《T.B.O.K.K.J.》Chapter 2


While I had to squeeze out through the unmovable wall of flesh. Hyuk-Il

on the other hand, after a refreshing power nap had a bright smile on his face, get off the train with ease. What a sight to see, like a shark swimming through a gigantic shoal of fish, mobs simply moved in unison to open a path for our beloved MC.

(if I knew you would sleep through the whole ride, I would have got a cab. But again, it's better safe than sorry, I guess)

Unfortunately, today problems were surfacing one after another. Contrary to my expectation, not a single NPC has a plan to get off the train. Once in a while, you can encounter this type of NPCs, not a single thing outside of the main storyline can affect them. To some extent, it would be wrong to label them as NPC, they are more like non-interactable and indestructible environment particles. In other words, everybody else but mc and me, right now, are nothing more than a static background with 3-d textures. It will be hard to stay hidden from him without the mobs around. He will spot me right away.

[Skill Activated]

[Duration: N/A, Dispellable]

[Cool down: Calculating]

(That's a serious gamble, the main event is about to get triggered, and I just used my only means of escape. )

While I was walking right beside Hyuk-Il, a surge of uncertainty overwhelmed me.

(Ideally, I would love to complete the quest and then cut all ties with the MC and other central characters. This world is filled with monsters, that's for sure, but I haven't seen a proper civilized world with Electricity, Internet, toilets, processed food in quite some time. So living peacefully in this world and dying of natural causes is an appealing idea. Maybe I should.....)

I have punched myself to stop this train of thought. But accidentally used way too much force, and the sound from the punch was as loud as a vacuum cleaner. Gladly my skill kept all my actions unnoticeable by MC.


After countless quests and lives, I shouldn't be so easily flustered. But the timid nature of this body is second to none, and it's so contagious that even my seasoned psyche is getting affected. The most important rule: objectives first, everything else is extra. It's like when your main DD goes for Penta, rampage, savage, or clutch instead of focusing on finishing the game. I should not divert my attention from the objectives.

(There is no point in trying to save my life by risking failing the quest and getting a penalty round. I should focus more on his actions right now.)

Aside from the various schemes, I was imploding for the last 15 years. I was studying and observing Hyuk-Il closely, learning his habits and understanding his way of thinking. To an extent, that I can anticipate some of his actions, and I can read him like the back of my palm. I was his bully, his stalker, and his best friend.

(Wait, am I, yandere boy? LOL)

He loves coffee.

MC never goes straight to work, he usually makes an unnecessary hook to grab a cup of coffee at the nearby food tent. While he was exchanging pleasantries with the barista, I have grabbed a cluster of 12 bananas in the same food tent. It goes without saying but I simply took it.

(Ok now we are talking, ughhh its taste so good)


I was running through the hallway alongside our benevolent MC to the briefing room.

-' That's bad. I have spent too much time on the checkpoint, damn it. It took me 20 minutes to find my ID pass. Thank god I didn't leave it at home, or I would be dead for sure.'

(I am baffled, you clumsy sloth. How the fuck it took 20 minutes to find your ID pass in your pockets? You don't even have a backpack. What was I saying? Capable of predicting his actions? I take it back. )

The crowd was still gathering and occupying the seats in the room.


-'Well, that's good. It seems I made it just in time.'

Right after Hyuk-Il has caught his breath, a huge bulky man in his late 50th entered the room and stood before the crowd. Our company commander was as intimidating as ever. Well, his receding hairline and huge ass forehead add a slight comic relief to his appearance. That made him look less scary. As a wind-earth adventer he could freely manipulate sound and had a trait for telekinesis. With a slight jest of the hand, he closed the door and with the sound vis made everyone quiet, and he started talking.

-' It's 0900 hours. I am starting the briefing.'

(Are you kidding me? You are about to start the briefing of an important military operation. Less than a half of the company is present. Well, I can say for sure that there are no important characters here. Since everybody present except commander, mc and me have no faces.)

-' A squad will be deployed to Dandong. Recent seismic activity in the vicinity of the city opened a new tunnel downtown. According to AIGA's intel, life or movement signatures are not present. Nevertheless, we received orders to probe the tunnel. Even though Dandong falls under the jurisdiction of our division. Technically it's a territory of a west Chinese federative state. That's why Captain Fei Hong will be joining your squad. The list of squad members for this mission, will be displayed, within the next hour. Lastly, your duty tour won't have any specific rotation period. In other words, higher-ups expect you to complete exploration with just one campaign. Dismissed.'

-'Yaaaaawn I guess I have time for a short nap'

(You have just slept through the whole train-ride, in a pretty damn comfy position. You fucking sleeping beauty, go, have a walk around the base. It's given you will participate in this mission but, you don't know this yet. Sigh)

I have placed my hands on his shoulders, trying to convey my thoughts to him. Of course, with my skill being active, he won't notice me nor, will I be able to affect him in any matter. When I was about to release Hyuk-Il, he and I were warped to a different location outside of the main building. Hyuk-Il immediately made a huge gap between us. He was running towards a hangar. Well, lady fortune finally smiled upon me today.

{In a few moments, Hyuk-Il have reached the second hangar and headed to the inner room. Six males and three females were already present inside the room when he entered. Based on shoulder straps, one of the females was Fei Hong, a stunning beauty with a slender body with nice and modest curves in critical places, and her hair was a perfect example of a bob cut. She had a conversation with the rest of the female members. Hyuk-Il could hear what they were discussing, but as she moved her ample-ping lips, Hyuk-Il couldn't help but stand there like an idiot and stare at her. For a second, he lost his breath. It felt as his heart skipped a bit and everything in this world stoped as well.}

As I caught up to Hyuk-Il, I was pleasantly surprised this celibate was lusting over a female. His eyes were glimmering, and I could see sparkle flying from them. I was delighted.

(YEEEEES, finally she is here the fml )

I was making inaudible noises and jumping-walking around the MC, like a pre-school girl in old cartoons. After 15 long years, I finally see a possibility to finish the quest. I was so joyful and carefree that i wanted to make this scene even better.

[Skill activated]

[Duration: N/A]

[Cool down: N/A]

I picked the basket filled with rose petals and started to throw it around MC. To make the atmosphere more romantic.

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