《Harvest Factory ~ a Farmer Life》Chapter 34 : The Hunt (End)


Xiao Musheng stored the Baller body in his spatial ring.

"Teacher, how are we gonna deal with it?" (CH)

"We'll see. If the meat tastes any good, we'll use it. If not, then we'll take what we can and either sell it or turn it into equipment." (XM)

Xiao Musheng turned and walked toward Liu Feng who was tending to Yan Xiu and the other two. Chen Hanchen followed behind him.

"How are they?" (XM)

"They're okay, just exhausted. They'll be okay after resting." (LF)

"Good. Then we'll rest for a bit before heading back." (XM)

Said Xiao Musheng as he sat under the shade of a tree, Liu Feng and Chen Hanchen went on to sat too.

"Congrats on officially becoming a hunter." (LF)

"Congrats! Welcome to the family. Just rest for now." (CH)

"Thank...you." (YX/XG/SJ)

The three new hunters were leaning powerlessly under a tree. They felt like they just run at full strength for hours without stopping. Their Zhenqi barely used but their stamina and body were completely out of commission. All they could feel was soreness permeating their body.

It was very uncomfortable. Yan Xiu operated his Zhenqi and soon a mouthful size of green water floated in front of his face. He opened his mouth slightly and the green water floated inside. A refreshing mint sensation traveled from his throat to his stomach before spreading throughout his body. The soreness lessened considerably. Yan Xiu predicted that if he drank one or two more mouthfuls, the soreness would be completely gone. But his stamina didn't recover.

He conjured two more mouthfuls of green water and sent it to Xin Guodan and Shuang Jingu. His mouth regained strength, he could already talk like normal.

"Drink it, it's a healing spell. It'll lessen the soreness." (YX)

"..thanks.." (XG)

"..thank...you…" (SJ)


The water slipped inside their mouth, bringing a cool mint taste that refreshed their body. Both of them felt the soreness in their body receded quite a bit as the refreshing sensation spreading to every inch of their body.

"Puhaa… that hit the spot! I can feel the soreness disappear!" (XG)

"Ahh, that felt good! Xiu, can you give me another mouthful?" (SJ)

"Ah, me too!" (XG)

"Sure, but even if it completely reduce the soreness, it won't recover your stamina. Don't be disappointed alright." (YX)

Unfortunately, his Green Water Healing spell was only at the first level, its effect was only basic healing and restoring stamina was only possible if he reached level two.

"Even just erasing this soreness is already amazing, how could we be disappointed?" (XG)

"Yeah, what he said. Thanks, Xiu. I'll treat you to some food when we get back to the village." (SJ)

"Thanks, then I won't be polite later and eat my fill. Here, enjoy." (YX)

Yan Xiu conjured three balls of green water with double the size from before. The floating balls of water slowly floated inside of Yan Xiu and the rest's mouth. The refreshing sensation held on longer and when it disappeared, it brought thee soreness in their body along with it. The three finally able to relax.

Yan Xiu was just about to close his eyes and slept for a bit when he caught sight Bai Yuan gaze. His gaze was saying 'It's unfair that only master and those brats drink it! I want to drink too!'

"Uho ho uho! (Master, I've worked hard! I want to drink green water too!)" (BY)

"Yes, Xiao Yuan has worked hard. Here you go." (XY)

Yan Xiu conjured a ball of green water as big as an adult's head which Bai Yuan gulped down in two bites. Thinking that he had conjured one for Bai Yuan, why not conjured more for the rest of the group?


He conjured three more balls of green water the sizes of three mouthfuls for Xiao Musheng and the rest.

"Head hunter and seniors, it's not much but please. It'll take away your weariness." (YX)

"Thanks, little Xiu. Ah, this is just perfect." (CH)

Chen Hanchen gulped it down and enjoyed as the weariness in his body dissipated bit by bit. The numbness in his arms also disappeared. He was pleasantly surprised by the effect, it was better than he thought.

Xiao Musheng looked at the floating green ball in front of him with a little surprise but quickly returned to normal. He drank the water and appreciated the mint taste. He wasn't hurt or tired, so he could only taste the flavor, not the benefit.

Liu Feng, on the other hand, was shocked by seeing the ball of green water. He had been shocked from the first time Yan Xiu conjured the green water but was speechless.

Green Water Healing spell?! And the size of it?! He heard from the other support hunter, they were only able to conjure green water at that size after a month or more after learning the spell. Three weeks barely passed and not only did he learn the spell, he already could conjure it with such volume?!

"Drink it, you'll be in for another surprise." (CH)

Chen Hanchen smiled smugly. How's that, my apprentice is a genius, isn't he? Chen Hanchen could imagine the shock and defeated expression the two support hunter's expression when they found out later. If this guy reacts like this, I bet the two of them will show a much more wonderful expression.

They always say that I'm an idiot, now that you two are beaten by a junior, I wonder if you can still say that later, thought Chen Hanchen while smiling wretchedly. Looking at Chen Hanchen's despicable smile, Liu Feng knew he was up to no good but he was too lazy to care.

Liu Feng turned his focus on the green ball and gulped it down. The freshening mint sensation engulfed his taste bud and slowly spreading around his whole body, revitalizing his whole body. Liu Feng licked his lips, he like the mint taste of the water. Wait... Taste? It had taste?! Wasn't it supposed to be tasteless?

Liu Feng had drunk the green water once in the hunt when he ate something bad, it was tasteless. But this green water had a taste and not to mention the effect was better than what both the support hunters conjured. How could this be? Wait, it can... For a spell or skill to have a different effect than normal.

Liu Feng peeked at the Yan Xiu. The boy was already sleeping, his young face looked incredibly cute when he was sleeping. Looking at Yan Xiu who was sleeping, Liu Feng could hardly believe the things he had achieved. Taming a demon beast stronger than him was already amazing enough and now this?

Judging by teacher's reaction, it seems he had yet to realize it. I need to tell him later, thought Liu Feng. His weariness gone, he leaned to the tree comfortably and shut his eyes for a quick nap.

When evening came, the three boys were still sleeping and couldn't wake up. The test exhausted them more than they thought. They couldn't afford to stay another night at the forest and no reason to, so they decided to just carry them.

Bai Yuan carried Yan Xiu on his back, Xin Guodan and Shuang Jingu were carried by Chen Hanchen and Liu Feng respectively. Xiao Musheng ran in front leading the group. Thus, Yan Xiu first trial hunt came to an end.

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