《T.B.O.K.K.J.》Chapter 8


(I guess with those crystals around, I can use the fire without a worry to ignite something flammable and blow all of us in an accident)

{Against dwellers of such a low level, Hyuk-Il could easily stand his ground even by myself regardless of their numbers. In a single moment, a flame circle was surrounding the group and then expanded in all directions: burning all the rodents in its path.}

-'Wow, that was fast! I have never seen such fast invocation before.'

-"Good Fuc*ing job, Hyuk-Il."

-'Thank you, captain. I don't think anyone would have problems with these dwellers. '

(Who the fuck cares bitch. Just take the compliment.)

-' Language, please. Just in case, should I freeze their bodies?'

{Sergei was quite a cautious person; in the past, his entire group; was wiped by dwellers capable of self-healing. He was safe thanks to his trait; of self-restoration, a most desired trait among adventers. But that wasn't the same for his groupmates.}

-'No, I have a better idea: I will poison their bodies; so they won't be a threat, and at the same time: their corpses will be useful if eaten by other dwellers.'

-' Water-fire adventers have such unsettling powers. You guys give me chills.'

{Water-Fire adventers are rarely present on the field. Most of the time: they occupy positions of interrogation officers, the so-called secret police. Sergei's disdain towards them was set in stone by the long-lasting hatred of his family. Even before the first eruption, his ancestors were chased and tormented by the NKVD.}

{Then they have spent few hours exploring the premisses of this underworld and found quite a few small holes on the wall.}

-'Ahh, so they come from those tunnels. They are probably leading to the deeper parts of this underworld. I doubt they may cause any significant harm; they are just rodents after all, so sealing the holes will do. Sung Byung, I will leave this task to you.'

-"Yea, yea captain, just give me a second"

All of the holes got sealed at once.

-'Well done; I guess we didn't have to be so nervous after all. It took less than a day to finish the mission; what a relief. Well, let's rest for now. Gan Gang Ja, Ja Wui Wang, and Pi Hae Ja, you three will be first on the watch. After three hours: we will have the next shift.'


(Ok, so nobody gonna question how the fuck those rodents managed to stay undetected. She is indeed airheaded, slightly dumb, and clumsy. But she knows what she is doing. There is no fucking way those rats would have managed to avoid her scanning ability. Fuc* Fuc*, I sense a major death flag. Are we all going to die here?)


About an hour into the first watch three Ja and I had a conversation.

-' Sung Byung-nim? How should we proceed now?'

Gan Gang Ja whispered as quietly as possible. All three Ja were unfazed by what they are about to do. Honestly, because of how morally righteous they are. I have expected them to be pale from all the hesitations. But, I guess the chance to bring well-being to their loved ones would reddle even the sturdiest of minds.

-"You don't have to whisper; I have used quite an amount of sleeping agent. They won't wake up even if you boil them alive."

-'Sung Byung-nim, your medicine is amazing as always.'

(I can understand how shitty he feels right now. He is about to do such outrageous shit for the sake of his little sister. I am sure he wishes he would bring alcohol or something. I am not a monster; I will ease his pain.)

-"Here, take it."

I handed him three flasks with purple liquid in them.

-'Sung Byung-nim? What....... What is this?'

-"Ahhhahhaha. Relax; it's not poison. It will help you guys to get in the mood, to ease the weight of your consciousness."

Amazingly, but they chugged the flasks dry.


-'This Chinese girl is so my type, her delicate and at the same time sturdy figure and her beautiful, serious face, I wanna see it twitch in pleasure and embarrassment, you guys are with me, right? '

Drug kicked in pretty fast, and Gan Gang Ja couldn't hide his excitement and drooled in anticipation. He was looking at the others with the hope of support.

-' But how are we supposed to explain it later?'

Pi Hae Ja, as the most careful of three Ja, voiced his worries.

-'It's not rare for some of the team members to die, right? We can just say that there was one strong dweller present. And unfortunately, it killed our captain. This story will do.'


Ja Wui Wang, who had the same motivation as Gang Ja, thought of an excuse long ago.

(Wow, a powerful drug indeed; they were scared to rape her. But now they are thinking of how to dispose of her. What a grim turn of their personalities, LOL. The true power of horniness. )

-' Then we will do it this way....'

-"Don't overcomplicate it, just take her and go in that direction; there is a small pit over there. I gave Hyuk-Il an antidote: so he will wake up soon."

Gan Gang Ja dragged Fei Hong thru the floor just like a rag doll with absolutely no concerns over her well-being.

-' She is not waking up. You retard, what did you do? I wanna see her facial expressions, listen to hear screams and moans when I screw her, you can't even do one fucking job properly.'

-"Excuse me? Gan Gang Ja, what the fuck is this tone?! Watch your god damn mouth."

Gan Gang Ja didn't react to my words at all.

(They are acting way too aggressively. I don't understand what's going on. I couldn't mess up with dosage or drug type. I made sure they didn't take any other medicine. So what could lead them to act in this way?)

-'That's ain't bad either, let's dig in boys.'

Gan Gang Ja started to tear apart what was remaining of her clothes.

-"Gan Gang Ja stop: you imbecile it way too early to do anything you must do it in front of MC..... I mean Hyuk-Il."

I rushed to him from the back and tried to stop him. What followed was out of my expectations. Gan Gang Ja simply back kicked me right into the abdomen. A powerful kick that wouldn't shame Korean taekwondo. I felt as if I lost my ability to breathe for a short period, and the entirety of my organs fell into a bottomless hole. Before I managed to stand straight, another kick from Pi Hae Ja pretty much grounded me. Two sharp swords pierced my left soleus muscle and right palm.


-' Be quiet, and maybe we will let you have round as well. AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.'

(You fucking ameba, when this shit is over. I will dump few pounds of cocaine in your butthole. But, be assured I will take off your little sister; she will work from night to day on the fucking panel.)



Just fuck this world. I hate this scenario so much. My inventory got heavily restricted in this world. Most of the world is a blank space. Constant conflicts. I just want a simple life with no danger in it.

-'So tight.'

Have you ever wondered why; it's not recommended to shoot people in the legs? Huge ass arteries, that's why. Without first aid, it's more likely you die from the gunshot to your leg; than to your body. I am sure this bastard just damaged my arteries; I am getting weaker and weaker.

-' You are so wet.....ahh.....I.....will never stop.'

Moans, moans, moans. Gan Gang Ja and Ja Wui Wang were very passionate about their extracurricular activity with Fei Hong's unconscious body. Pi Hae Ja was standing near me, not sure if he was guarding me or what. But, he was busy with some solo leveling.

-"Hey Pi Hae Ja, she ain't gonna bite you."

-'Hey, I haven't done anything to her yet, so move her head.....'

As Pi Hae Ja tried to finish his sentence, a loud sound similar to the sonic boom; resonated in my ears. Blood was pouring out of a massive hole in his chest. He couldn't utter a single word and dropped dead right away. I didn't have time to react as a second similar sound followed, and Ja Wui Wang lost both of his hands.

[Tzing! Tzing! Tzing! Tzing!]

[Quest Complete.]

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