《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 31


Chapter Thirty-One

After a few days rest which my Mothers demanded I take after having such a rough time with the Tenseigan I continued my journey. This time I went right to Kiri using the Mayfly technique. I walked around the Village as I did before the disparity between the castes is tough to watch. There were many children of the lower class orphaned because their parents were killed doing dangerous missions which nine times out of ten was obviously above their skill level.

I happened to find one such orphan mere moments away from death huddled up in a gutter wearing nothing but rags. Her body was covered in filth and what’s more there wasn't an ounce of meat on her. If I was to say she was nothing but bone it would do a disservice to bones.

I wondered how the hell she survived this long. What makes it worse is the indifference every one around has towards this sight.

I walked over to the girl I can see she is barely breathing so I crouch down and check her pulse. It is so weak that I'm afraid it will stop any moment. I lift her up and feel she has about as much weight as a sponge.

I swallow the anger I feel and take her away. The people who see this look at me with contempt but I just can't stand by and watch like they do.

I take her to an old abandoned house and lay her on the dirty furniture where I use Medical Ninjutsu for the first time in a long time. I make sure she is stable and begin preparing an easily digestible meal for when she wakes up.

I used Body Snatcher to get a better idea of her situation. Once inside her body I was racked by pain that felt as though every single muscle fibre was pulling itself apart. Once again the anger I felt for this village was once again reaching new heights.


When I returned to my body I found that she has two Kekkei Genkai. it is no wonder the people here treated her so badly"

close to an hour after I treated her she opens her eyes for the first time. She sees she is in an unfamiliar location but is too weak to react.

"Hi glad you're awake now" I say with the friendliest attitude I could muster. She looks at me with those half dead green eyes and tries to speak.

She begins coughing and sputtering at the mere attempt. I bring her over a small cup of water and help her hold it. Her thin little hands shaking as she grasps the cup.

She brings it to her mouth and takes a timid little sip. I hear a tiny little swallowing noise as she finishes drinking. A tiny drop of water drips from the corner of her mouth down her chin.

Seeing she had managed that okay I bring her over a small portion of rice porridge. She looks at the food then back at me. I can almost guess what she is thinking just looking at her reaction so I nod and hand her the spoon as she slowly starts eating.

After a few moments her timid nature seems to dissipate and she begins piling bigger and bigger spoonfuls in her mouth at astounding speed. I was a bit concerned she would get the hiccups or something but couldn't bring myself to say anything.

She finishes eating and suddenly her eyes fill up with tears. She begins sobbing big ugly tears that mix with the snot dripping from her nose and she cries uncontrollably for a short while.

I could do nothing but try to comfort her so I placed my arms around her small weak little body and support her as she sobbed it out to her hearts content.


After she calmed down I introduced myself "I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Hi I'm Rowan Senju".

She said in a small voice not even louder than a church mouse "I'm Akarui Terumi".

Terumi huh I thought. Its no wonder she has two Kekkei Genkai then. In the Anime and Manga of Naruto the future Fifth Mizukage Mei Terumi also had the same two Kekkei Genkai. They must be related in some way.

To be honest I am even amazed that woman even became the Mizukage given this countries feelings about Kekkei Genkai.

Akarui and I stay in the abandoned house for a few weeks with me taking care of her until she regains some of her strength. In this time she has grown fond of me, and refers to me as her big brother and won't sleep unless I'm around.

Any time I have to leave to get supplies she suffers with such crippling feelings of fear and dread that I worry for her well-being.

Luckily I have the Shadow Clone Jutsu so I can be in more than one place at once.

Our life like this together went on peacefully until one day my Shadow Clone cancelled the Jutsu alerting me that a large squadron of mist Ninjas are heading towards us.

It seems somebody alerted those in charge that a street girl with a Kekkei Genkai was being cared for by a stranger. Its my own fault because no matter how careful I have been since I did make quite the show when rescuing her.

Akarui could tell that something was up from my atmosphere "what's wrong big brother?"

"Some bad people are coming to take me away from you". The moment I said this I put on the best big brother smile I could and said "don't worry I won't let that happen, just stay hidden in here until I come back".

I left a Wood Clone standing by to protect he just in-case as they are more durable than a Shadow Clone. I quickly entered Sage Mode I was overflowing with Senjutsu Chakra as I haven't used it in a while.

I stepped outside the abandoned house we were staying in switched to my crow mask and cloak and met the mist Ninjas head on.

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