《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 34


Chapter Thirty-four

My Mothers were shocked to see me return with a small unconscious child but after I explained the situation within the Village Hidden In the Mist their expressions soon became one of anger.

We allowed the Akarui to rest in one of the spare rooms of the house. My mothers thought that Akarui was half my age but where shocked when I told them she was only a year younger than me.

Her poor diet and lifestyle had stunted her growth and as such she appeared far smaller than she should be.

Their anger towards the Village Hidden In The Mist became even more pronounced after hearing that.

"Putting such a small child through such a torturous existence, I thought things were bad in the Leaf Village but in comparison it seemed like paradise" Silvia was close to tears as she thought of all the hardships Akarui must have gone through just to survive to this point.

It seems the child is also unable to control her Chakra, obviously nobody wanted to teach a child with a Kekkei Genkai in that God forsaken Village.

It seems the protective urges of my Mothers were stimulated but the plight of the young girl. As we were talking I noticed that Akarui had awoken so I quickly made my way to her room so that she wouldn't be scared by the unfamiliar environment.

She was relieved to see me and held my hand as I took her to meet my Mothers who both took a liking to the timid little girl.

Silvia was constantly hugging the small scared child while Mother was plying her with sweets every chance they got.

"Such a good child" Mother said with a gentle smile upon her face.

"Rowan always seemed so assertive and rarely needed his Mothers for protection" Silvia said in reply.

Over the next year Akarui began calling Mothers both Mom and as such they were pleased to have a Daughter. They began training her how to mould and control her Chakra. Before long myself and my new sister were walking up the trees of the forests of Foosha Village.

Akarui was also tasked with hunting some of the dangerous animals that are local to the area as an excuse for her to develop her Kekkei Genkai's.

Her reliance to me has slowly lessened as she has become stronger under the training of our Mothers. I wanted to train her too but both Mothers demanded it is a job that they should do as the parents.

I was only allowed to accompany her in her training but wasn't allowed to actively teach her. It was however quite fun for me going back to basics as I discovered I had become too reliant upon the Database.

The fact that the Databases abilities use less Chakra than if I were to use them myself has made my own Chakra control lessen as i have gotten older. I was quite annoyed when I came to this realisation.


In this time training with my new sister I had gotten my Chakra control to such a high level that I had become able to use a Jutsu not from the database at almost the same Chakra requirement as one from the Database.

There are however some thing’s that have happened over this year that are not so praiseworthy. It seems that the commotion I caused in the Mist Village has been labelled the work of the World Government, as such tensions between the Land of Water and the World Government has tipped the Mist into declaring all out War on the World Government.

This coupled with the increase in piracy since adult Rogers execution has placed the World Government in a dire position. The Third Mizukage has strategically been using several skirmishes to increase their territory and annex more clans into his forces who he in turn sets upon the World Government.

This however doesn't really bother me as long as my family remain safe.

I also check in on the happenings of the Second Shinobi World War from time to time. The leaf is as expected coming out ahead with the might of the Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade standing above their peers.

They have recently been given the name of Legendary Sannin by Hanzo the Salamander the leader of the Village hidden in the Rain. Not long after this fight Jiraiya has taken it upon himself to train four orphans.

I was shocked when White Zetsu told me the number is Four so I quickly teleport to see the situation for myself. It turns out the extra orphan is none other than young Roger who is growing incredibly powerful. I could sense his immense amounts of Chakra without even trying to.

I was however saddened to see that the Nagato of this world is still in possession of Madara's Rinnegan. Myself and White Zetsu were unable to find any trace of Madara so I quickly assumed he found a way out of Izanami and continued his plans.

While I was back in the Ninja world for the time being I decided to make my way to the Hidden Sand Village. With a new black crow mask and black robe I entered the Land of Wind.

Using the Sand Sand Fruit I copied from Crocodile I was able to traverse the desert like area of the Land of Wind with such speed it rivalled the Mayfly ability.

I also began spamming the Item Clone function and increased my stores of copper sand by 100 times its previous amount.

I easily infiltrated the Hidden Sand. These Ninja villages are turning into nothing but my own little playground at this point. I could sense a huge amount of Chakra which I stealthily made my way towards.

I found it to be emanating from the One Tails Jinchuriki who was meditating. I recognised this man as being Bunpuku from his brief appearance in the anime and Manga.


He seemed to have the look of a priest by his clothing and purple looking kimono. He also had a shaved head and dark rings around his eyes which indicates he is the One Tails Jinchuriki.

What I found shocking however is that this Jinchuriki has been locked up within a jail cell hidden far away from the regular citizens of Suna. If not for my sensory abilities and Mayfly I would have found it difficult to find this place and make my way inside.

Using my knowledge of the One Tails I had to alter my usual Modus Operandi. The One Tails doesn't allow his Jinchuriki's to sleep as the moment they do he begins chipping away at their mental strength in hopes of freeing itself.

The giant tanuki made of sand is incredibly intelligent and bides his time until he is able to loosen the seal that restrains him. He uses these moments to cause as much destruction as he can within the Sand Village.

His current hosts mental strength however is causing him quite a deal of irritation as it has been an incredibly long time since he was last able to loosen the seal imprisoning him.

I decided that as I can't wait till the Jinchuriki is asleep the best course of action is instead to have my hand emerge from the ground where I am currently hiding using the Mayfly technique.

I gently make physical contact with Bunpuku. It was so soft that their greatest pickpockets would bleed tears of blood due to envy.

Before Bunpuku even noticed anything was untoward I had already switched Bodies. The One Tails who was not behind bars like the other Tailed beasts were in their seals could sense a fluctuation in the seal as I switched bodies, at that moment attempted to break free.

He however found that his body which is entirely made up of Sand and Chakra couldn't move at all. He then noticed my figure before him and began cursing me with abusive language.

I was using Crocodiles Sand Sand Fruit to control the sand which makes up the One Tails body and the Rinnegan to absorb the Chakra. I had secretly activated Auto Copy at this exact time too.

Seeing the Rinnegan in the eyes of the crow mask The one Tails suddenly stopped resisting. "hello there Shukaku" I said politely from under my mask. The One Tails looked at me with a face filled with suspicion but seeing the eyes of his creator the Sage of The Six Paths made the beast calmer than usual.

"My name is Rowan. I have come to warn you of a danger to you and your Tailed Beast family. There is someone who wishes to use you to revive the Ten Tails". As time is of the essence and Shukaku is less trusting than the other Tailed Beasts except for maybe the Nine Tails.

I switched to Silvia’s Mangekyo Sharingan and placed the One Tails in a Tsukuyomi like Genjutsu. There I showed it the sights I had seen from the anime of it being chained and dragged into the Demon Statue of Outer Path.

I ended the Genjutsu and the prideful tailed beast asked "What can I do to stop this future?"

I showed it the Chakra I had gained from the other tailed beasts and using Shukaku’s hatred

of the Nine tails I said "all the other Tailed beasts have offered me some Chakra so that i can extract them when the time comes, However the Nine Tails only offered a small amount compared to the others".

Shukaku started laughing violently and separated a large portion of his sand and gave it to me. The One Tails shrunk down to half its original size and looked rather pleased with itself. In this sand housed so much Chakra it could be considered it equal to the combined amount of Tailed Beast Chakra I had gained up until this point combined.

I thanked Shukaku and as the timer was about to hit zero I made the Jinchuriki's body fall asleep. Luckily Shukaku knew my reasoning for making his Jinchuriki sleep and chose not to bother Bunpuku for once and allow him to sleep while I make my exit from the jail.

I had now backed up all the data I had gained to the database. I next traverse throughout The land of Wind targeting several ninjas whose knowledge and techniques I wanted. The first was Chiyo as a famed Puppeteer and Medical Nin i wanted her knowledge to boost the knowledge I already have.

As the Puppet Ninja whose skills I copied before were pretty average in comparison i wanted Chiyo's knowledge as until the rise of her Grandchild Sasori she is renowned as the greatest Puppet ninja. Then their is her medical skills which are second only to Tsunade but she has a greater knowledge of poisons which she uses with her puppets.

I use my trusty wait till they are asleep routine and her abilities and knowledge become mine. It also turned out she has a great knowledge of creating puppets too which will come in handy for me.

I suddenly had the idea to create the ultimate puppet but I will put that off until later.

As the Sand Village is at war most of my targets this time are spread out based in different encampments in the war-zone. With my travel speed it is pretty easy to cover the distance in moments however.

The next target is the Third Kazekage. He is known as the strongest Kazekage in the history of the Sand Village. As Rasa was able to subdue Shukaku in the desert and Gaara was a former Jinchuriki with enormous Chakra reserves that should tell you how incredible the Third Kazekage is.

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