《Trinity Online: The Farside Chronicles》Prologue: Prologue - Can a prologue have a prologue?


In an unknown room shrouded in deep darkness, an unknown being sat in the deepest shadows. If one were to be present in that room they could feel the rage in the air. The oppression was so palpable it would be enough to knock out your average trained soldier within seconds. In fact, there were the unconscious bodies of six scantily clad women arranged around him, lieing within the only areas of light in the room. If the oppression was any worse, their lives would be lost, let alone endangered. Their breathing was ragged, and sweat dripped from their bodies as they lay in a comatose like state.

Within this room stood a man who was remarkably unaffected by the atmosphere. He stood impassively, unaffected by either the man's aura, or the danger to the lives of the women within the room.

"Is everything ready?" The man within the shadows spoke anxiously as he watched his subordinate, this was costing him a great deal of money after all.

"Yes, it didn't take much to bribe the officials. Once the local authorities found out who our target was, they were chafing at the bit to get rid of him, truly disgusting," the man replied with a feral grin.

"Good, I'll teach that f****r to ruin my fun," the being in the shadows replied, "Make sure the deed is done by the time he gets home."

"Yes, Sir," the man replied, quickly disappearing from the room.

After his suborinate had gone, a man's face appeared from the shadows. "Now if only I could see that f****r's face the moment he walks in and finds our little "surprise". Unfortunately that's impossible. . ." The man's face showed a sadistic smile as he imagined the man's face when he returned home and his whole world came crashing down around him. "HA HAHA AHAHAHAHAHA!" The man continued to laugh hysterically as the females continually twitched on the ground.


Andaros Terasien dejectedly halted outside his home on the planet Meracene. His mother would not be happy when she learned he was put under suspension from school yet again. It hadn't been anything he had done. No, he was a good kid who tried to stay out of trouble, and always did his best to help others. Unfortunately, people took one look at his perpetually angry looking, and intimidating, face, his spikey hair that wouldn't stay down, which was naturally black with streaks of bright red that looked like some kind of punk hairstyle, and his intimidating, muscular build, and they assumed he was some kind of hooligan. For Andaros it was easy to be accused of some kind of wrong-doing. Even when the boy was not even in the area, he was regularly blamed for something someone else had done at school or in a store.


The fact that Andaros rarely spoke, due to a complex about his heavy stuttering only made the problem worse. People were intimidated by his silence and acted against him in order to assert themselves. Thus, he was often treated badly or accused of things that wouldn't even be considered a delinquent activity under normal circumstances.

Andaros hadn't been involved in the problem. He kept his hands to himself, and did his best to not draw attention to himself because that always led to him getting accused of something he didn't do, or that wasn't even something wrong. He had been sitting at his desk the entire time, not leaving for lunch, or for anything else. The only time he had been up was when he went to the restroom early that morning, before classes began. This was his habit since early on in his attendance at this school, since any time he was up he would be blamed for something.

Today his attempts at not getting into trouble for something he didn't do failed miserably. This was not his own fault, but the fault of the other students, and teachers, who blamed him despite his not having gotten up even once. In fact, the theft he was blamed for wasn't even in the same room as him, it was in a classroom across the school from his desk, but he was blamed anyway. He missed the last three hours of classes as he sat in on a lecture on accountability for something he didn't do.

The worst part was the fact that, even though he didn't do it, it wouldn't matter to his mom. Even being thought of as having done something wrong was a sin in her eyes, and he would receive another lecture from his mom, and a punishment of receiving only half his dinner tonight, as well as writing out a 5,000 word essay on why what he did was wrong. The amount of food being cut in half didn't bother him so much, but constantly being forced to write an essay on how he was wrong for being blamed for something he wouldn't even consider doing got very frustrating. Andaros never complained, but he certainly imagined doing so within his mind. He couldn't help but consider this life, and his mother's stance, very unfair, but he still loved his mother dearly.


Gathering his courage, Andaros finally opened the door with his key and entered the house.

"M-m-m-mom, I-I-I-I'm H-h-h-home," Andaros called out in his characteristic three false starts to each word as his neck tightened up on one side, and his head involuntarilly tilted. Uncharacteristically, he heard no response to his greeting. Strange, his mother was always there when he returned from school, without fail. "M-m-m-mom? M-m-m-mom," he called out questioningly as he walked through the small house toward the kitchen.

Entering the kitchen, where his mother would normally be preparing dinner, Andaros dropped his schoolbooks and stared in horror. "M-M-M-MOM!" After a moment of shock, Andaros rushed over to where his mother lay in a pool of bloody on the floor, a knife sticking out from her back. In his panic, he shook her a few times, calling out to her in his stuttering voice. After a moment, he pressed the panic button his mother had installed in the home knowing that Andaros's stuttering grew far worse when he tried to used a communication device.

Strangely, not even ten seconds worth of time after he pressed the button, he saw the flashing of lights and heard the sirens of the local law enforcement, and emergency services. He quickly heard knocking on the front door and rushed to open it. When he did, instead of asking him what had happened, and where the emergency was, Andaros found the police rushing him. He was smashed against the wall of the front entry hall, and cuffed without a word spoken.

"Search the house. Find the victim," a senior officer instructed.

"W-w-w-what's g-g-g-going o-o-o-on," Andaros asked.

"You be quiet, criminal," an officer yelled at him, his voice filled with hostility. This was obviously not the way anyone would expect their own call for help to be responded to.

"She's in here, she's dead," one of the officers who went to search the house called out from the kitchen.

The news of his mother's death hit Andaros like a ton of bricks, and he barely heard as one of the officers said, "Andaros Terasien, you're under arrest for the murder of Andrea Terasien. . ."


"Why'd you do it?" Andaros was asked in an interrogation room in the law enforcement station.

"I-I-I-I d-d-d-didn't k-k-k-kill m-m-m-my m-m-m-mother," he answered for the hundredth time.

"Don't lie to me you bastard," the interrogator yelled at him, slamming his fist down on the table. "Now I'm only asking this once more, why'd you do it?!"

Andaros continued to assert his innocence, but no one would listen to him.

A week later, Andaros was subjected to a joke of a trial, represented by a public defender who was so scared of her own client she couldn't even look him in the eye. He was convicted with little to no evidence on the first day of trial, sentenced to life on a prison planet. A month after he was convicted, he was frozen in cryostasis, and shipped off aboard a galactic prison ship.

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