《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 33


Chapter Thirty-Three

The Moment the two Jinchuriki's lost conciousness I was attacked from within the mist by over a hundred thousand needles made of water.

I used the Deva Path to repel each and every one of them. With Sage Mode I could tell my attacker was shocked his surprise attack hadn't worked. He no doubt assumed I would be too caught up in my victory over the Jinchuriki to notice them.

I reactivated the Byakugan in my left eye to get a look at them to find they turned out to be none other than the Third Mizukage.

He was a tall man with long black hair with small pearl shaped objects encircling his head. He was intelligent to know that he had been discovered so he dissipated the Mist that blocks the view around the area.

He came walking directly towards me his body oozing confidence. Suddenly he did something that truly didn't expect.

His entire body began to transform into a large creature that stood almost twenty feet tall. He became a giant black turtle entwined with a snake.

I used my Appraisal on him to find that the Third Mizukage is in-fact also a Devil Fruit user. His specific Devil Fruit was of the Zoan type which allows its user the ability to transform into specific creature.

In the case of the Mizukage he had an incredibly rare mythical type Zoan fruit known as the Genbu Genbu Fruit. This allowed him to transform into the Mythical Genbu also known as one of the Four Symbols of Chinese mythology.

I was incredibly annoyed at the hypocrisy on show by the Mizukage. He is okay with his country persecuting Devil Fruit Users and those with a Kekkei Genkai but he happens to be a Devil Fruit User himself.

The now giant Mizukage opened his mouth and shot a large amount of water towards me. The water took the shape of a sphere and began to harden as it turned to ice.


I quickly switched the Devil Fruit I control over to the Magma Magma fruit and my body erupted with a giant wave of magma.

The wave enveloped the sphere of ice and the wave continued on towards the Third Mizukage.

He in turn sent a wave of his own back and the two forces began to clash. My magma was however too hot and was quickly evaporating the wave of water.

The Mizukage quickly froze his wave of water which by now had cooled down my magma enough to be able to be defended against

The Mizukage however had failed to realise that I had sent a series of Magma meteors hurtling towards him.

The Mizukage retreated into his shell. The defensive power of this Mythical Devil Fruit is second to none as such he received no damage at all while he was safely hidden inside his shell.

Next I use the Deva Path to send his massive body flying off into the distance crashing through many buildings but yet again the Mizukage exits his shell as though nothing happened and sends a spear of ice flying my way.

I manage to dodge as I was unable to use the Deva Path and as it held no Chakra it couldn't be absorbed using the Preta Path.

I had to use my copper Sand to change the trajectory of the large ice spear as it was heading dangerously close towards the abandoned house Akarui was hiding in.

Over the next several hours our battle continued I escalate using almost every attack I had available to me but no matter what attack I tried the Mizukage remained undamaged when ever he retreated into his shell. Even Dust Release did nothing but leave a tiny scorch mark.

The Mizukage was so confident in his defence that he would willingly take any attack I was throwing at him.


It was obvious he was hoping to break my spirit seeing every single card I had to throw at him failing to even cause the slightest of scratches.

At this moment a giant Sage Mode enhanced Wooden Golem is using every ounce of its strength smashing against the shell but even this is causing no damage.

What the Mizukage doesn't realise however is that he has now played directly into my hands.

on one such moment when the Mizukage was within his shell I switched with a sage mode enhance Wood Clone. The clone kept the Mizukage

busy enough for me to circle around ready to launch a surprise.

When I finally put the plan into action predictably the Mizukage retreated into his shell again however this time I used Armament Haki, Senjutsu, and Ki combined.

I have spent the course of this battle balancing these three energies and it has taken me several hours to get the ratio right.

If I was against any other opponent it would have been impossible to gain the hours I needed to form this power.

My arm has gone an ominous black colour as the three energies formed so much power that even my Senjutsu enhanced body was struggling to not tear itself apart under the strain.

I jump high into the air and come hurtling down and my fist smashes into the Mizukage's shell. I use the Gentle Fist technique to push the entirety of this energy into the Mizukage.

It however proved to be so powerful it not only spread through the Mizukage's body but the entire ground beneath him.

Purple black sparks of lightening erupt as it creates a shock wave that spreads across the Village Hidden In The Mist.

It didn't destroy any buildings it did however knock each and every single person unconscious within the village even to the furthest outskirts.

The Mizukage's shell begins to crack and blood begins to erupt like a volcano. There is a huge crater formed underneath the huge turtle like form of the Mizukage as a spider-web of cracks begin to spread out.

When the Mizukage stops sinking into the ground from within these crack the ground begins to shake. All the power I released has created an earthquake. Suddenly the spider-webs of crack begin splitting apart.

Huge crevices begin to form going off into four directions and the Village Hidden in the Mist has been divided into quarters.

I stood dumbfounded I was glad I used the gentle fist technique as I dread to think what would have happened if I used the Strong Fist style of my Mother instead.

I walked over to the huge crater and within I could see the now unconscious Mizukage. I didn't let this option go to waste I quickly used the Body Snatcher skill and Copied all of his data and backed it up to the External Server.

As I felt a little guilty for creating so much destruction I took out all the Seven Ninja Swords of the Mist and left them laying before the unconscious Mizukage. Lets pretend it doesn't matter that I have already cloned the swords using my Item Box so I have no need for the originals.

I then Picked up Akarui who had also been knocked out by the shock wave and teleport back to Foosha Village with her.

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