《T.B.O.K.K.J.》Chapter 9


[Tzing! Tzing! Tzing! Tzing!]

[Formation of Protagonist]

[Quest Complete]

Pure bliss, nothing can bring more joy than a completion of a 15-year long quest. The situation did not unfold according to plan; nonetheless, it's successful. So to say, failing successfully. When I turned my head back, I have witnessed the glorious upgraded protagonist. A sight to see, He was similar to the knight or prince in the shining armor. He, the protagonist, was standing there in an epic and overdramatic pose. His eyes were filled with anger and hatred. That was to be the scene where Fei Hong would have completely fell in love with him. Well, she is still unconscious what a waste this is.

-'KGGGgyaaaaaaaa.........my arms.......'

Ja Wui Wang couldn't feel a thing. His scream wasn't filled with pain but with disparity. This bitter feeling when you lose something with no hope of getting it back. Blood, just like a wild gazer, was pouring outside of his body. The scene was similar to the slaughterhouse; everything got covered in blood.

Hyuk-Il furious aura immersed with unparallel killing intent. Directed his, late bloomed, manly gaze towards Gag Gang Ja. Gan Gang Ja was, obviously, terrified with all the adrenalin and fear rushing to his head; drugs that I have used seem to lose their potency.

-' Hyuk-Il.......what.........what happened here.......'

To be fair Ga Gang Ja did look very confused right now. As if he was sleeping all the time before. Unfortunately for him, Hyuk-Il was a typical case; of innocent/pure turning tyrannical/homicidal/merciless protagonist. So Gan Gang JA couldn't even grasp the whole situation that unfolded before his now clear consciousness. Silver-black flames engulfed his and Ja Wui Wang's bodies. They were burning alive; what a gruesome way to die.

-'KGGGgyaaaaaaaa.....aaaaaaaa.. make it stop..........'

At that moment, Ja Wui Wang already lost way too much blood; he didn't try to run or somehow deal with flames. He simply dropped to the ground, groaning and screaming in waiting for his imminent death. Gan Gang Ja, on the other hand, was silently standing there.

-"I will take care of her......"

I meant those words. I genuinely had planned to take care of her.

When my words reached Gan Gang Ja. He smirked and closed his eyes. He was burning alive, right in front of my eyes, yet he didn't utter a single noise. In a matter of seconds, he was of the same color like charcoal, but the outlines of his smile were still noticeable.


(Rest assured, guys, your sacrifices were not in vain. I will heal your relatives. Gan Gang Ja, you are an amazing character it suddens me that I had to use you in this way. )

Hyuk-Il rushed to me.

He had the most nervous look I have ever seen him do in the last fifteen years. He fell on his knees right beside me. He was awkwardly trying to inspect my wounds. His eyes got filled with rage and sorrow.

-' Sung Byung are you....'

-" YOu bastard go check Fei Hong first. "

(Come on mate, the girl over there a beautiful damsel in distress. Isn't it obvious that you should rush towards her first? I swear.)

-'But your wounds look......'

-"This is but a scratch...Actually, pull these swords out first."

-' I won't.....You will bleed to death... Hang in there I will check Fei Hong'

-"Just pull these god damn swords out."

[Skill Activation]

[Skill Activation: Failed]

[Use of inventory is prohibited while under attack.]

(Just fuck you MC I wanna heal myself right now.)

He steadily went to where Fei hong's unconscious body was.

-' How horrible......'


A loud soul-piercing screech resonated around us. My already stiff body from the blood loss was now completely paralyzed. But the apparent difference was with hyuk-il. He became pale from all the fear; he couldn't move his body even a bit.

A figure was slowly approaching us. A similar face appeared, a brief moment of hope. Kim Kwang Nyun's face appeared before us with a disturbing smile. But something was amiss. Only her face looked human; the rest of the body was bubbling and constantly melting. She looked like a plastic toy figure that got sent on fire. A glimmer of hope got crushed by the anxiety and confusion since it became apparent that she was the source of that scritch.

-'Qiiiiiaaah qiiiiii.........yooooahhhh'

As Kim Kwang Nyun tried to speak, her body continued to melt and bubble. Hyuk-Il and I were hopelessly watching her. She, with a smile on her face, raised her index finger. As if asking us to give her a moment.

In a minute or so, her body looked like usual. Now she looked just like a normal human.

-'Another irregular?'

Hyuk-Il could utter only this meaningless question.


(I am surprised he could even open his mouth. Yet he wasted that gap to ask a meaningless question. Well Played, Well PLayed)

-'Ahhhhh, so sad. You have stained such a beauty. Ha Eun was not enough for you?'

Both of us were still under the effect of that strange noise that deemed us paralyzed. So we couldn't possibly answer any of her questions.

-'Ah Right right, you guys cant talk right now. My bad, He-he-He.'

(What a yandere. )

-'Sorry guys, I will have you listen to me just for a bit.'

(Or.....She is just a psycho)

-' My favorite Ha Eun. My cute little Ha Eun. When I was about to finally heal her heart, you had to reappear in her life and ruin my hard work.'

She was scratching her head like any normal madman would do. Somewhat cliche, but it did look somewhat convincing.

-' My beautiful Ha Eun this entire trip acted so differently. It's all because of you. You did something to her, didn't you?

At this point, it was obvious that she wasn't looking for answers but simply looked to poured out all her emotions.

-'How dare you break my toys. These girls are mine and mine alone.'

Just like any sain psycho would do, she completely changed her facial expression and her posture when she imagined someone else as her property.

-'When I will finally get rid of you. I will console these poor girls.'

Even though there was no reliable source of light aside from that weird silver-black fire. That was still burning the bodies of Gan Gang Ja and Ja Wui Wang. The vibrant blushing of her face was visible even in this dark space. She was hugging herself and drooling like a horny dog.

(Well, we are dead for sure.)

When I thought that the situation could not become weirder, I have noticed an increasing bulge in her crotch area.

(Ooookay, whoever is the owner of this world: you are weird.)

-' You and this trash will stay here. Nothing person... Actually, it is only personal. Don't worry; girls won't feel lonely.'

Kim Kwang Nyun stoped for a sec.

'Ahhh, almost forgot about her.'

Her hand transformed into countless tentacles. They extended towards Fei Hong, grabbed her still unconscious body, and pulled it back to Kim Kwang Nyun.

Kwang Nyun pointed at something behind both of us

-'Well, have fun. Farewell.'

With those words, Kwang Nyun rushed away. I could feel that something was slowly approaching us from the direction Kwang Nyun just pointed at.

This paralyzing effect started to fade away, I still couldn't move my body, but now I could speak.

-"Hey...Hyuk-Il can you speak? "

There was no response.

(Since Hyuk-Il was closer to the source, I guess it had a more potent effect on him)

-"Just listen to me then. I am about to die, but don't worry; you will survive for sure. It is your story, after all. With the way your character development is set, I am sure you will sooner or later realize all the cruel things I did to you. But you should know, I am genuinely sorry about it. I finished countless quests in countless worlds. But most of them were. You probably wouldn't understand. Most of them happened in ordinary worlds. I don't have a lot of expertise with fantasy settings. Most of my words won't make much sense to you, that's for sure. I tried to help you, that all you have to know."

When I was close to the end of my unnecessary monologues, a dweller got right next to me.

-"And yea since I promised please take care of Gan Gang Ja's sist........"

But I couldn't finish the sentence thin, but heavy feet just obliterated my skull.

[You Died]

[Calculating Your Achievements.]

[World's Difficulty: S]

[Quest's Difficulty: C]

[Main Quest Completed]

[Tzing! Tzing! Tzing! Tzing!]

[Secret Quest: Loss of Loved One]

[Secret Quest: Completed]

(Well maybe he loved me as his older brother.)

[Tzing! Tzing! Tzing! Tzing!]

[Secret Quest: Loss of Loved One { In a romantic way}]

[Secret Quest: Completed]

(You F*cking F*ggot no wonder I couldn't make you angry.)

[{Your action triggered a hidden scenario `Path of vengeful one`. You managed to change the scenario and the flow of the storyline. The owner of the world is furious.}]

[Calculation Complete.]

[ 0.8 points will be added to your status.]

(Wow, that's a lot.)

[{New Quest is Generating}]

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