《Immutable》Momster Truck


While the momma truck was on the ground sobbing, the family still in the trailer took their chance. The father grabbed his two youngest and the mother held the last by the hand. Quietly, the group stepped off the trailer. The parents led their kids, tiptoeing towards the garage door.

Alex silently encouraged the family, hoping the truck didn't turn around and see them. But it seemed God wasn't listening today. The youngest, slung over the father's shoulder, had a clear view of the carnage left behind and couldn't help but let out a wail of fear. The parents froze. The monster turned around, wiper fluid running down from its headlights.

She stared at the frozen family. Sniffing, she snarled. "What do ya think you're doing?"

The question incited the parents to action. They placed their kids on the ground and urged them ahead. "Go! We'll slow it down. Just run!" They turned to face the monster.

Alex wasn't about to let this family die. She had been hoping to get a good sneak attack after the whole family left but scrapped the plan as the family was discovered. "Go! Sir Purrsalot!" She cried. The komainu jumped out and rushed over to the family. The monster's attention had focused on the parents so it didn't see the attack Alex had directed at it with Chonkers.

The nanocat sallied forth from a cry of "Catapult!" And smashed into the backside of the truck.

A cry of pain escaped the hood of the monster and it bent back from the force of Chonkers blow. But the nanocat hadn't pierced the chassis like it had the other enemies. Instead, a large dent had formed on the monster's back. Turning, the large creature saw Alex standing with Rocket at the ready.


"Hey you tin can!" She shouted. "You ready to die like the others?"

The truck's headlight eyes shifted to an angry red. "Did you do this to my babies!" The monster yelled.

"Yeah what about it?" Alex taunted.

"How dare you!" The monster revved. "My Jeb's ain't never hurt nobody and you killed them in cold blood."

"You're seriously saying that after kidnapping a family?"

The monster looked back at the five cowering behind Sir Purrsalot. "They ain't people. And now that I look at ya, neither is you! So Momma Truck's gonna smash ya!" An arm of pipes and wires swung out in a wide swing.

Ducking under, Alex pushed Rocket at her foe. With another cry of "Catapult!" Rocket shot out and struck the tire chest of Momma Truck. Claws scored blows onto the soft rubber but once again Rocket's momentum was killed and only superficial wounds were left.

In response, the monster brought its other arm down, attempting to smash Alex. Using her catlike reflexes, she rolled out of the way towards Chonkers. The lazy cat hadn't even bothered to move after landing, lazily licking a paw. On the other hand, Rocket was already bounding back towards Alex. Her roll brought her next to her nanocat, which she grabbed as she stood.

A kick shot out at Alex, trying to send her flying. She jumped, legs absorbing the kick and jumped away, backflipping and landing on three limbs, Chonkers curled under the fourth. Momma Truck took the chance to turn and strike at the family. Long arms pounded down on the barrier Sir Purrsalot threw up. The shield was holding up under the assault, but Alex wasn't sure for how long.

Rocket bounded over to where Alex was crouching. He circled around her in a defensive curl and snarled at the monster. Alex gave him a quick pat to show she was okay. The truck was still wailing on the barrier Sir Purrsalot created and she could see it was starting to crack. She looked between Rocket and Chonkers, trying to decide what to do.


Making her decision, Alex held a hand towards Chonkers and said, "Catalyst." Images of machinery and black holes swirled around her hand. "Let's go Rocket." She said.

The mishipeshu jumped upwards and Alex pushed as him from behind. With a catapult Rocket flew forwards, images of gravity whirling around him. The cat curled into a missile once again and smashed into Momma Truck. With the aid of Chonkers' power Rocket found his greater mass pushing into the monster.

"AUGH!" Momma Truck grunted. Rocket's claws had stuck deep into her arm, oil and other fluids leaking from the wound. The truck turned away from striking the barrier to grab at Rocket.

The increased weight of the cat had stuck his claws into the chassis of the monster and so wasn't able to dodge out of the way.

"Rocket!" Alex cried out in distress.

She rushed forwards, Kit and Butterwhiskers appearing next to her. "Catalyst! Catalyst!" She said, focusing on the two of them. A yowl echoed in her head and she felt her system claw at her.

"I don't have time for you," she grunted, pushing past the pain. Hefting Chonkers, she threw him forward with another catapult.

The fat cat popped out of existence on to appear next to the hand holding Rocket captive. With its momentum preserved, the cat struck the truck right on the knuckle.

"OW!" Momma Truck shrieked. Her hand opened up and dropped Rocket.

Alex felt more scratching in her mind. It hurt, she was having trouble concentrating. Chonkers' hadn't stopped its assault on the truck. After hitting the knuckle the cat teleported again, this time to a headlight. It smashed into it and broke through the glass. Alex felt another scratch of pain. Chonkers teleported again, hitting the other headlight, then again at the kneecap, and then again, and again.

Each teleport brought more scratches of pain. She was the system's scratching post and her focus was draining. She could barely keep up with Chonker's anymore. Her vision was blurring from the tears in her eyes but the silver cat was teleporting around hitting any weak point on the monster.

Momma Truck's cries were of pain, then pleading, then weak moaning, and finally silence. Chonkers finally stopped and Alex fell to the ground. She could finally focus on the pain. The system was in her head, scratching and clawing. She grabbed it and wrestled it to the ground. It scratched her face, her arms, her legs. She ignored it. Vaguely, she felt the sting of open wounds on her skin.

"It's okay," She whispered. She imagined petting her system. She cooed and pet, slowly calming the raging animal inside. In the end, she had it purring contentedly from a belly rub.

Purr-endpity unlocked! Lucky you! Unlocked at rank C for cat!

The box appeared as she stood up. "So that's how I unlock stuff." She rolled her eyes at the bad pun and went to check in on the family.

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