《God of all system》Chapter 2 - The god of all celestial body


After hearing the system, viola understood that answer regreding why he got the system he won't get today, but he also knew there is no free lunch in the world.

"So... how should I pay for it? with my soul?" after all there is no free lunch in the world...

The system answered coldly "Your soul is not worth even 0.01 percent of me, don't think too highly on yourself. As for payment, you don't pay, or at least, I haven't been told anything about that.

Viola stands there thinking deeply about the situation. So, in the end, he doesn't know why he got the system... Whatever thought viola, 'There is no point keep thinking about that.'

"So what can you do?" asked viola with interest "You called the god of all system, with such a name you must be something really amazing, considering you created by the "strongest and almighty god.." said viola with sarcasm.

The system answered "After you see my functions I want to see if you still going look down on me." coldly.

viola smirked after seeing the reaction of the system.

"So go ahead and show me what can you do." said viola excitedly. "Not so fast." said the system breaking viola bubble. "In order to use the system freely without any limits. You going to need to go through a training. After hearing that viola furrow his brows. "What training?"

"The power of the god of all is extremely powerful, without proper training you might end up destroying this whole universe by a mistake."

After hearing he shivered... 'Just how powerful that God is...' he thought...

"Then.... what kind of training is going to be?" said Viola. The system answered "Wait and see for yourself, but the main point of the training will be to teach you to control the power.


"I see. Ok. When we start?" said viola with expectations! "Right now. Before we going you want to say goodbye to someone? you probably won't see them anymore..." said the system while waiting to viola answer.

Viola answered calmly "I don't really have friends, but my family, they are overseas so I can't speak to them... Hey, when the next time I will be here again?"

"Who knows... but you probably won't get to see them in this world anymore, the training will take you a long time. They won't be part of this world by the time you will be finishing your training. But you can always meet them in the spirit mortal world. It's the place where the soul of the dead will be going to as long they are not evil. With your strength at the end of the training you be able to go there easily." said the system.

viola was silent for a while then said "Ok! Let's go. I'm ready!" "Then we shall go." Said the system and with that suddenly divine power from the system inside viola body exploded, his whole body washed in the white divine aura and with that he disappeared from the school rooftop.

Somewhere in the god of all realm white divine light appears from nowhere and someone appeared together with the light. That guy didn't look older than 16 years old, he was also didn't have an outstanding appearance, he was average looking, that guy was of course viola.

"Where are we?" said viola while looking with amazement at the amazing scenery. "This is the god of all realm. This place is the place of the god of all. Nobody is allowed to come to this place, even if someone tried it's impossible unless the god of all allows that, coming here is impossible even for god-kings.


"Ohhh. So how are we starting?" Said viola that already calmed down. "We will start with giving you The god off all celestial body." said the system. "The god of all celestial body? If it belongs to him I guess it must be strong body..?" said viola with a suspicion "Of course it strong! a mere human like you simply doesn't know how blessed he is!"

"Ok. Ok. I was just joking, don't be so serious... So go ahead and give me that body." said viola with a smile. The system said coldly "Very well. You have two options. The first option is to get the body with a ease and not a lot of pain by installing the body in you a little by a little while getting rid of your human body step by step. But because you're a human you will need to take a lot of time to get your soul used to the god of all celestial body. The second option is to completely destroy your human body, create the celestial body and use to power of the system to strengthen your soul then forcefully put the soul inside the body."

"If I choose the second option, won't there be a rejection of the soul by the body?" said viola

"No. I will be using the aura of the god of all to strengthen your soul, with that your soul will be fused with the power of the god of all and the fuse between the soul and the body won't be rejected, as the soul will already be possing the same aura as the body. said the system.

"So, which option are you choosing?" "I will choose the second option," said Viola with confidence.

"The second option is indeed will give you extremely easy time controlling the powers of the god of all and it will be a lot faster, but the process is extremely painful and long. You sure?" The system also wanted Viola to choose that option, but it also knew how painful that going to be, so the system wanted to make sure viola know what he going to feel.

"I'm Sure, I want to get out of this place as fast as possible and enjoy the life. If some pain will let me get out of here faster, Why not?!" said Viola with an excited face!

"Very well, then Viola! WE STARTING."

System starting install... God of all celestial body...

Suddenly viola started to scream, in his whole life even when the system installed itself in him he didn't feel that kind of pain.

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