《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 38


Chapter Thirty-Eight

I took out a specially made Kunai and threw it towards Whitebeard. Suddenly the sole Kunai became thousands of them as I had used a derivative of the Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu on it.

This is also not your standard Kunai as they have a special Chakra mark upon them. They began landing all over the place and once the stage was set I began to make my move.

I used the Flying Thunder God technique to teleport quickly all over the place my speed so fast that Whitebeard couldn't keep up with his eyes. I also created an army of Shadow Clones that were doing the same thing. We were buzzing around the Pirate launching all of our most Powerful Jutsu's one after another.

There was waves of copper sand, Wood Release Jutsu's, Lava Release, Boil Release, and projectiles made of my own bones, along with every standard Elemental Release I knew but Whitebeard simply broke every attack with a punch that shattered the air around them like glass. I couldn't even get close enough to cast a Genjutsu on him.

He was truly living up to his reputation as the Strongest Man In The World. Quickly each and every one of my army of Shadow Clones are destroyed with a puff of white smoke.

"Is that all you got kid?" Whitebeard said obviously trying to anger me into making a stupid mistake.

"You know what old man. No its not" I switched into the Nine Tails Chakra Cloak which coupled with the Flying Thunder God had finally improved my speed to a degree that a normal person's Observation Haki would no longer be able to follow.

Whitebeard however is far from normal it was almost like he could see a few seconds into the future and he threw a punch directly in the location I was about to teleport to. I didn't have time to stop myself as when I appeared I was engulfed in a series of glass shattering cracks.


My Nine Tails Chakra Cloak barely protected me from the shock-wave but it blew me so far into the distance I went bouncing through many of the ruins.

Whitebeard stood staring into the distance and said "That shouldn't have done it" and he was right.

I erupted out of the ground flying into the air the aura of my Ki combining with the Nine Tails Chakra Cloak becoming a vivid flickering flame around my body with electrical like sparks.

My body felt as though it was pulling itself apart from so many competing elements but I pushed myself even further as the electrical sparks became more and more erratic until I also managed to activate the Lightning Release Chakra cloak at the same time as the Ki aura and Nine Tails Chakra Cloak.

I Teleport with the Flying Thunder God again only now I moved with such speed the world around me had stopped moving.

Even Whitebeard who until now could respond to each and every attack I had was moving at a snails pace.

Sadly however my first attack in this form missed by a large margin. It was next to impossible to control the speed in this form.

The Nine Tails Chakra Cloak gave Naruto the ability to move faster than the Fourth Raikage in the anime and Manga.

Add on top of that the speed boost by using the Third Raikage’s superior form of the Lightening Release Chakra Cloak.

And If that wasn't crazy enough I was using the full extent of my Ki and the Flying Thunder God. I was moving with such speed that my eye sight even with the Rinnegan was unable to keep up. I doubt even the tracking abilities of the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan would manage.

I however have an ability I may be able to use to circumvent that problem. I simply closed my eyes and allowed my Sage Mode sensory abilities to replace any and all visual information.


I used teleport again. Once again I became aware of just how slow Whitebeard was moving I finally managed to get close enough to touch him and the moment I did I activated Body Snatcher.

Inside Whitebeard’s incredibly tall body I watched as my own body plummeted into the ground of the Upper Yard. Without anyone controlling it my body crashed deep underground as the multitude of Chakra and Ki disappeared.

I cringed thinking just how much that is going to hurt.

I didn't have time to worry about my body right now I had to quickly use Auto Copy on Whitebeard’s body.

I was just about to return to my body when Body snatcher issued me a warning

"Warning Host body is unconscious, As such you will be unable to backup data to Database. Do you wish to use Emergency Protocol to backup data now Y/N"

I quickly clicked yes. I then had the idea as my body was unconscious I was unable to tell how much damage I had suffered so I used the new Body Snatcher feature to leave a small command into the brain of the person whose body I am in.

I commanded Whitebeard make sure I am safe and healthy and then returned to my body where nothing but blackness was waiting for me.

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