《T.B.O.K.K.J.》Chapter 6


{Upon Hyuk-Il's return to the hangar, Fei Hong had a heated argument with the logistics officer. It seems that traveling won't be via plane but a military LRT. Either way, it won't take that much time.}

-' Give up, captain; it's probably, Hyuk-Il's luck taking its action, we won't have a smooth ride. Heheheh'

{ Gan Gang Ja was unusually enthusiastic when he was laughing. As if he won a lottery a moment ago. Hyuk-Il always felt some tension in the Gan Gang Ja's actions, but now for some reason, Gan Gang Ja was in peace with himself. Right beside him, Ja Wui Wang and Pi Hae Ja, his loyal friends, were about to add some unnecessary comments but were abruptly interrupted by another person.}

-' Isn't it better this way? We will have a proper worm meal on the train and some comfy seats. We will be eating tube food, and sleeping on the ground for god knows how long. So we should thank Hyuk-Il. HAHAHAH.'

{It was Sergei, a bulky man in his mid-thirties. A descendant of Russian families that migrated to Korea from Kamchatka after the third great eruption in 1952. One head taller and way better build than Gan Gang Ja. On the intimidation scale, he was quite close to the battalion commander.}


{It seems Gan Gang Ja had nothing to say. Since it's a truth, LRT might take slightly more time than an airplane, but SRA's LRT trains are a pinnacle of a luxurious traveling experience. Not to mention; delicious first-class dining. Visibly agitated Gan Gang Ja turned back and joined his JA group.}

When I reached the hangar rest of the characters were there already. No one noticed my arrival since they were preoccupied with their last moment preparations. I had to announce myself, but I was supposed to do it as smoothly as possible.

-"So we are traveling by train?"

I said calmly no too loud, not too quiet.

-' Sung Byung ah, we got the same mission again. I am so glad, you will be there with me.'

(No shi* Einstein.)

{Hyuk-Il was pleasantly surprised for no apparent reason. Unlike other adventers, Hyuk-Il was always excited to participate in missions. Moreover, Hyuk-Il looks bright and excited only during missions. Even after so many hardships and false charges, Hyuk-Il is still eager to fight to protect others. Ironically the broken and incomplete adventer is the one with a genuine character befitting the hero.}

-"Bruh, the way you say stuff gives me chills. Didn't I tell you to change the way you are speaking?"

-'Yeah haha... you did but it's ok, Sung Byung ah is the only person I am talking to, so it's ok. '

-"You little ...... that's not the point......Listen"

When I was about to act like a caring friend, a loud and cheerful voice resonated in the entire hangar. The source of that voice was quickly approaching MC and me from the back.



{Ha Eun jump hugged Hyuk-Il from the back. Just like a baby koala hanging onto its mom.}


{This whole ordeal was so bizarre that Hyik-Il was lost for words. A stunning contrast with their earlier meeting. }

-' Buuuu, why didn't you say hi earlier in the hangar?'

{Ha Eun puffed her cheeks with all her child-like character and acted so innocently. So innocent that it was sexually bewitching.}

-'Ahhhh, sorry I thought you were not in a mood, so......'

{The rest of the team immediately focused their attention on them. All of them were looking at Ha Eun with disbelief. She acted completely different from what rumors might suggest. She wasn't uncomfortable, and she wasn't avoiding him. As if they were best friends. Ha Eun behaved without a second thought with no regard to others. It didn't take too long for her to realize. With this action, she might trouble Hyik-Il even more. She decided to talk to him later, on the train. But before jumping off of him, she came as close as possible to Hyuk-il and gently whispered to his ear.}

-'i know your secret.... hehhehhe.'

{Hyuk-il has flustered his crimson red face was about to ignite in flames.}

(This fucking slu*, she couldn't just stay silent for a few days, could she? Just wait once the quest is complete; I will punish you.)


In just a moment, all of us were following Fei Hong to our train.

The custom-made 2-carriage train was huge, so Gan Gang Ja's and Sergei's groups settled as far away from each other as possible.

-"Middle it is."

-'Well, not like we have a choice here.'


{While Hyuk-Il wondered where the girls would be taking a seat, Ha Eun flopped on the chair next to me. Fei Hong followed her and, in a more dignified way, seated herself close to him.}

-' I wonder when we can order our meals. I am starving I want chicken curry.'

(Great, fantasizing about food made her drool. She is drooling so much I want to put food feeding apron on her. Even though I resent this girl, just imagining her in this small apron with her gorgeous figure; made my blood rushed from head to lower area. Calm down, calm down.)

A girl in front of Ha Eun; took a handkerchief, leaned, and wiped the drool away. While she was grooming Ha Eun, her eyes were radiating love and worship. But, the moment Hyuik-Il has entered her field of view. Her eyes changed from that of a loving parent or companion to a tiger looking at its prey. Then her lips started to move.

(Ok, this girl is a Yandere for sure.)

-'Ha Eun, you are rarely talking to others, aside from your family members, let alone being one who initiates the dialogue; are they friends of yours? '

-'Ooopsie Hyuk-Il and Sung Byung; this is Kim Kwang Nyun, she is my childhood friend, our families are very close, so we hang out together quite often. Kim Kwang Nyun, these are Hyuk-Il; he is also my childhood friend, and Sung Byung we all had the first deployment together.'


-'Ahhh don't start that story. I still get shivers remembering it.'

Hyuk-Il hated that particular moment in his life. His life went downhill from that moment. He didn't regret the actions he took. In his mind, he protected me, his best friend, from the wrath of Ha Eun's family. Admirable sacrifice but bitter nonetheless.

-"Well, it wasn't that bad. Thou, I don't remember most of the stuff."

-'I will never forget those days. Humanoid dwellers attacked our squad, the battle was chaotic, I was so scared and couldn't concentrate to use my powers properly, and then one of the humanoid dwellers entangled my leg and started to drag me to deeper levels. Only Hyuk-Il and Sung Byung noticed that and rushed for my rescue.'

Ha Eun; made a weird but excited face. At this moment, she resembles a 5-year old who was overexcited about a favorite movie or cartoon.

-' You make it sound like we defeated them. All we were able to do is to fend them off and collapse the ceiling. And we were stuck in that hole for days waiting for the rescue squad.'

-'Good thing I was there to cheer you guys up. Hehehehe.'

(Cheer us up? Bitc*, you were jumping on me while Hyuk-Il was paralyzed.)

Our first deployment was quite some time ago. At that time, I thought she was a FML in this world. As Ha Eun recalled, we rushed to save her and collapsed the ceiling in the tunnel, trapping us in a small space. I made sure that one of the rocks hit Hyuk-Il. He wasn't seriously wounded, but he couldn't move and was helplessly lying down on the ground. The rest was a piece of cake, some love potions with drugs to ease their minds. All three of us were horny as cats during spring. They reasonably believed in my lies that it was the effect of unknown drug of dwellers. The drugs I used had a stronger effect on females. In no time, she jumped on me ignoring, her one and only love. She didn't mind the presence of Hyuk-Il at all; she poured out all her pent-up desires on me. With all the drug fumes in the air, Hyuk-Il couldn't fall asleep or lose consciousness. He had to witness how our bodies entangled in continuous pleasure for days. His eyes were filled with pity, sadness, and regret. But not a single ounce of anger. When the drug lost its potency, I have acted as I couldn't remember a thing. Ha Eun, on the other hand, was emotionally destroyed. As if recalling all embarrassing and stupid things after getting blackout drunk. She was numb and broken, she did try to cling to Hyuk-Il for some comfort, but his static expressionless face discouraged her right away.

We got rescued a few hours later. I don't know all the details, but Ha Eun's family was mad. He took the blame for assaulting her to protect his best friend. But to be honest, mostly because she lied to her parents about the identity of a father. Hyuk-Il got exiled from his family she got her abortion. Understandably she was very depressed and extremely suicidal. She wasn't an FML, but she was a childhood friend of his, so I placed her on some good medicine.

(Now that I think about it, she was his childhood friend. She had no chance with him, to begin with. Aside from all the kids I have experimented on, I think you took most of the damage from my actions. Ha Eun: I am so sorry. It won't mean anything to you, but I will name my next daughter after you.)

-'Well, since you saved her life, we can be friends as well.'

Kim Kwang Nyun extended and offered her hand.


But she completely ignored Hyuk-Il's attempt to shake her hand.

Fei Hong who stayed quiet all the time during our conversation jumped in with a rather unsettling remark

-'But you know to meet humanoid dwellers at the first deployment what terrible luck.'

-'hehe, that's true.'

- ' Well we are got out alive. I have no complaints. '

Fei Hong clapped her palms together and tried to change the topic by diverting all her attention towards me. Her eyes were sparkling from the enthusiasm to talk to me. There are not that many irregulars, so she is probably very curious.

-' Sung Byung you are surprisingly normal.'

-"Ammmmmmm.....I am not sure how to take it?"

-'Ah, I mean all of the irregulars are kinda crazy. They are always doing some strange shenanigans. But you, on the other hand, are normal!?'

It seemed as Fei Hong was about to ask something else but her urging interest was blocked by Kim Kwang Nyun.

-'Ha Eun, you are so relaxed around Hyuk-Il. Don't you guys have a conflict or something?'

Hyuk-Il knew Ha Eun wouldn't say a thing; it was a soft spot for her. He didn't know how to respond; should he try to awkwardly change the topic or wait for them to politely change it themselves? But surprisingly

Ha Eun jumped right into the topic.

-'Nah we are best buddies, some weird rumors are floating around but we are very close.'

She was waving her hand before her face making exaggerated posture to implement the ridiculousness of those rumors.

All of them, Kim Kwang Nyun, Fei Hong, and Hyuk-Il, now looked more relaxed. As if a mountain got lifted from their shoulders. They immediately directed their conversation to favorite movies and tv programs.

They were enjoying pleasant and idle talk for the remaining time of the trip.

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