《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 36


Chapter Thirty-Six

I have recently been putting some thought into continuing my journey. There is a place I am really wanting to go and that place is Skypiea the land above the clouds.

I say my goodbyes to my family the following day and use my Ki to fly as high as I can. Luckily for me I don't require the use of the Knock up stream to make my way here.

Above the clouds, which stretched on for as far as the eye can see like an endless white see I found myself stranded in an area with nothing around at all.

I know the chances of flying straight to an inhabited area straight from the ground is pretty poor but I can't help but feel a little disappointed.

Luckily however I felt the presence in the distance and flew directly towards it. I was surprised to see a single person seated upon a small boat which strongly resembles a coffin. The centre mast looks a lot like a crucifix. The owner of this boat is a very young teenage looking Dracule Mihawk.

The man who will be known as the worlds greatest swordsman takes out his sword and sends a flying shock-wave incredibly suddenly taking me by surprise.

I quickly react and take the Executioner's Blade one of the Seven Ninja Sword copies the one most famously used by Zabuza Momochi from my item box and I gladly received his attack deflecting his attack.

Mihawk red eyes have a slicker of amazement. He stands up from his seat and runs his hand through his black hair.

"So you have some skill" he says to me from a distance. To which I chuckle I place the incredibly large blade on my shoulder and I head towards him.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rowan" I said with a cheerful expression. I was always a huge fan of Mihawk so getting to meet him it became incredibly difficult not to fan-boy out.


Seeing how cheerful I seemed to be Mihawk who was incredibly serious for his age seemed a little annoyed. He did however continue the conversation asking "Isn't that one of the Seven Ninja Swords?"

As you would expect from someone destined to become the Worlds Greatest Swordsman he really knew his stuff when it came to swords.

"Yeah. I kind of found myself fighting against the Seven Ninja Swordsmen Of The Mist not too long ago and some of their swords caught my eye".

We talked for a while about the abilities of each sword and their uses. As I followed him and his ship towards an island. The island in question has a large bean stalk which is visible even from this distance.

Curious I asked "so how come you're here in Skypiea?" . As it turns out he is here to challenge the person known as the God who at this current moment in time is known to be Gan Fall. He is an excellent combatant who in the Anime and Manga of one piece is introduced as the Sky Knight.

We made land on the huge island Mihawk explains that this island is known as the Upper Yard. It is considered to be a holy place by the people of Skypiea.

There was however quite a tragic history to this land as the Skypieans forced out its former inhabitants due to the rarity of soil in the sky islands.

Just as We were about to begin our travel across the Upper Yard however I could sense the arrival of many men heading our way. It would seem Mihawk too could sense them as we looked at each other.

Once again confirming my skill Mihawk smiled little did I know at the time he was wondering how a small child of my size could possibly be so skilled.


We waited patiently as a small army of men wearing loose fitting robes all came rushing towards us. These men had a pair of small angel like wings sticking out their back as all Skypieans do. They also had a hair style that looked as though they had a single antenna sticking up vertically.

"You are trespassing on the Upper Yard" said the leader looking member of these people.

Mihawk sighed showing his obvious disappointment. It wasn't because he was upset with what this person said but because they all were holding staff like weapons and there wasn't a single swordsman among them.

Before they could even react Mihawk unsheathed his sword and with a single slash of its thin pointed blade they all began to fall down one after another.

Mihawk had avoided their vitals but a cloud of blood still appeared in the air.

I was amazed by the skill displayed and as such quickly patted his back and took control of his body. I backed up all his combat knowledge which was so in-depth that all the Seven Ninja Swordsmen Of The Mist's knowledge was barely even with his own.

I quickly returned to my body and cast a Genjutsu on Mihawk making him forget what had just happened.

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