I’d do anything for little Grahl.”

She replied with loving tenderness as she ruffled his long white hair. After doing so, she slowly floated back to the surface of the lake. Turning back to look at Grahl she spoke once again.

“Alright Grahl, I think that it’s time for you to go see Sylvia and Olivia. I’m sure that they’re already expecting you. It’s best not to keep them waiting.”

Grahlgar made an ‘o’ with his mouth and gave off an expression of surprise.

“Thanks for the reminder Aqua. Also, thank you for today...no, for everything!”

After saying such, he took off with startling speed. Aqua felt a bit embarrassed, but more than anything she felt a sense of gratification.

“No little Grahl, thank you.”

Aqua quietly watched the youth disappear into the distance, before returning to the bottom of the mystical lake. Though the water was cold, her heart was filled with warmth.

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