《Artificial Biological Runic intelligence》Chapter 4


Kaylen woke up after 2 hours of sleep. She felt like a new person, but she didn't feel pain or exhaustion. She felt like she could run miles without stopping, and there was a reason for that. A small blue dot was blinking in her vision. She concentrated on that, and the blue screens popped up.

Enchanted Stamina regeneration

Category: Evolution

Enchanted Health regeneration

Category: Evolution

Sleep efficiency

Category: Evolution

Now you have 51 Runic cores

Perk: Your Runic cores have more synapses with each other. (10,25,50 next tier at 75 runic cores.)

The man that had saved her from the chaos was moving his hand in front of her. "Hello? You there?" Kaylen snapped from her stupor and looked at the man. His burned arm was full of bandages, so he could move it a little, but he was still in pain. She could see it on his face whenever he tried to move just a finger he could twitch ever so slightly on his lips. As for the woman, she was okay, just an extra worried face to the healing facility.

"Hahaha..." Bill laughed but stopped short by a coughing spree. He was on the left of Kaylen's bed with a wounded leg. "Shit! Doctor, the leg is bleeding again!" A doctor came to examine what was wrong with his leg. Bill looked at Kaylen's remarkable group. "I see. Some of you stayed alive. The Metal Dogs were hard opponents even for us soldiers. But we won them!" He made a thumbs-up move to their group. "To be more accurate, we won because the elites came from their exploratory expedition in time to support us. If we knew we were going to get attacked by something like this...." He sighed. "Enough of that, the person that attacked us wasn't the Queen but something that impersonated her. The church said it was a demon, but we don't know for sure." He stopped for some time, trying to put his thoughts into place, he said. "I learned that you people killed three of them. You get paid 15 pieces of silver for each one of you."

The man and the woman looked happy when they heard that. On the other hand, Kaylen didn't even know what to do with her silver. A nurse spoke to her group after they stopped speaking with Bill. "You are all free to go. Your wounds will be healed naturally with sufficient time." And shoo them out of the facility.

The guard at the facility gave them small sacks with some coins and said. "I was told to give you those. Good luck with whatever you do. And thank you for your service!" And did a small bow.

Leaving the barracks, the man in the group spoke. "I know we haven't known each other for too long, but I would like to make a party with you people. To hunt and make some coins. My name is Theo Kirk, and my family and I run a small inn inside the city. I would like you to come with me and have dinner together and let you sleep at our inn for free for the day." Then the woman introduces herself. "I am Eva Raymond, and I am from this city too. I'm a student at Edgewood Academy." The face of Theo started to lose its color when he heard the name of the Academy. And with a trembling voice, he spoke. "Sorry if I offend you by asking you to come with me." Then he started to back away from them and ran away. Kaylen asked Eve. "Why did he leave like that when he heard you were from Edgewood Academy?" Eva studied Kaylen for some time and then answered her question. "It's because more of the nobles and royals go there to study and not commoners. Well, there are some commoners but not a lot of them. I will take my leave too. Bye Bye." And then Eva left. Kaylen was alone, and in the city, she didn't know and she should do. She moved away from the barracks and into the city. She carefully searched for two keywords, inn and food, in a conversation or a visible sign. She found the appropriate words for food at stalls. It didn't say food but the name of a grilled animal leg.


She then heard how the exchange was going between the people that took the food he made, how much it cost and how the silver coin thing worked. From what she heard, one silver was equal to 100 bronze and a gold coin to 100 silver. It was time for her to take a stick from the man. "I would like two sticks please." She mimicked one of the local ladies that had spoken before her. "That could be two bronze coins." Kaylen passed him a silver coin, and he gave her back one big bronze coin that was worth fifty small ones, four medium ones, and eight small ones. Kaylen took the money first and put them in her bag with the other coins, and then took the two sticks that the man was holding. She took them and the man with a smile said. "Thank you for buying from me!"

She ate the meat from the sticks. They were delicious and searched for an inn to stay for the night. After some time had passed, she was in front of an inn. 'Paradise' was written in the front of the door. It wasn't exactly an inn in front of her, but a brothel. There was a sign on the side of the door saying that there were only demons working here. They were under magical contract and couldn't kill or hurt someone at all. There was only a woman waiting in front of the door with her hand crossed on her chest. "Well? What are you waiting for? Won't you go in?" The woman said she had 2 horns on her head with blue skin and a beautiful face. She was looking at Kaylen with a puzzled look on her face. It was the first time that a customer had stayed this long outside of the building staring. Most of the custom only had red faces from embarrassment or because they were drunk. But to see Kaylen not being embarrassed or drunk had moved her curiosity, and that was why she had asked her why she was waiting outside. Kaylen looked at her and spoke. "I came here to sleep. Most of the inns were asking four times the normal cost because, as they said, it was night time and they had to work without sleep." The woman moved an eyebrow higher than the other, Kaylen continued. "And because of that, I came here. At least from what I heard. Here it only costs 50 bronze a night. Not two silvers that most of the inns asked." The woman giggled to herself and said, "But, of course, we demons do not really need sleep. And we can work 24 hours a day with only small breaks to recharge our stamina." She said with a smile. "Go in and ask the bartender for a quiet bed for the night. She will probably give you one for you." With that, she opened the door and made a signal for Kaylen to go in.

When Kaylen was inside, she heard slow music being played live on the right side of the building door and on the left side was the bar and the bartender serving people. There were tables too with women pole dancing with men and women around them. Kaylen moved to the bar and sat at one of the stools, and the bartender came to her and asked her. "What would you like to drink? Or do you want a bed for the night with one of our fine ladies?" She had the same blue skin as the front door woman, but she had three horns on her head two and one at the front, with red eyes and purple hair and a pretty face. She had a smile on her face. "I want to sleep for the night in a quiet bedroom. That's all." Said Kaylen. The bartender went on board with some keys on it and picked one. "This one, it's at the end of the 3rd floor. Follow the stairs until you are on the 3rd floor, and then go to the door with the same number. It should be the last bedroom. You will have all the quiet you want. And there will be 50 copper." She moved her hand, left the key and received the bronze. Kaylen picked the key and ascended the stairs. When she moved up, she could hear moaning from every door that was close to the stairs. She kept on moving while thinking about why someone could do those sounds. When she was on the 3rd floor, it was quiet, she moved at the last door and tried to find where the key should go. She looked at the door for some time until she found the lock and put the key inside and moved to unlock the door.


The room had only a king size bed and a window. She closed the door and looked out the window. She couldn't see much except some tall buildings with lights of them, but she couldn't see the road or anything else, only the lights. She then removed her clothes from herself and left them on the floor. She then went to bed and slept.

Two hours later, someone was out the window trying to break in. How could someone be on the third floor? By using magic and the spell 'fly'. It was a woman with a black hood. The stranger opened the window and moved inside. Kaylen was away because of her skill, and the good thing her mind had come up with was to put the dagger below the pillow. She moved ever so slightly at the dagger.

But before she could do something, the bartender opened the door of the room slowly and moved inside. "Mistress, what are you doing here? What if someone sees you? The attack was a failure, and you knew it." She tried to keep her voice low, but it was audible because of the quietness that existed. "Come on. I know you are awake. Don't try to play games with me." Mistress said to Kaylen. Kaylen didn't know what to do until her curiosity won over her. She moved and looked at them. The good thing was that the bed had a blanket. Both were looking at her. "Well, whatever, let her be. She won't know a thing tomorrow anyway. So why did we have such a bad execution of the task? I thought you said a thousand of them could be enough to bridge the gate." Said the mistress while she kept a passive voice, not threatening nor happy. "My Queen, we didn't know that there were going to gather peasants from everywhere to stop us from going in. There were too many of those bastards that five of them needed it to kill just one, imagining having 1000 of those plus the trained soldiers. We weren't prepared for that." The bartender tried to use logic; she knew that her mistress didn't like when she tried to use emotions or lies no matter what. She then said everything that happened and why they lost. Kaylen heard everything, and something interesting she heard was that the mistress was the real Queen of the Empire and that the bartender was the one who had taken her figure. This was an interesting plot they had there. And as Kaylen understood, the Queen was half elf and half human. She had traits of an elf and a human. Kaylen had an idea, what if she used those people to learn more stuff for this world, and as it seems, there was magic too. "Emm, sorry for breaking the conversation." Both women looked sharply at her, but Kaylen didn't felt the threatening aura around them. "I would like to learn some magic too please."

"You will have forgotten everything from today, and you will not know why. So there is no point for you to learn anything." When the bartender spoke, she tried to make her voice more aggressive, but Kaylen didn't even flinch. The mistress told her to stop and she spoke "And why would you want to learn magic? There are a million other things that you could learn faster than magic."

"Because it would be nice to be able to fly and make other things easier. Like how you made the attack seem like you did it, but you didn't. And how you flew here and opened the window." Kaylen said. Both women looked at each other. The Queen spoke. "You don't seem to understand that you could die any second now, do you?" She said with amusement in her voice. "No." Said Kaylen.

"So, you want to learn magic, and you don't fear death. Demonology could be a good start for you, don't you think? Or assassinations could be good, too. Say, would you like to join my small team here? All we try to do is bring down the human empire because they enslave other human-like beings, like elves, beast-men, and other beings. And we would like to bring it down because of it. I was too enslaved until the king named me the Queen. So what do you say?" The Queen said while a small smile formed on her lips.

"But many will die, and how do you know that I'm not a human either? I look like one." Kaylen said.

"Because the thing between your legs was up all the time we were here. There is no human woman with both sexes in this empire as I know of. And no human could be this perfect except a succubus and a voice like a siren. So tell me, what would you like to do? I can teach you powerful magic and whatever else you like. And all I want from you is to kill a couple of people that should have never existed."

"Deal!" Kaylen said, with happiness all over her face, even her friend between her legs was twitching with excitement.

Alica then made the paper appear from nothing. "This is a contract that we will make. As the owner of the contract, I will make some rules. One, we will not kill each other and tell what is supposed to be secrets to someone else. Second, we will not tell anyone about this or anything from what happened here. Third, you will have to kill the people that I want dead and I will teach you magic and other things that you will ask later. Fourth my demons will not be able to harm you either and you will not be able either. Fifth, when I ask for sex you will have to make that happen. Okay, maybe the latter should be optional. You see, I don't like men, but I like the thing between their legs. The demons can make it happen, like my demons here, but they tend to go with huge and not something appropriate." She said, and the contract flew to Kaylen. Kaylen looked at Alica with a question face. "A, yes, Put your hand on the paper and the contract will take effect. If you want to read it." Kaylen read everything from the contract and the four rules and the optional ones. Everything was like how Alica had said, word for word. She put her hand on it. A small white light formed around Alica and Kaylen and faded as fast as it had appeared. "Now you can go to sleep, but before you do tell me your name."


"Kaylen, good. I will make a list for you for who you should have killed, from the lowest power to the highest. Now, good night, and have fun. You can stay here as long as you want. You get paid one gold coin a day for training and things like that if my demons cannot teach you." She smiled at them and left from the window. The bartender closed the window and said good night to Kaylen and left.

But before Kaylen went to sleep, the system showed some blue screens.

Presence Detection is now level 1.

The 52 core will be created when you go to sleep.

Kaylen read them and then went to sleep. Things would be interesting was her last thought before she slept.

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