《T.B.O.K.K.J.》Chapter 1


A dim room, that was filled with the stagnant smell of leftovers of countless instant cup noodles and a huge pile of rotting banana peels, was rather cold and unsettling, to say the least. The only redeemable quality was silence, a dead silence you expect from the forest or cemetery past midnight. But at the moment when the clock turns 5, tv broke the dead silence and started a regular morning broadcast. Yet today was a special day news anchor had a wide variety of emotions on his face from pride to grief.

-"Ughhhh my body feels so stiff."

As it usually happens a few moments later a timelapse of a dream played before my eyes.

-"Damn no matter how f*cked up that world was, it was one of the best runs I had".

Chuckling a little recalling the good times I have averted my attention back to the tv that woke me up. News anchor acted differently today, with a little hitch from the usual haste to present all the recent news and accidents that occurred during the night, he started slowly.

- 'Today is a 160th anniversary of the first "great eruption" a tragedy that swept millions of life, an event that united warring nations to face a common foe, a blessing that pushed us over to the next evolutionary step'.

After a few minutes of hopeless search for the remote control,

The TV was turned off.

-"No matter how many times I hear the news, they sound sooo god damn cheesy. I wasn't the one who wrote the script for the news anchor yet the power of second-hand embarrassment is strong with this one"

While getting up from the bed calendar on the wall caught my attention

-"Hmmm it's the 31st of January?!! Today is his birthday, how old is he now 23, 24 or older? F*ck I don't remember, oh well who cares. Gotta hurry up and place him on the right path. Yaaaawn"


Realizing that I have started dozing out, I tried to shake off sleepiness with the morning routine.

-"Great I run out of bananas. Well I still have time for a trip to the grocery store"

When I was about to leave for bananas, the time on the clock was 7 am already.

-"How the fuck its 7 am already? it was 5, a few minutes ago!! You mother-f*cking MC even time flow adjusting to you know ha?"

I was fuming but delighted at the same time, even though time flow just flipped me off, this probably was a sign of a major event.

(If I rush now I might catch the same train with MC that would be a great start)

I have sped to the LRT station. Rammed to the train with a massive crowd. I tried my best to blend in with the crowd so the MC will not notice me for now at least. And there he was Hyuk-Il a protagonist of this world.

He is your typical protagonist timid, shy, clueless about how handsome he is on top of that he is an embodiment of an all-forgiving saint. I am hundred percent sure this soft forgiving nature of his is the main problem. I did such terrible things to him, made his day-to-day living as awful as possible, made him live thru hell. I even managed to get him disowned by his own family and all close friends. Yet, regardless of my actions he still thinks of me as his best friend. JFK on a bicycle go get some self-respect you c*nt-boy.

(Characters like him piss me off)

It wasn't hard to get close to him. Since he is dense as a lead and pure as a snowflake all I had to do, is ask directly to be his best friend. And voila we have been best friends for the last 15 years. Well, for any sane person I was just a bully with weird mood swings. And what's wrong with these lifeless cluster background characters, they just ignore all the free space around the MC. It's like they are being pushed away by an invisible unnoticeable force barrier. Because of this free space for special being, it's even more cramped than before, it's getting harder to breathe.


Well, as long as I get some insight for an upcoming event it's worth the hassle. So what will happen? Will he find his one and only love, will he meet a teacher who would guide him, will the girl fall from the sky granting him some special powers?

While I was looking around trying to spot any possible major characters, he nervously riched for his back and with a worried look pulled something out.

For this brief moment, a wild idea popped into my head.

(Wait maybe he wants to blow up the whole train, shit shit I know life is hard but man it ain't the solution)

Well, I couldn't be more wrong, it was just a pillow. As I was sighing in relief, he simply laid down. He just occupied the entire row of seats at the rush hour and not a single soul is voicing objections.

(Oooohh he fell asleep, that's a protagonist for you. Yea, sure mate get comfortable while I have to stand like a fish in a can and sweating like a hooker in a church, and of course, I have to listen to this cringe-inducing government-issued propaganda. )

-' dear citizen if you believe that your child or any kid you know shows signs of being adventer, contact the nearest administrative center or SRA recruitment office. It's the law, it's your duty.'

(Cringe Cringe Cringe Cringe Cringe Cringe Cringe Cringe Cringe Cringe)

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