《Rise Of The Dark Queen》Chapter: 10 - Invitation


It has been almost a week since I got back from my rather short adventure, honestly, in my imagination I traveled the land, saw many interesting things, this is a fantasy world, but oh well guess some dreams never come true.


"Is something the matter mistress?" Iris who was standing beside me asked me.

"No nothing" I answered, right now I was enjoying a cup of red liquid, I don't know where we got it or how we got it, and to be honest I don't really care because this red liquid is blood, at first I thought I was gonna throw up when I first tasted it but I was wrong, it is rather refreshing I am a vampire after all.

I am sitting in my personal garden and looking at the dark clouds that hover over my kingdom, somehow this feels relaxing.

I have been doing nothing since I returned from Lawrick, so far nothing happened I was expecting a war as soon as I returned but there are no reports of anyone invading our borders.

I thought the church would make some kind of a crusade and invade us almost immediately, but now that I think about it this isn't a game anymore, this is a real world and it takes months maybe even years for an army to get ready for war unless you are undead.

"sigh" ah I just keep sighing I should find some kinda distraction from my boredom.

Maybe I should visit Mortas who is currently stationed on the eastern borders with his army or any other general.

While I was having another one of my inner monologs the door opened and Kain walked in he stopped in front of me and bowed slightly.

"My queen the black guard seem to have caught a rather exotic rat" Kain smiled coldly.


"A rat?" why would he tell me that the black guards caught a rat, do we even have rats?

"Bring him in!" Kain yelled and two black guard soldiers walked in while holding a rather well dressed, hmm young man?

"This is the rat I am talking about my queen" Kain smiled as he pointed at the so-called rat....oh now I get it a rat.

"Hmm, so what business does a human have in the land of the dead?" I asked coldly and stared at him.

"I....I am not a rat! I am just a messenger please have mercy your highness!" the human yelled even some tears were visible in the corners of his eyes, wow either I or the black guard really scared him...or Kain.

"A messenger and what kind of message do you carry?" this is all rather strange who would send a messenger to me.

"I....I...have an invitation in my pocket....could please tell these things to release me?" really now an invitation...isn't this little cliche.

"Release him" I ordered the black guards to release the man.

He started searching all over his body, after a few seconds he stopped and looked at me, his eyes had no fear in them anymore.

"This is the invitation your highness!" he yelled and jumped towards me in his right hand he had a knife headed straight for my throat.


"Blood shield" I made a blood shield out of the blood I was drinking, it wasn't big but just enough to stop the blade from reaching me.

"huh? why did it stop?" the man looked surprised.

"Screech!" the black guard made a strange sound the red lights in their eyes grew even more almost like flames, even an idiot would realize they were enraged.


The moved with amazing speed and pinned down the man, they were about to pierce him with their weapons.

"Stop" I spoke and told them to stop, I want to know who sent this man to kill me, tho I have an idea.

But what surprised me is that neither Kain nor Iris moved an inch in all of this mess.

"pfft! hahaha!!" the man started laughing.

"You really are the queen! Haha!" I wonder what so funny.

"Is death so funny to you?" I asked him coldly.

"Hehe calm down your highness I really am a messenger, tho I am not a human" when he spoke those words his face and even his clothes started to disappear, his face now looked very young at an age of eighteen he had a very handsome face, but what surprised me a little was horns on his head, two black horns were sticking out, he had a very noble black leather outfit and on his back a black tail was sticking out, yep he is of the demon race.

"Hoh a demon, so what kind of message do you have for me demon?" I asked him and waved my hand to the black guard to let him go.

He stood up and dusted off his clothes than he took out a rolled up paper bowed slightly towards me and extended the paper towards me.

"I present to you queen of the night kingdom Lisha an invitation to a dark alliance formal ball!"

Huh,what the hell is a dark alliance!?

"Umm excuse me but what is this dark alliance you speak of?" I am confused.


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