《The Abyss Gazer》Chapter 19: Of Rats and Men Part 2
When you mess up, the only thing to do is fix the problem yourself. Something i have to do very often. In my case, it's mainly taking responsabilty for.... very intimate matters. Though i don't know why anyone would be recording this with a vocal orb, i still love that someone wants to share my wisdom with the world..... hey, you look familiar, though... OH, SHIT! HEY! STOP! DON'T CALL THE GUARDS! I'M SORRY FOR YOUR DAUGHTER MAN, IT JUST HAPPENED, HEY! I'M SO- (The vocal orb stops here)
Andrew had just finished dealing with Alse and the gang members, so he decided to check on the weapons that were supposed to be used to attack the rats. He walked up to the door the noble pointed at, and, seeing that it was locked, simply bashed it open with his enhanced strength. He made a lot of noise, but that was the last of his worries. It was really dark inside, so he instinctively thought of using a torch or casting fire magic, then remembered that he didn't need the first thing and the second one wasn't even in his magic archive. Also, there was a slim risk of there being gunpowder, though it's not something you would expect in a fantasy world, he took the existence of guns as very possible, since Murgin said that dwarves also existed, and in his experience they were experts of smithing and engineering, though that was only speculation.
He activated [Night Vision]: he was met with the view of tens and tens of spears, armors, shields and swords. But that wasn't the best thing: there were many bomb-looking balls around, along with many bottles of potions of all kinds and at the back of the the warehouse there was a large object covered by a cloth and surrounded by boxes. Andrew then went to examine it from up close and threw the cloth away. His calm face was suddenly broken by an ear to ear smile, something that didn't happen often.
"Holy. Fucking. Shit"
The object had two big wheels, some wooden parts to keep it up and make it easily moveable and a lot of steel tubes.
It was certainly like one of the most feared weapons of the nineteenth century, capable of slaughtering hundreds of men in mere minutes, striking terror in whoever managed to even get close enough to look at it. The barrels were bigger than normal and it seemed made of some kind of bronze rather than iron or steel. He opened the boxes besides it and saw that they were full of round metal bullets, though he wasn't quite sure of what they were made off.
"I hit jackpot, heck yeah"
He closed the boxes and got out the warehouse to check on what happened to the rest of the gang and to inform the Kradlaits of the situation. He passed through the hallways, who had now a few bodies in them, probably because some of the berserks stumbled upon those that tried to escape. Even the stairs were covered by cadavers, and when he reached the first floor, it didn't get much better: mutilated, beheaded, pierced, roasted, the main hall was full of corpses killed in the most various of ways. There even was one guy who was impaled with a table leg and one who was hanging by his guts from the second floor down to one of the tables.
"Jesus, how the fuck did that happen? Whatever, better call Rakhs before anyone sees this mess"
He got out from the window he came in, just because he could fall right besides the entrance to the sewers. He looked down and saw that Rakhs was still waiting nervously.
"Rakhs, Raaaaaaakhs"
He stopped trembling erratically and looked up.
"Oh, lad, did you manage to do it?"
"Yep, now bring some of your boys up here"
"What, why should i?"
"There's a whole warehouse of weapons ready for you"
"Uhm.... i'll go check, then i'll warn my boys. I'm still not sure about you mate"
"Fair enough"
Rakhs got out of the sewers and started to follow Andrew, who was once again climbing to the window. The Kradlait did the same with ease and was surprised at the result of his new friend's little infiltration.
"Wohohohoh, you had no mercy did you? Wait, does that guy have a sword up his ass? And that one got his head split like a flower! Holy shit lad, remember me not to piss you off"
"I didn't do it. I just made them go berserk"
"Still, my point remains the sa-goddamn that guy's got dagger as eyes!"
"Let's just go"
After a pair of minutes they reached the door to the warehouse, and Rakhs seemed to be expecting something made to kill rats specifically, so he wasn't very excited about seeing what was inside. Andrew tried to distract him by talking about Alse.
"So, i forgot to tell you, there was a noble here"
"He's not a problem anymore"
"You killed him lad, uh? Great, that fucker's down! But who was that cunt anyway?"
"He's Gius Alse, count of Sunlen. Also, i didn't kill him, he's just mind controlled"
"Lad, i see no reason why would you pull that shit out of your bum, so i'm going to trust you. As such, you are officially promoted to my lad, or occasionally my boy. Also, from now on you're an honorary Creaker"
"Are you sure? I could be just preparing a trap behind this door"
"If there was a trap, you wouldn't say that, and in case there actually is one, let me tell you go fuck yourself in advance"
"Well, still thank you. And now.... enjoy"
Andrew opened the door and Rakhs' mouth opened as wide as a cavern, his eyed gleaming with excitement. He began to wander around like a child at a toy store, touching and and looking at everything, taking as much as he could with him. Then, he saw the gatling, and just like a child in front of the biggest toy, dropped everything and slowly approached it with owe. He touched it slightly, then took immediately his finger back. He then proceeded to hug it.
"Ehm... Rakhs? You okay buddy?"
"Okay? Okay? OKAY?!? I'M FUCKING FANTASTIC, THANK YOU MATE! Oh, finally, finally, after so long, i finally have one. I finally have a Deathstormer, the most beautiful and lethal machine that ever existed. Well, not the most lethal, but it has that kind of allure that you just can't help to love. We have one too, but it's a different model and it's even broken and nobody knows how to fix it. And with all these weapons, oh, thank you my lad, you're a blessing from the Devils"
"I gotta ask, though, how did they even think of bringing it down there?"
"There's quite a huge entrance to the sewers right out of the slum part of the city, that's basically where everything gets out, and it's all cleaned up by nature. Also they could just dissemble it and rebuild it down there, though my boys and i would probably stop them easily"
"I think i can just teleport it in. Though, as awesome as it is, i think bringing a gatl-Deathstormer in the sewers would be freaking impractical"
"Yeah, call your guys now though, we don't have much time"
"Yeah, my boy, you're right, very right indeed. Also we can handle the Deathstormer, so don't bother"
"That's good"
He looked around under the confused gaze of Andrew for a minute, then he picked up the first rat he found. He whispered to it, then let it go.
"What did you do?"
"Oh, makes sense. So what are you going to do now? Will you worship my boss?"
"...He lets you call him boss? Just for that i already like this guy! Place that Altar or whatever, those old rituals weren't doing us any good anyway!"
"Ok then, i'll be on my way"
Andrew got out of the building and reentered the sewers, were he was guided back to the ritual wall by some of the Kradlaits that remained to wait. When he got there, he saw that were many less than before, probably because most of the Creakers went to help Rakhs in taking the weapons back home. Regarding the Deathstormer, he hoped they were smart enough to dismantle it and bring it back without ruining it.
He stayed in front of the ritual wall, but he had no idea what to do, since there wasn't anything in his archive that could do anything to create an Altar, so he called Murgin.
"Murgin, i'm ready to go, what do i do?"
"FINALLY! Well, you specifically can't do anything, so, place your hand on that wall, and let me do my magic"
"That would sound cooler if magic didn't exist in this world"
"Silence, i'm making art here."
Andrew could feel a great quantity of mana swelling up from his body, but he realized it wasn't his, it was more like a portal opened inside him and let energy use him as a conductor. The feeling was getting more intense as time passed.
"Hey, my boy, i left the guys to fin-HOLY FUCK, WHAT'S HAPPENING?!? WHY'S THERE WIND?!? THIS'S INTENSE!"
Rakhs had just come back from the retrieval of the weapons to see the making of the Altar, after realizing it was a rare chance to see divine magic in act. But he got more than he bargained for, for as a simple mortal, divine power was beyond his understanding and he felt like he wasn't even looking at something of this world. Then, words could be heard through everyone's mind.
A darkness from the deepest corners of the Abyss engulfed the lowly and dirty sewers, blinding in its mere power and obscurity all that inhabited it, warning them of the arrival of their new master. Every single Kradlait under the surface could hear the most horrifying screams of pain and terror, the most unholy chants, the most supreme command of authority from the dark Abyss. But more than anything they felt the mana, the energy, the mere power of a divine being engulfing them. None of them could understand what it truly was, but they could understand that that which came down upon them was no mere powerful demon or angel. It was a true, absolute Devil, one that they would not have disappointed. For that is in their most primal and savage instincts, engraved in their very souls by the Mad Devil, after millennia of enslavement: to follow absolute darkness and destruction. But their desire to obey was not directed as much towards the Devil that they would have no hope to see or hear in their lifetime, but towards the boy that made all of this possible.
In front of them stood a kid that in a mere day destroyed their greatest enemy, armed them with the most lethal of weapons, and overall, gave them a new reason to live and a newfound pride in being Kradlaits. The human in front of them was no slaver or deceiver, he was a savior, a protector, a sentinel, a dark apostle, but most important of all, an harbinger of doom to their enemies. Only Rakhs managed to contain his instincts, having both wits and will of steel, but all the other were too weak or foolish to even imagine of doing so. Only those that were still outside did not realize what was happening.
Then, finally the darkness left, leaving behind not a sewer, but a small palace, its walls of black stones, engraved with unholy white runes and decorated with the most fiendish of demons. And in front of Andrew, there was the actual Altar, his power pulsating and emanating through the air. It was done. Now, once again, Murgin was one step closer to regaining his power. It could not feel any better.
"Damn.... it worked....."
"Of course it did kid, who do you think i am? Most of these guys are already praying! And it feels amazing! Now, i would normally shower you with compliments, but i have things to prepare for the immediate future! Bye, Andrew, and remember, i'm very proud of you!"
Murgin left, probably to brag to Nox.
"Proud of me, uh? What's the last time someone said that...."
"Hey, ehm, lad"
Rakhs interrupted Andrew in his thought, clearly looking worried.
"Rakhs, what's the matter?"
"I.... must say... that was great and all, but... i can't help but say that i don't like how things developed"
"Wait, why? You have weapons, no enemies, a new protector, what's the deal?"
"It's... the last thing, mate.... the rest is cool and all but..... uh, i'll get straight to the point. Andrew look at my brothers"
The Creakers were all cheering, beating each other and screaming from the excitement. One had to wonder how nobody on the surface heard them.
"What? They seem happy"
"No, they're not happy... they just.... returned to our old ways... following crazily and loyally the first strong Overlord or the like that we find.... they're not acting normal.... by our standards at least... i feared that this may happen, but.... guess you can't hide from who you are... "
"I.... don't understand"
"No, how could you, after all? Seeing all your friends turn to savages.... no one can understand that"
Andrew was beginning to feel his chest tighten up. He started to regret what he did.
"...I-I'm really sorry Rakhs.."
"No, it's not your fault, it was bound to happen..... at least now we don't have to worry of not having a place to go...."
"What do you mean?"
"Andrew, do you think we're normal ratmen?"
"No, not all, we're not true beastmen, we're, we're.... ferals"
"....What? But that's..."
"Impossible? Ferals in the middle of a city not killing anything on site? No, it's not. Let me tell you a story. Some hundred years ago, our tribe was the ruler of a dungeon and we were incredibly strong, we had knowledge of magic and engineering and we were masters of traps. But we were nothing but insane followers of an even madder black mage, and we could do nothing when the nearby countries sent their army to deal with us. Needless to say, our master was nowhere to be seen, not even the Mad Devil helped us. Only a few survived, and they escaped far, far away, till they reached a great cave system under the plains. They made it their home for some time, but then, the first king of Kieris came, and founded the city. At that time, we were far too scared of humans to attack them or get out and find a new home. And here we stood, till the day we realized that even if we went somewhere else we would be hunted, for we were ferals, and other beast men would slaughter us, while other sons of Miasma would see us as intruders in their territory. As such we decided that the safest place to be was hide right under the noses of everyone else. The only way for us to survive, since we were deprived of what gave us birth, was to turn the other rats into our comrades with the little magic we managed to remember. I come from a long time of rats turned directly by the Dungeon Keeper, as such i inherited augmented intelligence and strength, but that power has continuously thinned out, till i was the only one fit to rule"
"I... had no clue..."
"No need to feel down lad, i'll learn to deal with it, after all, i'm their boss. I thought that after all this time of isolation, of refusing to worship anyone, of relying on ourselves, they could resist their inner instincts, but, i was wrong. So i don't hold it against you, it was my mistake"
"Still, my lad, it's been a tiring day for the both of us.... go home, you need to rest, it's very late for a human after all, isn't it? I'll try to calm them down"
"Bye... and...."
"I already said you don't need to feel sorry. Better sooner than later"
Andrew wanted to say something, but he left in silence. He didn't have the courage to find and say any word of comfort. He had done enough. When he got out of the sewers, it was raining. He was immediately as wet as the sea, the cover of the alley did nothing to help. He wandered around aimlessly in the dark night.... he wanted to call Murgin, but how could he change their primal instincts? If it was possible some God or Devil would have already used such a magic to create the perfect race.
The rain was like a sad music to him, the sounds of sorrow filling his heart. He did want to make them loyal, but not complete slaves. This was against his every fiber, his every feeling, against his very being. He may have been merciless towards his enemies, but to do such a thing to his allies.... He felt disgusted with himself. He found a bench and sit on it, admiring the cloud's tears flowing like a waterfall. His mind was empty, and that emptiness was suddenly filled by a cocky voice.
"Hey, why so down?"
He turned around and saw a someone at the opposite side of the bench, but the it was so dark and the rain so intense and noisy he couldn't understand if it was a man or a woman, he could only barely make out the voice.
"You don't need to know"
"Oh, why not, i'm friendly! And it's better to talk with someone after all, don't you think?"
"....This is so stupid.... Ok, i hurt some innocent people"
"Yeah, those poor rats were plenty innocent. Not even being sarcastic"
"Wait, ho-"
"SSSSSHHH, i'm talking baby. So what's the deal? You got what you wanted, didn't you?"
"But they did"
"......Yes, they did......"
"You didn't know, but does that justify it?"
"Well then, there's only one thing to do now"
"Fix it"
"But how?!? They're ferals... they follow instincts by definition! And now that i have awakened them....!"
"You fix it. Just because it's impossible you don't have to give up! And thank some divine being not all of them turned!"
"What do you mean?!?"
"Listen, i watched you for a while, and i gotta say, you're quite a badass. But everything was a little too easy doesn't it? That's why you have no clue on how to deal with actual crises"
"That's true...."
"Then this is a challenge given to you by Fate..... or Karma, maybe you were a bit of an asshole.... which resulted in you being more of an asshole.... no, that is NOT how karma works"
"You're right,i got to fix this. It's my mess, i have to clean it!"
"Yeah, that's what i like, that's the guy i put my money on. Figuratively of course"
"Thank you, strange guy of the night"
"Can't you just ask my name?"
"....Yeah, what is it then?"
" It's ????"
"Wait, sorry, i didn't quite get that"
"Doesn't matter, what matters is that you remember the ONE reason you have to protect monsters!"
"....And that is?"
"Wait, what?"
"Gotta protect them monster girls man"
"Are you serious?"
"In my opinion, catgirls are great, but i honestly prefer dog girls, they're much more.... obedient, if you know what i mean"
"Those are beastmen"
"Oh, those lovely banshees, the voices of angels, really, and quite skilled with their tongue too. And dullahans, oh, so versatile"
"Don't scream, there are people sleeping. Well, i guess i gave you enough motivation and wisdom. Also, now that i look at you... yeah, you're definitely a dark elf guy, though you could also fit fallen angels"
"What do you mean?!?"
"Yeah, you just have that defenseless aura that they love to toy with"
"Come on!"
"Well, time for this mysterious and charming aide to go. I have women that need my love"
"Wait, who-"
The pervert disappeared, not leaving a single trace behind, only his distasteful memory was left with Andrew.
"Just who was that guy?"
Andrew was deep in though, 35% of his brain was trying to understand how sex with a ghost worked, the other 65% tried to figure out what kind of person talked to him. He decided to leave these thoughts for another time, there was something more important to do: to help the rats to overcome their mad fanaticism.
"Just, wait Rakhs, i'll fix this"
Andrew heard the voice of the pervert coming from afar.
"Goddamn you"
Hello guys! Liked the chapter! Hope you did, because it was just one day after the other, what can you do, in the weekend i'm either lazy as fuck or productive as a soviet factory worker! So, Andrew messed up, i mean, it was bound to happens someday! Also, who's the mysterious pervert ????, is this person very powerful, or just a pervert? Someone very mysterious or someone who i was too lazy to give an actual name? And why does he keep appearing in my lore sections? We may never know.... or we definitely will, because this isn't a mystery novel. And most important question of all, what's the best kind of monster girl?!?
????:Oh God, you're insane! Why did you ask that?!? It's like asking who's the best superhero at a Comic-Con!"
P.S. Does anybody of the survivors know how to make a poll? Because i seem to don't understand. Thank you very much!
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