《Summoned Hero》00-prologue



I got tired of writing story about online games, I mainly write rebirth Online because I want to write another perspective of VR technology that connects to the brain. For one reason it can be used to brainwash people and second reason is not yet published. In the rebirth online II you'll know another reason... But my grammar is somewhat terrible because of my lack of vocabulary. Because of that i decide to write simple story that involves daily life with interesting plot. One is about summoned hero and one is about op mc... Let's start slowly and here's the summoned hero plot with a twist of lime and sugar. Enjoy...



Since long ago, throughout all of history the battle between humans and the Demon King is well known . Countless battles have been fought, but the human side always failed in killing the Demon King, they could not even reach the Demon King's castle.

Slowly but surely the human side is getting stronger. It started when the holy church of Cyndora gets a revelation about a girl that is born with spirit power level surpassing even the demon lord. The girl taken by the church since birth had grown into a powerful priest. Her only weakness is she could not use battle magic, her magic is limited to healing magic but it can even regrow severed limbs.

One day the girl tries to perform another type of magic. Using ancient ritual, she conducted a powerful summoning spell, "The Hero Summoning". With her massive amounts of spirit power the ritual succeeded and the first Hero was summoned.

The first Hero lead the human against the Demon King's army, and finally for the first time in two thousands year the human army managed to arrive at the demon king castle. With Great difficulty the first battle of hero and demon king ended in the death of the hero.


Thus the priest continued to summon heros, and one after another, the heroes were slain by the demon king. 30 heros were summoned and 30 battles fought costing the lives of millions of human and demon, sacrificed in the battle.

The priest didn't stop summoning the heros because as the time went on, the power of the heros that she summoned got stronger. The 31st hero was on par with the demon king and managed to cut off one of its horns. While the 30th hero was only able to break through the Demon King's defensive force shield, the rates of improvements is shocking. The 32nd hero managed to injure the Demon King heavily. It was hoped and expected that with the summoning of the 33rd hero would have the power to slay the Demon King.

However the hero summoning can only be done once a year because it consume a lot of spiritual power of the priest and need a lot of time to recover. So human side waited for the next summoning with joy as they could finally see hope on defeating the Demon King.

While the human side was waiting with full of confidence, the Demon King's side had suffered heavy moral damage. The Demon King's army was afraid that maybe, they will meet their end soon.

"Father... Are you alright?"

A beautiful girl with red eyes and fiery red hair walked to the throne. Her look could charm anyone that laid their eyes upon her. A body with perfect curves and black wings growing on her back, she was without a doubt a demon. Moreover the tiara on her head shows her status as the Demon King's daughter.

"Rosalie… I'm fine…"

The Demon King, as her father had a manly look. With only one horn remaining he looked like a war-god that had survived countless life and death situations. Right now he sat on his throne with one hand on his head.


"I'm worried father... The power of the humans keep growing.. Each time you defeat a hero another one appear with greater strength.. The last one even managed to cut off one of your horns."

A demon's power can be seen by the size of its horn. Horns are not just a decoration, they also serve as a power storage, therefore the stronger the demon, the bigger the horn. With one horn remaining the Demon King could be said to have only half his power left.

"I know Rosalie.. I don't even know how they get stronger ever time. The human in the Magora Continent don't have much power, yet they keep on coming with unbelievable strength."

"Father... I heard that these humans are summoned through an ancient ritual. It is called "The Hero Summoning" if I'm not mistaken."

The demon king frowned and fell deep in his thought...

"Ancient ritual... Hmph.... Hero summoning... Hmph.... If they're summoned from another world, that explain their strength.. No human in this world can match my power.. Hmmm.. "

"Father.... If the humans can do this 'Hero Summoning', can't we do it too?..."

The Demon King looks at his daughter with a surprised look and grinned. His smile was so grim it could make countless children cry and cower in fear.

"Rosalie! You're genius... I never heard of it before, but it is possible. Thank you Rosalie."

He stood up from his throne and gave orders to his guard. "Quick call Vahjra the blood mage here!"

Instantly his guard nods, makes a salute and runs out of the throne hall and disappear into the shadows.

"hahahahahaha... If the human can summon a hero, why don't I summon a hero by my side? Hahahahahaha..."

Rosalie wasn't sure of what just happened but she's was happy seeing her father was no longer gloomy and depressed.

Soon, the tides of battle shall change.. The first hero will be summoned to the Demon King's side..

---------------So, what you guys think? Interesting enough? I really like the story of summoned hero so now i'm writing from another perspective... Can't the demon summon a hero? Hahahha... ------------------

Current project: Summoned Hero

Finished project: Rebirth Online - Re:Rebirth Online

On hold: Rebirth Online Il - The Choice We Made - The God's Play

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