《T.B.O.K.K.J.》Chapter 5


I was moving to the main building from the hangar.

(Now that's done, I have acquired the instruments to make our precious protagonist angry.)

Though I had to pay the price, it well worth it. My left hand was stiff and without any strength in it. I could move it slightly, but the level of dexterity and agility plummeted. There was no doubt my henchmen believed in miracle medicine right away. But, seeing is believing. I had to show them an example. While I was extending my arm to them, a thin sharp earth disk cut off my arm down from the elbow.

(Now that I think about it, I should've cut something like a pinky or an ear and not a half of my god damn arm.)

They saw how fast my hand regrew, and it seemed that they were ready to trample over their morals.

But before heading to meet the MC, I had to do one more thing; give my thanks to the commander.


I was heading to the office of the company commander.

Thanks to the company commander and his at that time bold head. I was always getting the same missions with MC. Few potions a month to regrow hair and occasionally some potent love potions were more than enough for the company commander to give me preferential treatment. Moreover, being one of the so few irregulars around the world upgraded it to the level of nepotism. In any world, regardless of the circumstances, corruption is always an answer in Asian countries.

Was it a fortunate encounter or not. But right before his office, Ha Eun was nervously going back and forth, occasionally trying to reach the door with her arm but then instantly abandoning this idea altogether.

(Great, she is here as well. She kinda ruined the atmosphere between MC and FML.)

-"Ha Eun, whats up?"


As she was deep in her thoughts, she completely lost track of her surroundings and was visibly surprised that someone was calling her right now.

-'Khh....Hi, Sung Byung. Haven't seen you in a while.'

She wasn't looking at my face; her gaze was digging a hole in the ground. Everything about her body language screamed; discomfort. She hunched her shoulders, her left arm crossed the body, and tightly grasped the other hand, and crossed her legs. It's as if she was trying to occupy as little space as possible.


-"What are you here for?"

She shivered a little; her lips were in a cocaine-induced tantrum. She wasn't saying anything, nor she made any noise. She couldn't organize all her thoughts and express them in a sentence. Her feeble character was about to have a complete mental breakdown.

-' I.....you must have heard the rumors about Hyuk-Il and me, haven't you? How was I so blind? He is still suffering because of me!'

(Well, it seems that drug completely wore off.)

As she continued her dramatic monologue, she seemed more chaotic and mad; her nervous postures now looked more like psychosis. She was holding her head with both arms, applying so much pressure. It seemed as if her head was about to break apart, and she tried to keep two pieces together.

-"Do you mean a rumor where he *apes you? Of course, though it's not a rumor, right? Since his family punished him for what he did to you."

For the first time during our conversation, she lifted her head, our eyes finally met. She had an expression of complete disgust on her face. It looks like my words touched the soft spot.

-'You.....asshole....You of all people should know it's not the truth...I....I......I have to do something. I can't handle it any longer, I can't let him suffer anymore. I will confess to the commander, I will explain everything to others. '

(Ooops.... Fuck me. I can guess where she is heading with this line of thought. I think I just helped her to resolve herself. )

-"Shouldn't you confess to his family first? He got ostracized by his entire household, he the only son. Are you prepared for their wrath?"

My words did reach her; she froze in fear when she imagined a possible punishment. Just like a frightened bunny, she was considering fleeing.

I took her hand as gently as possible. It was still hard to control my newly grown hand.

-"Let us talk it out first."

She yanked her hand away, completely changing in an instant. What an amazing mood and character swing. I guess even bunny would attack if cornered. She turned her back to me and boldly marched to the commander's office.

-"Nooooo bitc*, you ain't gonna end the conversation with me like that."


When she was about to open the door to the office. I forcibly grabbed her hand, spun her body, and pushed my body onto hers, pinning her to the wall. She tried her best to resist me, but considering the difference in our builds, this attempt was futile. She did try to scream.


But I managed to place my hand over her mouth, gagging her. She was punching me with the only available hand, kicking with both of her legs.

The difference in our size is one thing. But, she is still a trained SRA soldier, so it was getting quite painful.

-"The last thing I want right now is a crazy bitch running wild."


I clenched her face as hard as I could and lifted her head.

[Skill Activated]

[Duration: 3 Minutes]

[Cool down: 6 days]

As soon as skill activated, she stopped trying to free herself. Her body was motionless like a manikin. Even her breathing, after our short passionate wrestling, normalized and was monotone. I tried to make everything as silent as possible, but her brief struggle was still loud enough to reach the commander's ears. He smashed his door open.

-'What de fuck is going on here? Hmmm, Sung Byung? '

[Skill Activated]

[Duration: N/A]

[Cool down: N/A]

I wasn't really in a mood to have a chat with him. So I simply throw two vials of potions and gestured to him to be quiet.


He was surprised at first, but once he saw what was in the vials his face started to radiate happiness.

-'hohoho. Have fun.'

He simply left as if implying that we can use his office.

(This old geezer thought we were trying to get kinky? Oooo hell no, once is more than enough with this bitch.)


For a brief moment, I have lost track of my surroundings. It was similar to the warp I had earlier today when I was holding MC. While I was focusing on the visuals, it came to me without a doubt, I was in a commander's office, and for some reason, I was half-naked. As I was still dizzy from the sudden change of surroundings, I heard crying sounds from behind. Ha Eun was right behind me, laying down on the sofa sobbing hysterically.


Maybe for the first time in my countless lives, I have done a non-exaggerated facepalm.

She did not respond to me, nor she attempted to raise her head. I pulled her head up by the hair. Her eyes were full of hatred and loathing. Aside from her eyes, she was as lifeless as a doll. The sad part is she was not under the effect of my skill when it happened, so she will remember everything.

-"Bitch, because of you, I know have this bitter taste in my mouth. Fuck you.....just fuck you."

[Skill Activated]

[Duration: N/A]

[Cool down: N/A]

I shoved an entire bottle of the potent drug into her mouth. She didn't ask what was it, nor she tried to spit it out. A potion that has an almost instantaneous effect took about a minute to kick in this time. She was probably really stressed.

He Eun made a complete 180 and had a bright smile on her beautiful face.

-' You are so bad, how could you do this to me? You know how much I love Hyuk-Il. Yet you hehehehe.'

She was acting more unreserved and devilishly flirtatious.

-" He loves you too; you know this, right? He is suffering right now, so you guys can be together later on."

-' Really?'

She was now as innocent as a child.

-" Have I ever lied to you? But you have to keep that secret to yourself for now. Or he will hate you. You don't want that, do you? So promise you will stay quiet."

She threw her arm at me trying to make a pinky promise.

-'Hehehe.... he loves me. Loves me. He loves..... '

She was saying that again and again while swinging her body like a true maniac.

(Sorry girl)

-'I am starving... I wonder what's for lunch.'

She, vulgarly and childishly at the same time, placed her index finger on her dirty lips.

How, other guys were perceiving her again? Happy go lucky with tremendous appetite? She is simply high on extremely heavy drugs all the time.

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