《[Archive] Legend of the Nameless Hero》NH Chapter 24 - [Let's Create a Legend Instead!]


Well, it would seem that I truly can't hand write a chapter and then type it out in the same day.

This chapter's certainly in a mess. It only took me an hour from releasing it to realize that the Me of when Chapter 24 was written needed to go to bed rather than write a chapter.

This chapter's going back under the cutting block, too many ideas, not enough effort on the execution.

For those who read it, that material is NO LONGER NAMELESS HERO CANON

I'll release a bad chapter every now and then, it's up to the vocal ones to share your thoughts, I do actually hear them.


"More like he reads every one four times to make sure he absorbed all of it."

Did I ever mention I hate you Black?


"He loves me :D"


I'll leave this tab up for those interested and i'll have a link to the abandoned version of the chapter, but read at your own risk as it is no longer how the chapter will be. I'm probably going to have to do the chapter from scratch, but that's just how life is sometimes.

Much appreciation for the callouts.

Archived Old Chapter 24

Abandoned Chapter 24

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