《Artificial Biological Runic intelligence》Chapter 15


Two hours later, Kaylen woke up. The maid that was keeping an eye on her left the bedroom and went to pick a glass of water and some food for Kaylen. After a few minutes, the maid came back with the food and water. When Kaylen tried to move her arms to pick the fork and eat, she felt her arm being sore and full of pain. She felt the pain and soreness came from all over her body. She removed the pain, and ate her meal. When she finished eating, the maid picked up everything and left. Then Kaylen spawned her whole list of stats and skill into existence.

Spoiler: Stats Level 28 Strength 13,57 Vitality 9,3 Endurance 10,98 Intelligence 1,95 Wisdom 2,04 Mana 6,44 Luck 4,78 Talent 15750 Charm 25,43 Stats points: 0 Skill points: 2 Perk: Runic mind synapses is now tier 14. Spoiler: Skills Runic Mind 1000 Gives extra cores per level and makes them more efficient. (Level maxed)

Cost for next evolution is 10 Skill points.

(Category: Metaphysical / Mind). Presence Detection 6 Detects any being close to the user. The range is 120 meters.

(Category: Metaphysical). Farming 0 Affected the health of a plant, production, growth, and lifespan.

(Category: Farming). The Mantra of Colossal Stamina +3 65 Better blood flow on the muscles for higher stamina and stamina regen. Current stamina and stamina regen bonus is 2600%.

(Category: Martial arts). Dagger mastery 70 Makes the user better at handling daggers and gives extra damage and attack speed.

Current damage and attack speed bonus is 70%.

(Category: Physical combat). Future Probabilities of Combat Projections 13 Makes the user able to see the future attacks while in combat.

(Category : Probabilities / Mind). Enchanted Stamina regeneration 65 Level is equal to Mantra of Colossal Stamina. Affects stamina regeneration and ticks.

Current stamina regen bonus is 650%.

(the skills adds the extra bonus stamina regen and not multiplies it.)

Current ticks/minute is 66 per min.

(Category: Evolution) Enchanted Health regeneration 13 Affects health regeneration and ticks.

Current health regen bonus is 130%.

Current ticks/minute is 14 per hour.

(Category: Evolution) Sleep efficiency 74 Affects how much the user has to sleep to get the full benefit of sleep and enchants healing while sleeping.

Current Sleep time needed for full benefit is 57 minutes.

Current healing multiplier is 740%.

(Category: Sleep) Speed reading 60 Makes the user able to read faster.

Current speed bonus is 600%.

(Category: Mind) Cleaning 25 Affects how well the user can clean something and how fast.

Current speed and cleaning quality bonus is 250%.

(Category: Cleaning) Spell Flamethrower +1 0 The user can create a jet of fire. Mana cost varies, max distance based on mana used, max heat output based on mana used.

(Category: Magic / Fire) Running +1 100 Makes the user able to run faster with the same stamina consumption.

Current speed bonus is 200%

(Category: Physical / Running) Wind Running 68 Makes the user able to run faster with the same stamina consumption and zeroes out the air drag.

Current speed bonus is 136%

(the skills adds the extra running speed and not multiplies it.)

(Category: Physical / Running) Athletics +1 100 Affects muscles mass and muscle strength.

Current bonus for muscle mass and strength is 200%.

(Category: Physical / Fitness) Muscle Empowerment 100 Affects muscle strength.

Current bonus for muscle mass and strength is 200%.

(Category: Physical / Fitness) Double Helix Muscle fibers 38 The muscle fibers now use the Double Helix style to add faster contraction speed, strength, and durability.

Current bonus on contraction speed, strength, and durability is now 114%


(Category: Physical / Fitness) Spell Firebolt 25 A bolt made of fire. Speed, heat, distance traveled, and the explosion on impact is affected by the mana used.

Current bonus adds 25% more efficiency per mana point used.

(Category: Magic / Fire) Spell Accelerated mana regeneration. 100 Use stamina and mana to create more mana. It uses 1 point of stamina a second and variable mana input.

Current exchange is 1 stamina and 1 (can be higher) mana per second to create 2 mana per second.

(Category: Magic / Body) Spell Efficient Accelerated mana regeneration 30 Use stamina and mana to create more mana. It uses 1 point of stamina a second and variable mana input.

Current exchange is 1 stamina and 1 (can be higher) mana per second to create 2,6 mana per second.

(Category: Magic / Body) Spell Basic Body empowerment. 96 Allows the flow of mana into your veins to empower your body by 100%.

Current mana cost per second is 25,5.

(Category: Magic / Body) Basic: Plants Cultivation 0 You can create whatever plant you want.

(Category: Magic / Earth) Useless Essence Cultivation 5 A Useless Essence Cultivation for people that have too much extra time.

Current cultivation speed is 57 seconds for 10 exp.

(Category: Essence / Cultivation)

Kaylen liked what she saw, but the runic mind skill made her mad. Mad with herself, she now knew she shouldn't have spent the Skill point like how she did. And she wasn't going to use them like they were nothing. And she now had a target to focus on and a reason to cultivate. Although the system said it was useless to use the skill Essence Cultivation, she was going to use it anyways, evolve it and maybe use some of the skill points on later evolutions, but first, she had to evolve the Runic mind skill.

She stopped thinking about and went ahead and used the skill for the next three hours. After that, she had to stop because a maid asked her to come for breakfast. When she was at the table, she was Alica. Alica wasn't at her best self like she always was, she had a downcast face and black bags under her eyes. She nodded to Kaylen and returned to eating. Kaylen sat down and ate too.

After they finished eating, Alica and Kaylen went to the backyard. "How did you manage to fight me until exhaustion?" Asked Alica, she was depressed because she couldn't even make a small wound to Kaylen what so ever. "Because I copied what you did, and because I can predict the next attack that will follow. That was all that I did." Said Kaylen. It was the truth really; she hadn't done something out of the ordinary, for her at least. If people knew what skills she had, they could go mad from envy.

"You know, I even use my mana to keep on fighting, but you were still able to fight for some many hours." With every word she said, her face fell even more. Alica was severely depressed from what had happened. She had all her life cultivate her spells and mana, but she still lost to someone who was at least half of her age. However, what she didn't though was that Kaylen didn't have fifty demons that could do what she asked without question, and gain essence from what they killed.

"So, I want to fight with you again, but please let me use more spells that can enchant my body to the fight if possible. I want to fight you in close combat with my full power. I want to gain as many experiences that I can." "I can do that If only I can use my body enhancement spell too." Alica gave her a node, and both readied their spells. Kaylen's body enhancement spell gave her blue veins, and Alica changed her skin to a more brownish color, and her hands had flames that were dancing with the help of a wind spell. Her skin spell gave her a higher natural defense and better overall agility, and the flame and wind spell combo gave her better hand speed and strength.


"Wait, we don't have wooden daggers to use. Give me a second. I'm going to get them!" Said Alica. A minute later, she was back with at least fifty of those daggers. She had used a box to bring all of them to the backyard. Behind her were Renna and Molonym. "Don't mind us. We just came to watch you too train and maybe give some pointers too." Said Renna and gave a smile to Kaylen. They were there to mostly watch over them. Renna just wanted to be sure that something like yesterday wasn't going to happen again, and to be there is something went the wrong way. Because her daughter had told her that they were going to use spells.

"So, let's get ready." Said Alica, and used her spells like before, Kaylen did the same. Both had a dagger in their hands. "This time attack with full power, don't hold back." Kaylen gave her a nod and attacked first. Alica wasn't even able to see Kaylen move. She had managed to be in front of her face in a couple of steps that she couldn't even perceive. Alica wasn't ready for something like this. She didn't even manage to dodge, nor did she manage to move the dagger to block. But Kaylen didn't attack her. She just hit the wooden dagger with her own. Kaylen knew that if she attacked her with that kind of power she could have killed her with that attack, even if they were using wooden dagger without an edge. Alica had to let go of the dagger because of the power the attack had.

"How is this even possible!" Screamed Alica, she had got one more blow to her ego with that attack. "How did you go from being a beginner to an expert in just a day? It isn't even possible." Alica kept murmuring things. "Kaylen, this going to be sound stupid, but can I touch your muscle?" Asked Renna. Kaylen didn't question her. She just gave her a nod. And that was all that Renna needed. Renna the gave some pats and squeezes to where Kaylen's muscles were.

"They seem firmer than a normal human body, and more compact. Molonym, come here and check her too, and tell me what do you believe." Molonym did what Renna had done and said. "You are right my Queen, she had indeed firmer muscles and more compact, you can't even move them from their position while they are relaxed. She isn't like every other human it seems. Maybe an evolved one? But that doesn't explain how she got that good with the dagger and her strength." He gave a pause to think, and then added. "Maybe because of yesterday's training, something inside her awoke and gave her better physical strength. There are stories of people become stronger in just a day, maybe that was something like that." "I think so too." Said Renna.

Both of them were sure that something like that had happened to Kaylen, but they were actually out of mark. If they knew that Kaylen had stopped attacking because a skill from the system had warned her that her muscles were ready for evolution, they could have pulled their hair until they went bald. And she wasn't going to correct them. In fact, she wasn't going to tell them what she was. Better to keep some secrets from them, even if they were good people.

"Alica, stop being a crybaby and use your brain." Said Renna. Alica looked at her confused and thought about what she should have considered before she started to cry her heart out. "Sigh, you are at a disadvantage fighting her in close combat. No matter what you do, she will always win. You have to fight her with your spells to win. You should always use what you are good at in a fight. And if just a spar makes you want to cry a river, you better stop pursuing strength and change to something simpler, like a farmer." Although it sounded harsh, it had some truth in it. Alica gave it a thought and said. "That's true mother, but still if I can't win someone half of my age in close combat I fear that I'm going to get killed by someone that has more experience."

"Why are you so stupid my child? Why even let him get close to you if it's a real fight a mage has far better potential in winning the fight rather than the close combat warrior. You have to think thing through first before you do things. And second, a mage never lets people come close to him/her, if that happens then the mage is a bad one, and let's leave it at that. And third, you have the demons, why shouldn't be scared by the folks who use weapons. Your demons can take care of them. Just use your brain, that's all I'm asking you to do. Now, I will take my leave. Molonym, you come with me."

Alica had a thoughtful look on her face. After some minutes of thinking, a smile was formed on her face. 'Mother is right, I was thinking all of this wrong. I do not need to be so harsh on myself because I lost to a close combat. I have my spells!' And then she spoke to Kaylen. "I will ask Molonym to train you. As I'm incapable of doing that. He is the best in close combat, and I believe he will be the best teacher for you. He likes students that try their best when they train, and you are one of them. I just have to see if he has time to spare. Now, let's go and eat some cool things from a bakery that is just down the street." They both left the backyard and went to a bakery that was a couple of minutes away from the palace.

The place had a big line of people waiting for their turn. After a few more minutes, it was their turn. Alica picked something that looked like a loaf of bread that had inside it chocolate. She gave half of it to Kaylen and the ate it happily while the kept a small talk going. Alica had asked her how was she able to get this good with the dagger, and Kaylen just said that it came to her sleep after they had both dropped to the ground. She also said that she didn't know that she had this kind of power, but that was a big fat lie. But it was better like this, better for people to not know what she is and what she can do. And then they went back to the palace.

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