《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 30


Chapter Thirty

I awoke to find myself in bed with a cold cloth over my eyes. The pain I felt is still coming and going in waves.

I hear a door open then the familiar voice of Silvia "hey there Rowan glad you're awake. I don't know what is going on but I used my Sharingan and saw a large amount of Chakra pooling around your Byakugan’s"

I listen then tell her that they activated on their own and began pulsating and before long the pain got so bad I couldn't handle it any-more".

I was a little disappointed in myself for losing to the pain but if my hunch is correct then they are evolving since taking in some Otsutsuki DNA no matter how diluted it may have become in the Kaguya clan.

I lay in bed over the next few days and both Mothers caring for me as my eyes began to settle down.

Once I was healthy and my eyes finally settled down I removed the cloth that has been over my eyes to see that my Byakugan had evolved into the Tenseigan. This is the Dojutsu that Hamura Otsutsuki awoken after he and his brother sealed away Kaguya who was running wild as the Ten Tails.

As soon as both Mothers saw my eyes they were enchanted. Silvia even said "Beautiful" under her breath.

The blue pupils and iris which contains a white floral pattern has obviously made a good impression on them.

As I have seen these eyes in The Last: Naruto the Movie they were awakened by Toneri Otsutsuki. He was the last descendant of Hamura Otsutsuki who had implanted Hanabi Hyuga’s Byakugan into his eyes which reacted to his Otsutsuki DNA and evolved into the Tenseigan.

These eyes hold many powers of a similar nature to their brother the Rinnegan. there are also a few unique powers like the Tenseigan Chakra Mode. This form provides you with enhanced speed strengthened durability.


I could however tell that these eyes are incredibly demanding of Chakra unlike the Rinnegan which seems to use barely any Chakra to keep active.

In the movie after Toneri was defeated and his Chakra ran out the eyes reverted back into being Regular Byakugan.

Before my Chakra levels reach a dangerous state I switched my eyes to the regular Byakugan using the Body Snatcher Database. As the drain on my Chakra was gone I felt relieved.

My Mothers asked me about my eyes to which I told a few white lies as usual. I told them "I have been investigating the Sage Of Six Paths and found that he had a Brother".

When I see they were with me up until there I told them "The Sage's descendent’s went on to be the Uchiha and the Sages Brother went on to be the Hyuga". Silvia seemed to take this the most seriously Obviously as she is an Uchiha.

"You see the Sage had a Sharingan which evolved to become known as the Rinnegan. The Brother however had a Byakugan that evolved to become the Tenseigan. This is what I found out written on a tablet which crumble to dust before my eyes began to go out of control".

Just as I was feeling proud for being able to come up with a reasonable explanation yet again Silvia asked "then how come you also possess the Sharingan and the Mangekyo Sharingan".

After doing a little mental gymnastics and realising I had explained myself into a corner with my previous answer about how I awoke the Sharingan instead of the Byakugan.

I decided to come at least partially clean "You see I discovered I have the ability to copy the Kekkei Genkai's, I'm not sure when Mom but I think I used that ability on you when I was a baby. That's the only way I can explain why I have the Sharingan and the Byakugan"


the time after I said that and the time before anyone else seems to stretch on for an eternity. I am so worried that it will push Silvia away.

Silvia thinks about it for a while and says "so you did get something from your Mom then, that's just further proof your my son".

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