《Immutable》Payback's a Comin'


Three Cities was back up and running. It had been weeks since Alex and the rest had scouted the surrounding area for scrap. Now the fruits of their labor had paid off, the city was in the air.

The dome encapsulating the area had been reinforced with the help of skills and powers from every citizen. The previously clear glass was now tinted a deep brown, obscuring the inside. Small bumps pockmarked the dome, each holding a turret of some kind. The four doors at the base of the dome had been reinforced and covered in all manner of defenses. As one walked inside, a hallway of traps and guardsmen would greet them. Only after crossing the hallway would one enter the city proper.

The inside of the city had been rebuilt around the five pillars that reinforced the dome. Spiraling constructs of metal wound their way around and railed walkways connected each pillar together. The walkways were crisscrossed all along the top of the grid and allowed for easy access into the various turrets on the dome. Near each door leading out of the city, the walkways transformed into spiraling staircases that ended on the roofs of the trapped hallways.

The center of the city now housed almost every citizen of Three Cities, building upwards and not outwards had allowed for some creative expansion. The Forgers area sat at the bottom of the pillars, next to the reworked engines. Above were various houses for those with skills in agriculture. The heat from the forgers provided excellent growth conditions for plants and being so close to the ground meant the farmers could easily reach the fields that had been planted all around the city. Those in the government, or with other jobs not related to the direct survival of the city, sat above the agriculture district. Above that were houses for the guards, the close proximity to the walkways made for easy access defending the dome.

Alex had been provided housing next to both June and Nathan, courtesy of Hailey. The rooms weren't very big, Alex had to keep all her cats in her satchel if she wanted to move around, but they housed everything a person could want. There was even a small balcony, which Alex was currently using to watch the various workers farm. Skills and powers combined together to grow plants at insane rates.

She saw someone wave their arms in a strange manner at a tree and suddenly the fruit grew three sizes. Another worker next to them slapped the dirt and the tree shook, dropping all the fruit. A worker with some sort of speed power rushed around and collected all the fruit before it even hit the ground. This sort of thing could be seen all around the fields. Above them, the guards patrolled, exchanging waves to others who were using the walkways.


Someone rapped on Alex's door. She left the balcony and opened the door to see June standing there.

"We're about to get going," The woman said.

Alex nodded. "Let me get ready."

She let June in while she went over to the small closet in the room. June sat down on the bed/couch in the studio room. Alex grabbed at her armor, a set of leathers that protected her vital areas. There was also a pair of arm and leg braces for some extra protection. The whole thing had been made of hydra leather, the city had found a lair on their scouting missions, and had been shaped into a tiger motif. Alex hadn't asked for it to be striped like a tiger but it just happened that way. As she donned the armor, she made small talk with June.

"I still can't believe how we got that tip-off."

June snorted, "Tell me about it. Lincoln making a tracker that Rover can sniff out? That's not how I thought the journey would start."

"How did you think it'd start?" Alex asked as she locked the bracers in place.

June shrugged. "Honestly, a part of me figured Caleb would come crashing back into Earth somewhere with that mothership. The other part figured we'd end up looking for more of the aliens and interrogating them."

Alex laughed at the image of Caleb riding the pyramid spaceship into the Earth. "I can see that. Caleb's been weirder than half of the stuff I've fought, and I fought hillbilly monster trucks."

June huffed. "Not as insane as a toon television."

"Yeah but neither of us has anything on Nathan. You hear about that?"

"How could I not? That dragon's been flying around the city looking for 'workout partners' ever since we went to that college."

It was true. Alex had seen the dragon Exertius flying around the city asking anyone who looked even remotely fit for a game of tag. The dragon still hadn't grasped the concept of restraint and left most of his partners twitching on the ground after he tagged them. It made for good training though. Athena had been taking all the guardsmen to the monster whenever she got the chance, much to the chagrin of Hailey. In the beginning, Exertius had collapsed a few of the buildings.

Alex tightened the final string on her leather vest. "All right," She said. "Let's get going."

June stood to follow the Lord of Cats out of the building. Outside, others had started to walk out of their houses as well, called by the leaders of Three Cities.


Alex and June weaved their way through the others as they made their way down to the government district. Along the way Nathan joined them, his face covered with a knight helm.

"Still hiding from the dragon?" Alex snickered.

"Yes," Nathan's tone said he didn't want to talk about it. He'd been the one to vouch for the dragon but was starting to regret it. He'd been hounded day and night for more games of tag. It had gotten so bad Nathan was forced to wear the helmet so he could walk around the city freely.

The three passed into the government district and made their way to the town hall. The building had been built right in the middle of the five pillars and Hailey had made sure it was easy to reach from any section of the city. Various workers, forgers, and guardsmen were flowing into the massive doors. Alex and the others followed suit, walking into a large gymnasium. Up front stood Hailey with John and Athena on a raised floor. The three made their way to the front as well, sitting in the row of chairs behind them.

Lincoln joined them shortly, as well as Maud and Jonathan. The three had been given more responsibility after the death of Mr. Copper and others from the first alien attack. Lincoln and Jonathan had taken over the management of Rover and the city, changing the hodgepodge mix of technology that powered the city into one cohesive engine. Maud had been tasked with rebuilding the entirety of the city and had worked with the council to plan out the growth of the buildings and streets.

Alex, June, and Nathan had been given more responsibility as well. Alex and June had been given authority over scouting missions and had worked together to map out safe routes for scavenging. Nathan had been granted his shrine, which sat at the edge of town, and had become the first of many to build a place of worship for their god. Because he was first, the council had given him the title of "Abbot" and had him oversee all of the various worshipers.

As the last of the citizens filed into the auditorium, Hailey rapped on the podium. John and Athena both released an aura that silenced the last of those talking.

"Months ago," Hailey started. "Our city was attacked by an alien threat. A threat that wanted to enslave us. We fought back, but were unprepared for the full might of their armies."

Various people in the crowd nodded along.

"My brother Caleb was taken as a hostage in exchange for our safety," Hailey continued. "Because of him, we were able to rebuild. Now, I look around at our fair city and see progress. Because of the work you citizens have put in we are able to live freely above the clouds and away from the dangers on the ground. Because of your work, we have been able to grow enough food to feed everyone. Because of your work, we don't have to worry about attacks like before ever again."

Hailey looked over the crowd. "And yet my brother, the one who allowed for this to happen, is still captive. I cannot let this stand."

Some of the crowd murmured.

"I know what I am going to say will upset some of you. We have built ourselves a place of safety. In spite of that, I ask that we assault the aliens that took Caleb."

The murmurs increased.

"We can't fight against an empire!" Someone called.

Hailey turned in the direction of the speaker. "I know it won't be easy, but we already have a lead. A brave group of guardsmen has been able to place a tracker on one of the alien ships. Rover is able to track the signal and will lead us to one of the Varnoss ships. Jonathan has also worked with many of you to create an engine that surpasses everything we've known, letting us jump in and out at will."

"So?" Someone cried. "You saw what they did to us!"

Cries of agreement echoed.

Hailey pounded the desk. "And do you think they won't do it again?" She yelled. "We have no proof this empire will hold to their word! And I'm not one to trust those with the ability to mind control others!"

The gymnasium quieted down. They had all been informed of the power that almost took over their entire city. There were nods of agreement from a few in the crowd.

"Now I don't know about you, but I'm not one to sit around and wait for the enemy to attack! I say we bring the fight to them! Agreed?"

The auditorium nodded in agreement.

"Let's do it!" Some cried.

"Yeah, we'll make those bastards pay!"

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