《Harvest Factory ~ a Farmer Life》Chapter 2 : Jadesea Village


Yan Xiu, the boy, frowned in annoyance. He turned around and saw a youth running toward him with a bundle of fish in his hand. Yan Xiu crossed his hand and glared at the youth but it didn't scare anyone, as he's fair complexion and plump cheek negate it all. He only looked like a kid pouting cutely. While his face might not be scary, his cold tone could scare someone.

" what are you doing here? scrounge a free meal again? " (MC)

The youth, the recipient of the cold voice, wasn't affected by Yan Xiu's word or cold tone. The youth's long black hair glide in the air as he ran toward Yan Xiu. Despite his medium build his muscle was well-defined and his sleeveless robe emphasized his muscular arm, the youth was oozing with manly charm. He smiled and rubbed Yan Xiu's head and spoke affectionately.

" come now, don't put such serious face. It'll ruin your cuteness. Come come. Smile for this brother. "

The youth tugged the corner of Yan Xiu's mouth with his finger as he showed Yan Xiu a wide smile. Yan Xiu smiled coldly.

" if you're here just for that then scram! Lu Hao, you're here only to scrounge for food right? " (MC)

The youth, Lu Hao, looked pained and wronged.

" how could you say that? big brother is here because he's worried about you, alright. How can you wrongly accused me like that? " (LH)

Yan Xiu scoffed at Lu Hao's word. worried? then who was it that come here every time he could? and only came on meal time? shamelessly asking for food and said I was not a good host when I didn't give you any food? Yan Xiu looked coldly at the fishes Lu Hao's brought. Even with his thick face, Lu Hao felt awkward and guilty under Yan Xiu's gaze. Giving up, he raised his hand.

" alright, I did want scrounge for meal but this time I brought my own food okay? I just want you to cook it, it's not too troublesome right? " (LH)

Said Lu Hao as he showed the fishes in his hand.

" hm! so you know that there is no free lunch in this world. good good, but why should I cook it for you? " (MC)

" please! it's just cooking some fishes. It's not too much a problem right? little Xiu, please cook it! I'll help you prepare it okay! " (LH)


The first time Lu Hao tried Yan Xiu's cooking, his stomach fell hard for Yan Xiu's food. So Lu Hao thickened his face and scrounge for food from Yan Xiu at every chance he gets. His stomach could no longer survive without Yan Xiu. Lu Hao put his hand together and mustered all his cuteness as he showed puppy eyes to Yan Xiu.

" don't do that. It's not cute alright. Fine fine, I'll cook it. " (MC)

Yan Xiu studied the fish in Lu Hao's hand, the light green colored fishes were plump and freshly caught, looking very delicious. Never waste food, it was Yan Xiu way of life.

" let's cook by the river. " (MC)

Cooking in such a good day, it just have to be outdoor roasting. Beside it was on the way. Ignoring Lu Hao who showed his happiness so blatantly, Yan Xiu ran to his home and packed some spices and a small kitchen knife in small bag before returning.

" let's go. " (MC)

Said Yan Xiu as he put his hand on the wagon's handle to pulled it.

" little Xiu, let me pull it, you just ride the pig. " (LH)

Said Lu Hao with fawning expression. Yan Xiu rolled his eye at him, even if you wanted to fawn over me, could you not make it so obvious? Yan Xiu cast Cleanse on the Six Feet Pig, he then took the egg basket and climbed on the pig. When Yan Xiu already sat stably on the pig, Lu Hao pulled the wagon, with his strength as a Qi Refinement third stage cultivator it was easy for him to pull the pig and the wagon. And so they set out to the village.

The Six Feet Pig didn't offer the best riding experience, the strange rhythm of steps caused by the pig's three pairs of feet caused Yan Xiu a little discomfort. But it was forgotten because of the view offered when Yan Xiu sat on the pig, the higher viewpoint was pleasing for Yan Xiu. He looked around, the pristine water, lush green trees, colorful wild flower, and cute critters.

The gentle wind brought the scent of flowers and spring, Yan Xiu closed his eyes and enjoyed the tranquil nature around him. At times like this, Yan Xiu just wanted to lie down on the grass and slept. Although they were forced to stop once in a while because the Six Feet Pig stopped and ate something in the way, it was still an enjoyable journey. Yan Xiu was still immersed in the nature around him when an energetic voice disturbed him.


" little Xiu, we're here. " (LH)

said Lu Hao excitedly as he pointed at the river. Yan Xiu frowned in displeasure because he was disturbed, he glared at Lu Hao but didn't said anything. Yan Xiu jumped down from the pig and placed the egg basket on the wagon. He then took the bundle of fish from Lu Hao and plucked a big leaf before making his way to the river.

" gather some firewood and lit a fire, I'll prepare the fishes. " (MC)

Yan Xiu said that without turning around. Lu Hao happily gathered the firewood after he parked the wagon and tied the pig onto a tree beside the river.

" well, let's prepare these fishes. " (MC)

Yan Xiu laid the leaf on the ground, He then released the rope and laid the fish on top of the leaf, there were six fish in total. Yan Xiu took out the kitchen knife from his bag, he took one of the fish and cut the belly open. He took out the organs and cleaned the fish of any black bit inside the body. After that done, he cut the part under the gills and smoothly took out gills.

With one last wash, the fish was clean. Yan Xiu then make three cuts on each sides of the fish so that the fish cook thoroughly and so that the spice could be absorbed into the meat of the fish.

Yan Xiu did this on all the fishes, when all the fishes were done processed, he lined them up on the leaf and started coating them with spices. He coated them evenly on every side. With the fishes done, he turned around and saw Lu Hao just about to lit the firewood.

Lu Hao arranged the firewood like a tent and cast introductory spell Ignite, a small fire came out from his hand and landed on the dried leaves below the firewood. The small fire grew bigger and the bonfire was ready.

Yan Xiu brought the fishes and sat near the bonfire, he took the extra twigs and shoved it inside the fishes mouth. Yan Xiu stabbed the twigs with fishes on it on the ground close to the bonfire and slowly roast them. After a few minutes of roasting, a fragrant smell of spices and roasted fish filled the air. Yan Xiu and Lu Hao could feel their saliva pooled inside their mouth when they smell it, even the Six Feet Pig turned to look at the roasted fish.

" little Xiu, is it done yet? " (LH)

said Lu Hao impatiently as he inched closer to the fish, as for the pig, if it weren't for the fact it was tied to the tree, it would probably already dashed to the fish and devoured it. Yan Xiu was still patient as he wait for the fishes to be roasted to perfection, Yan Xiu was a perfectionist for food. A few minutes passed before Yan Xiu took the fishes off the fire, he took two for himself and gave three for Lu Hao and one for the pig.

As the provider, Lu Hao of course got half of the dish. As for the pig, it was it's last meal. Lu Hao heart warmed, I know little Xiu like me, thought Lu Hao as he ate with great relish. If Yan Xiu knew what Lu Hao thought he would rolled his eye at Lu Hao, isn't it obvious for the provider to get half? what are you moved about for?

Despite what Yan Xiu thought and did, he didn't hate Lu Hao. Yan Xiu thought Lu Hao as a friend and sometimes even as a big brother, but he would never said that. Yan Xiu bit into his roasted fish and the taste of spices engulfed his mouth. The soft yet firm fish meat taste sweet combined with the salty and spicy spices and the bitter bits of roasted skins resulted in a harmony of tastes.

It'll be even more tasty if I have some sauce to go with it, thought Yan Xiu. The two people and one pig ate with relish without speaking as they focused on their food. After a short rest, they resume they journey.

" little Xiu, we're almost at the village. " (LH)

Lu Hao pointed to the front, a small gate and fences with two villagers guarding the gate was visible.

A plaque hung on the gate, the words on the plaque was Jadesea Village.

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