《T.B.O.K.K.J.》Chapter 4


-"C'mon girl, say something. You are about to ruin your chance with MC."

{She is just standing there, nervously looking for something to say. Here it is, an awkward silence. It happens all the time when someone hears that Hyuk-Il doesn't have a catalyst attribute. Looking at the puzzled and stunned expression on her face, Hyuk-Il' has decided to break the silence.}

-'Well, I guess you have lost your interest. Since I don't want to waste more of your time. If you may, I will excuse myself.'

-"Wow, that was cold af bro. JFC on a bicycle that's was way out of your character. But did you just showed your negative emotions? Damn, that's worth celebrating."

-' No, wait, sorry, I didn't mean it that way.'

(Whatever the case, I am so lucky. I have seen a variety of emotions of such a fine woman. From the seriousness of the iron-lady to complete dumbfounded expression. To top it up, is it compassion in her eyes? Is she pitying me? Well, at least I can feel that her emotions are sincere. Sigh, I guess I was too cold. Hmmm, I should apologize.)

-'My response was too cold; I apologize. I do not usually act in this manner. I guess the reaction of that girl put me on edge.'

-' No, no, you don't have to apologize that was; solely on me. I did not want to belittle you; I am so sorry. I just thought; I will work with two outstanding irregulars. I was so excited'

-"Damn......low blow girl, low blow"

{Fei Hong made a rapid movement to place her palm in front of her lips. Indicating that she realized she said something horrible once again. As ignorant she may be, she is capable of understanding how he could interpret her words. Her eyeballs were in a state of panic, trying to find a way out of this mess she created.}


{As if a metal pipe pierced his chest and pushed all the air out, making that noise. Those words stung deeply and very painfully, ridiculing and emasculating Hyuk-Il's already non-existent ego. Her response felt and sounded like a sarcastic insult. But there was no ill-intent in her words. If anything, it was as innocent as a kid's ignorance towards the world's problems.}

-'Nothing to be sorry about besides; I am more or less used to this, so take it easy. We will be spending quite some time together in the tunnel, so I hope it won't affect our teamwork.'


{Fei Hong was at a loss for words. Her mind was occupied; with ways to mediate the damage she just made? So when she received a pardon and solution from the offending side, her mind didn't manage to switch gears. So her response felt slightly timid and unnatural.}

-'Ahh...... Yea sure, you are right'

{She did manage to get hold of herself quite fast.}

-'Hyuk-Il, you should go and get your rations for this operation.'

{With those words, they parted ways leaving the hangar.}


[Skill Diactivated]

[Duration: 162 minutes]

[Cool down: 162000 minutes]

-"Fuck, that's a long-ass cooldown."

Now I was facing a hard choice. With all the rose petals still flying in the hangar, a bunch of professional lighting equipment and a dozen professional cameras were in the hangar now. Hard choice, indeed.

-"Should I be an asshole to a janitor and make him clean this mess?"

Unfortunately, my mind changed focus, from this childish idea to the main problem of this world; the power system. I have seen this scenario countless times; the world deems the protagonist useless, powerless, incomplete, disabled, etc. Simply because their power doesn't fit into the established measuring parameters. So-called pariah of the system. More often than not, protagonists do not believe in their abilities either. And in every world, a special event must be triggered to change the mindset of the MC.

The power system in this world is slightly weird, though it makes some sense. You have a primary attribute that you can use and a catalyst attribute that you cant use directly. The combination of two gives access to a higher attribute so-called vis. Also, a trait that is more or less a psychic ability. This whole premise is the reason to label MC broken. Solely because a testing machine that usually gives two colors, indicating each attribute, showed only one. Since there were no precedents in the past. Not a single fucker considered the possibility that the primary attribute could be the same as the catalyst. Yet, that's only half of the problem. While the primary attribute awakes right after birth, the catalyst attribute is sealed and cannot be activated unless you meet the requirements. And it's widely believed in this world that this requirement is to get to a certain age. Of course, scientists of this world do not conduct any experiments to find the requirements; for the awakening. The owner of this world ruled out this option. How to awaken fire? Unlike smart scientists of this world, I conducted some experiments. I kidnaped, tortured, drugged countless people of various ages to confirm the very first thing that came to my mind. The most cliche answer; anger. But this soy-boy has never felt even an ounce of anger. I do not care, nor I want to know why. But with Fei Hong here, the FML, he will change; he already started to change. Just a moment ago, for the first time in 15 years, he was irritated. He will feel tremendous anger this time. I am so sorry, MC, but I will have to place another green hat on you.


I have got my cellphone and dialed a number.

-'Hello? Sung Byung-nim?'

-"Get to the hangar now."

And without hearing the response, I hung the call. Within two minutes, three guys entered the hangar.

Gan Gang Ja, Ja Wui Wang, and Pi Hae Ja. Better known as 3 JA were loyal henchmen of mine. Even though they weren't blood-related, they look like triplet offsprings of the same mother. They were good-natured people, with strong alignment to justice and a lot of self-control and immeasurable loyalty to each other. I am sure if it wasn't for me, those three would be close friends of Hyuk-Il.

-'Sung Byung-nim what happened here?'

Since my skill was diactivated, now anyone could see the leftovers of the romantic atmosphere I tried to create.

(Fuck me; I forgot to put it back into my inventory)

-"Khmmm.... Pay it no mind. Anyways you have done great job bullying and alienating Hyuk-Il, and making everyone else hate him."

All three of them were uncomfortable hearing this praise. They didn't know how to respond to those words. Gan Gang Ja had a strong feeling that he has to be the one who speaks since Ja Wui Wang and Pi Hae Ja soiled their moral beliefs to help him.

-'We are happy, that we can help you with your goal. But...'

As Gan Gang Ja tried his best to find a better way to phrase their discomforts towards their mission.

-"I know, I know. Knowing your characters, you guys hate doing this shit. But you can rejoice, you will have to do one more thing, and we will be even. Just one more thing, you have seen our cap, right? You will *uck her in front of his eyes."

Gan Gang Ja's happy and assured face made a complete 180 and paled as he heard the last sentence. He fell on his knees and started to beg.

'Please, that's way too far. I will be forever grateful to you; for helping my little sister. But I can't do this; this is wrong on so many levels. Nor can I make my friends do this for my sake. Anything; but that. '

Ja Wui Wang and Pi Hae Ja seeing fried prostrate himself dropped to their knees as well.

Right, his little sister was affected by the spores. I could have easily cured her right away. But giving her less potent medicine and making Gan Gang Ja more dependable on me was the right choice. Moreover, she is quite a beauty; I have spent a lot of time with her to get the love flag. She is a perfect girl to spend the rest of my days in this world.

-"You don't have to worry so much. We are doing so for the better of this world. Plus, I will make sure she will be unconscious and won't remember anything."

-' It doesn't make it less wrong.'

-"I forgot to mention; I am going to add a bonus. I have made a new medicine. It will cure your little sister once and for all. But miracles won't stop there; it will restore her eyesight as well. Just imagine how happy she will be after seeing the world once again after ten years of complete darkness. "

Gan Gang Ja got shaken to his core; his moral compass was crumbling apart. Deep inside, he was considering this option. But doing such a thing is way different than simply bullying someone.


Even the toughest and bravest of us will face a choice; they would want someone else to take blame and responsibility. Deep deep in his subconscious, there was a desire to be pushed forward by someone else. To be approved by friends to steel his resolve.

-"Besides, this new medicine can regrow lost limbs as well."

As I said those words, I diverted my attention to Ja Wui Wang and Pi Hae Ja.

All three of them were looking at me from their prostrated position. Their eyes got blinded by the light. Accidently-perfectly aligned lightning equipment created a radiant circle around my head. With me extending my hand to them and it looked as if I was a holy person.

-"You can make your loved ones happy once again. They will be able to enjoy life. All you have to do is to mess one girl up. And you will do it for the better of this world. "

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