《Jack's Journey》7. The first days in the military


Jack spent the next few days doing his routine training. In the afternoons, he practices rune shaping trying to cast the minor strength spell.

‘Minor stats spells should be manageable with about 18 intelligence. For the reinforce material spell, I need around 22.’

Jack’s skills were rising rapidly. His spear handling skill was at 24. His gains from a day’s worth of training were declining as he was mastering spear throw. He could throw a spear with confidence, and he always roughly hit the target. Stanley and Aleena were still better than him, but he was catching up.

His rune shaping skill reached lv. 25 giving him 10% boost to intelligence to drawing runes.

‘The skill was leveling more slowly in the past. It must be because there were new shapes in the new spells that I haven’t practiced before.’

With the boost, Jack effective intelligence when drawing spells was over 18. Casting the minor strength was in the realm of possibility.

‘I need either more familiarity with the spell or even more intelligence to cast it successfully.’

His Parallel thinking skill got to lv. 12 when he practiced rune shaping when working out. Jack looked at his status window.


Jack Age: 14 Class: Survivor Level:8 91% to next lv Stats: Base Essence reinforced Strength 5.79/25 8.56 (6%/level) Endurance 6.85/30 10.68 (6%/level) Intelligence 11.42/25 16.9 (6%/level) Mental Endurance 11.22/30 18.62 (10% + (6+1)%/level) Agility 10.68/30 16.66 (7%/level) Perception 9.45/20 15.68 (10% + (6+1)%/level) Affinities Life 0.06% Class skills

Economy of Movement




Professions: 2/5

Conman I

Masochist I





Sword Handling

Spear Handling

Rune Shaping




Pain Tolerance

Parallel Thinking

Mental Intrusion Resistance













Vitality 448/448 Stamina 100/100 Clarity 180/180

His agility stopped raising on its own. From now on, Jack had to train it. Besides that, his highest stat gain was intelligence.

‘It’s thanks to masochist profession, even though I still don’t know what that means. I have more clarity to spend on training. I should try to raise my metal intrusion resistance to get Masochist II. I don’t think tower mage will agree to cast that spell on me again, but maybe I can find some of his assistants from the tower to do that. Even though that spell is unpleasant… it’s worth it.‘

Unexpectedly, his charisma also rose, and now was at lv. 22.

‘Well, I was put in a few new social situations the last few days.’

Stanley, Jack, Patrick and Lillie were talking with each other in their free time and could be called friends. Aleena was training most of the time, siting on her bed with closed eyes. Jack hadn’t enough mental endurance to train as long as her. She was not talking with the rest of the team nearly at all. When she wasn’t training, she was meeting and talking with her peers from other teams.

Jack met with his brother a few times, but both brothers were staying with their own teams for the most of the time.

After morning run and exercises, Jack and company went to the lecture.

“There are three serious threats to the frontier. Fist of them are wolves. Their packs are dominating the exterior, and the only reason exterior have other animals is because of infighting between wolf pack for territory. The typical strategy for them, is a surprise attack on a poorly defended fragment of the frontier. They kill soldiers and recruit and leave with their bodies, before a lieutenant or a colonel can intervene. Sometimes, a few wolf packs cooperate and attack together or a pack decides to escape to the interior. Wolves are our most common enemy and they are monsters humanity have most information about. That’s include class trees and estimations of their caps.”



“The second threat are swarms. Sometimes a large group of monsters is forced to migrate. Such group have often only low level monsters. They are threat, however, as they can kill higher level individuals, as long as they manage to swarm him or her. There were many breaches made by swarms. Most common monsters attacking us in swarms are mice, rabbits and insects.”


“The last serious threat is highly levels singular monsters. They can often be in 4th, 5th or even 6th tier. Even a colonel won’t be able to do anything to a 6th tier monster. Occurrences as such require help from dukes, or pulling together a huge force of numerous counts to hunt a beast. 6th tier monsters are fortunately uncommon, still, 5th tier monster attacks us regularly. Most common animals in this group are: bears, boars, eagles, lynxes and foxes. There are also bisons and deer, which are large monsters, but are herbivores. They attack us very rarely. “


“Military have additional defenses, beside the walls and soldiers. There’s a large scale spell inscribed on the roof of the mage tower. It can be used to strike high level monsters, but also swarms, as it also have an AoE attack. It’s drawback lies in the need of several casters for aiming and controlling the spell. That’s opposite to cannons – our second most powerful defense. They are metal machines. They can be operated by anyone with some strength, and have power of 5th tier person full strike. Unlike the spell, which is only in the headquarters, there is one cannon in every barrack. Unfortunately, there are also drawbacks. Cannons are useless against swarms. They are hard to aim. Maybe most importantly – they use ammunition. Only mage-smiths can sculpt metal smoothly enough to create shells for cannons. Gunpowder requires sulfur, which sources are very limited for the humanity. You should be able to imagine how expensive cannons are.”

Jack and the rest of the group had the skill training next.

“You should have learned basics of spear throwing already. Try to master it in your free time. Today, we will start footwork training.”

The instructor explained how important footwork is. He showed how quickly attack and dodge. Jack was afraid he wouldn’t be able to learn the skill as he already had the economy of movement skill, but such worries were proven wrong.

Ding… You have now skill - Footwork lv.1

They were soon instructed to spar in pairs.

“Jack, spar with me,” Stanley said.

“Won’t you spar with Aleena? I’m too weak for you to learn,” Jack said self-consciously.

“She went to spar with someone else. Besides, the stronger is my team, the better for me. You are also a quick learner.”

“Thanks.” Jack knew Stanley was better fighter than him, and Stanley’s praise brought quite a joy to Jack.

Stanley asked Jack to stab him. Jack thrust slowly his spear at Stanley, who effortlessly deflected it to the side.

“My turn.”

Now Stanley thrust spear at Jack. The thrust was also slowly, but very steady. Jack tried to deflect, but was forced to take a step to the side in the end.

“You are strong,” Jack said.

“Sorry. I suppose you should train first your footwork, before any spars.”

Stanley already has the skill. He instructed Jack about correct steps. Soon, they were again lightly sparring. It wasn’t anything serious, just attack-step back-dodge. Jack was gaining footwork skill notifications like crazy. After an hour he was already at the level 12 in footwork.


“You really learn fast! It’s even faster than I expected.”

“It’s nothing. I think it’s because of my class skill.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well… I don’t understand this completely. I have class skill that helps me with moving around. I thought that it will replace footwork, but it seems that isn’t the case.”

“What skill? I know about a lot of skills.”

“It’s economy of movement.”

“Wow. You are lucky. Normally, you only get this skill after months or even years of refining your movement. I have it only at the level 2. What about you?”

“Let me check… It at the level 18.” Jack felt a bit bad about it. It was more luck than effort he got the skill, and he felt like a fraud before Stanley.

“Wow. I suppose that’s why you are moving so swiftly and with grace, even though you hadn’t the footwork skill. You should train that skill as much as you can.“ Jack could see some envy on Stanley face, but also joy, which was a bit baffling. He wasn’t thinking much about that, though.

“But what’s the difference between it and the footwork skill?”

“Footwork is about knowledge and execution of taking correct steps in fights. The economy skill is about the efficiency and effortlessness of movement.”

Soon, Jack was getting good at moving around in the fight. Also…

Ding… Your Battle precognition skill has reached lv. 1

“Stanley, what about the battle precognition skill?”

“Don’t tell me it’s also in your class skills.”

“No. It’s not. I just got that skill.”

“Well, that skill is a measure of your battle experiences. You will get it to a high level when you can predict enemy movements in a battle. I have it at the level 9. It’s very hard to level, the same way as the economy of movement skill.”


Jack was still surprised by his rapid gains in the footwork skill.

‘I suppose it’s actually thanks to the economy skill’

Dodging required stepping to the side or even sometimes forward the attack. It was counterintuitive. Jack at first wanted to block or step back from the attack.

‘As long as I know where I want to step, economy of movement helps me do it flawlessly.’

“Let’s spar a little more serious now,” Stanley said.

Stanley attacked, but when Jack dodged, Stanley continued assault. Jack was barely able to defend, and even so, he could tell that Stanley wasn’t completely serious. After a while, Stanley let Jack attack. He defended well, and Jack wasn’t able to threaten him.

‘I’m improving fast. Patrick and Lillie are still at the basics. I really chose a good class.’

At the end of training Jack was tired, but satisfied.

Ding… Your Economy of movement skill has reached lv. 21

Ding… Your Footwork skill has reached lv. 19

Ding… Your Spear handling skill has reached lv. 26

Ding… You have unlocked Spearman III profession.

Ding… You have unlocked Swordsman I profession.

Spearman III


Spear handling skill lv.15

Footwork skill lv.15


+20% to agility

+10% to strength

+2% per level to agility

+1% per level to strength

Swordsman I


Sword handling skill lv.5

Footwork skill lv.5


+10% to agility

+1% per level to agility

‘I may as well take both. I can always revoke some professions if something better comes around.’

Jack also sparred with Stanley in their free time. The next day in the free time Jack was asked by Lillie.

“Can you help me with training? You and Stanley are very good at fighting.” She was shy about it, and asked hesitantly.

“I am not. Stanley is constantly beating me up. Actually, why won’t you ask him?”

“Well… he refused,” Lillie said dejected.

“Really?” Stanley was very helpful for Jack and he was surprised about the refusal. Jack wasn’t feeling entirely qualified to teach.

“Yes. He showed us - I mean – me and Patrick, a few moves when we asked, but he said he won’t get better by sparring with us and we should train with each other. I mean – he is probably right, but it’s hard to improve without someone to point your mistakes.” Lillie was talking fast.

Jack frowned. He was going to ask Stanley about that. “So, you want me to point them?”

“Yes. It would be best if you could spar with us, obviously, but it probably also won’t be beneficial to you.“

“Ok, let’s do it.”

Jack could see that it wouldn’t benefit him personally, but it still may benefit him in the long term. He was part of the group. Lille also wasn’t asking for much.

“So, where is Patrick?”

“He went to train on his own. He was against asking you. Let’s just train with two of us. I will spar later with Patrick, anyway. Let’s go to the training plaza.” Lillie had a smile on her face and was excited. She grabbed his hand and dragged him, half-running to the plaza.

Jack was trying not to think too much about Lillie during the spar. She was pretty and – even excluding previous reasons - he felt bad to refuse. It’s not like Jack was in love with her or hadn’t any experiences talking with girls. He never was very popular, but before he started training under Rick, he had played often with other children in the neighborhood. The fact, that pretty girl was relying on him and wanted to spend time with him was boosting his ego.

“You shouldn’t take such big steps. It’s better to make a short, quick step while dodging,” Jack was giving advices while sparring.


Lillie was clumsy about fighting and Jack wasn’t putting any serious effort into the spar.

“Actually, how about the air barrier you wanted to learn?”

“It’s not so good…” Lillie said, while barely deflecting Jack’s spear.

“How’s your rune shaping skill?”

“It’s at level…” Lillie took a break to parry an attack. “…nine. I’m practicing minor recovery anyway,” she said the last part in a deflated tone.

“There’s no shame in that. I spent months to train that skill. You are faster than me by a lot due to your higher mental endurance.”

“Faster than you from some time ago. Comparing myself to you now…”

“I’m not that great.”

“You are on the similar level to noble’s children. Haven’t you already learned minor strength spell?”

“Well… I’m close, but…”


“It’s my problem I suppose. I will manage somehow.”

“Come on. Just say it. Maybe I will be able to help.”

“…Ok. I can’t read or write.”

“And that’s a problem? I can’t read either.”

“Well, there are ten spells displayed in the mage tower, right?”


“The problem is, I want to learn spell vectors.”

“What’s that?”

“You can use it to direct spells. Like - for example - only use minor recovery on a specific part of your body, rather than all of it.”

“Why do you need that? Isn’t it easier to just use it on the whole body?”

“That’s not the point. I just want to learn better spells and have better control over them, but I can’t without reading.”

Actually, ability to direct regeneration was essential for Jack. Due to enhanced regeneration of his body, the spell placed a huge strain on him, as it worked on his full body, and wasn’t usable. To remedy the situation, Jack wanted to get spell slinging skill – learn spell vectors. He asked Aleena about it. She deemed him worthy of getting answer, that yes – she obviously knows the theory, and no, she obviously won’t teach it. Stanley also didn’t want to teach him, saying it is better to concentrate on basic abilities first. Jack options were either asking around other scions, or going to ask in the mage tower. Unexpectedly, the mage tower was offering teachings for everyone. Unfortunately – teachings were in the form of access to the library – therefor Jack’s predicament. Jack also asked about the fear spell. He got an explanation of the mage tower hierarchy structure instead.

Generally, there was one tower master – 4th tier individual. The rest of people in the tower were his assistants and attendants, mostly 2nd tier with a few being in 3rd tier. Everyone has their duties given from either 3rd tier or from the tower master himself. It was impossible to make an arrangement about some guy teaching Jack magic without master’s approval. Jack, as 2nd tier monster hunter in training was of too low status to even ask the tower master to lend one of his assistants. As for the fear spell – it was in the library, but he wasn’t allowed until he would be able to make use of it, that is, he would learn to read.

“Can you make someone to teach you reading?” Lillie asked. “It’s probably easier than finding a magic teacher.”

“I tried. The only person I know who knows how to read is Stanley. I am obviously excluding Aleena, for the obvious reasons. He said that he doesn’t have that much time and I should concentrate on abilities that will help me in a fight, not on reading,” Jack sighed. His road to magical supremacy seemed long and arduous. Jack was angry about the magic. He wanted to learn spells, but everyone was telling him he should just train his muscles.

“Hmm. Maybe I can do something.” Lillie said after a few seconds of thinking.

“You don’t know how to read. Do you know some noble with a lot of free time?” Jack asked skeptically.

“Actually – yes!” Lillie said with beaming smile. “Well, I don’t know a concrete person, but I know where I can find them.“


“On the walls!”

“What?” Jack made a face of not understanding.

“You see, I was spending a bit of my time with a crossbow on the walls to get my new class. I still haven’t managed to kill anything, even though we have a priority for killing to get the class, but whatever. The point is – there are people there from the nobility. I think they didn’t manage to pass the test, or maybe they didn’t even attempt. I will ask around.”

“Well… Thanks! I don’t know how to repay you…”

“Don’t! You are helping me already. I will be happy to help you a little instead. If you feel like you owe me just continue to give me pointers. “

Jack trained with Lillie for a while that day, longer than he initially promised. However, he wasn’t feeling bad about it.

The next day, during training with Stanley he decided to ask him about his help.

“I have heard you refused to help Lillie and Patrick. I don’t understand.”

“Yeah, well… It’s different helping you compered to them.”


“You are good enough to stand on your own. I can train with you and rise my abilities. With them, it would be babysitting.”

“But you could still help them a little.”

“You don’t understand. If you are spending time helping somebody, then you are not training. In the end, it’s your own life that should be the most precious thing to you. Fighting monsters is extremely dangerous. You will need every advantage to can get.”

“Like good teammates, right?” Jack provoked.

“Yes. But it’s always better to be stronger yourself, than have stronger teammates. It’s a matter of life and death. Take a look on Aleena, she is only concentrating on her training. ”

“Are you going to behave like her?”

“No, just don’t belittle the danger we are going to face. You will do best for the team if you are strong enough yourself.”

Jack spotted Lillie. She was looking very happy and was running in the boys’ direction.

“What’s going on?” Stanley asked.

“Um, sorry. Lillie was doing me a favor. How it is?”

“I found the guy! Come!” Lillie grabbed Jack’s hand and started pulling him.

“Wait. Can I know why we stopped our training?”

“Sorry, Stanley. Lillie seems to find me a reading teacher.”

“I see. So you still want to learn better spells?”


“By the way, which way are you going to pay for that teachings?”

“Umm, Lillie?”

“He wants you to owe him a favor. You can discuss the details when you meet him. “

“What about you Lillie? What you have out of this?” Stanley asked.

“Why do you think that way? Can’t I just be kind?” She said with a smile.

“Sure. You can. Sorry for asking.”

“I was teaching Lillie a bit of what you had taught me. I think it’s fair.“

“I suppose,” Stanley signed. “Just don’t arbitrary break my training schedule next time, and remember what I have told you.”

“I won’t. Sorry.”

“Let’s go!”

Lillie was pulling Jack on the walls. Jack hadn’t been here yet. On the interior side there was a pretty gentle slope. It was fairly easy to climb.

“Okay. You can let go of my hand.”

“Sure.” She replied playfully.

Lillie brought him to the top where soldiers were standing.

“Is it alright for us to be here?”

“Don’t worry kid,” one of the soldiers said, “just don’t get in our way. Now, it’s quiet, but if there is some danger on the horizon you should better step back.”

It was Jack’s first time looking at the exterior. On the grassy fields, a few groups of bisons were eating. Tall grass itself was swaying to the gusts of wind. In the distance there was green. Huge trees were taking all of the horizon.

“It’s beautiful,” Jack said earnestly.

“That was also my first thought,” Lillie replied.

Jack looked down through bone-blades and other obstructions. There was a steep cliff at least 10 meters down. Horizontally, it was for about a meter, so the slope was impossible to climb without hands.

“Let’s find your teacher.”

Lillie soon stopped by a young kid – similar in age to them. He had fur clothes, as nearly everyone, but his were covering more of his body and looked more expensive.

“Hey. This is Jack I was talking about earlier.”

“Hello,” Jack said.

“I’m Rowan Hartman. Hello. I heard you want to learn how to read.”

“That’s right. Can you teach me?”

“Sure, but I want something in return.”

“Some favor?”

“You could call it that. You see, I failed the test. My family probably thinks me as a disgrace,” he was calm about it. “I want you to help me with leveling.“


“For now, you can’t. When you start hunting, I want you to bring me some monsters similar in level to me. I will kill it and get its essence. Alternatively, I want you to take me for a day into the exterior for a hunt once a month.”

“Indefinitely? Isn’t it a bit too much?” Lillie asked.

“You will be hard pressed to find someone who wants a different payment along soldiers. Don’t even bother to ask monster hunters. I don’t think anyone from them will agree, unless you offer much more. I also don’t want it indefinitely. Only until I get to 3rd tier.”

“You can go outside?” Jack asked.

“Everyone can. However, without a good team it’s just a suicide. Unless you have some special methods or you are at least 3rd tier yourself.”

“What do you think?” He asked Lillie.

“I asked around and there aren’t many people on the walls capable of reading in the first place. There are a few that may be willing, but they have similar demands.”

“Many of them have already lost their ambitions. They will be more greedy and they will want you to solve all their problems, like protecting them when the frontier is attacked. I have just joined. It will be easier to work with me.” Rowan said.

“…Ok. Deal.”


“Damn!” One of the soldiers nearby chuckled. “I wish I knew how to read and got such a deal.”

“May I know, why do you want such a deal in the first place?” Jack asked Rowan.

“It’s simple,” said the previous soldier. “You also need to fight here. It’s better to be strong. And we can’t kill monsters on our own leisure to level up.”

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