《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 29


Chapter Twenty-Nine

Unfortunately I didn't manage to gain many abilities from Roger. His body to was ravaged by illness to be able to be copied but I did manage to gain his knowledge of Conquerors Haki and the mysterious ability The Voice of All Things. Sadly for the latter there is an activation method that I am not yet capable of whatever that is according to the Database.

Having sorted through the decoded data I returned on my journey across The Grand Line.

After returning to the Grand line I quickly made my way to the outskirts of the Village Hidden in the Mist's territory. Unfortunately I didn't come into contact with anyone whose abilities piqued my interest along the way.

The Village Hidden in the Mist or Kiri is one of the more mysterious Ninja Villages. That especially holds true in this era.

Unlike most Ninja villages however it seems to be operated on a strict caste system. the population is divided into three tiers. The highest class is made up of those families whose origins are tied with the origin of the village.

The second class is made up of those who were allies with the village upon the battlefield and the last and lowest class of people are those whose families and lands were annexed after being defeated only to be used as disposable tools. These people are given the most dangerous missions in order to keep them weak enough in numbers and too busy to revolt.

As such the Village Hidden In The Mist is spreading outs its reach across the Grand Line. The constant fighting between the Mist and the World Government for control of these areas has led to a lot of bloodshed.

Because of the gruesome nature of the fighting the people with Kekkei Genkai's and those with Devil Fruit powers became persecuted within the area around Kiri. In this area which is this worlds version of the Land of Water those prejudices run deeply.


It isn't boding well for the Mist Village at the moment either as the Second Mizukage has recently passed away fighting the Second Tsuchikage. Now with the village in a transferral period the World Government are using this as an excuse to push forward against the Mist.

Because of how unstable this area is gaining entrance to the Hidden Mist is far more difficult than most countries. Possibly only the Hidden Rain would be a match in terms of strict security.

I used the Mayfly technique to bypass all their security making my way inside. I quickly gained clothing that matches the local region and using the Item Box's quick change ability I was ready to move about in the open.

I deactivated Sage Mode for the first time in a long time as the markings would give me away as a sage. I walked through the village and see how certain things are different here. The caste system for example has produced many weary looking people.

While gathering as much information on the region as I can I heard a name of a clan that struck my interest. They are none other than the Kaguya clan.

As I remember the Kaguya clan are descendants of Kaguya Otsutsuki. The Mother of the Sage Of The Six Paths and also the progenitor of Chakra within this world.

It seems this clan has been growing restless as of late and the Third Mizukage spends most of his time keeping them under wraps. It wont be until the Fourth Mizukage's reign where he will dispose of them completely.

I decide to head towards the Kaguya clan to investigate as some of their members are known to have a rare Kekkei Genkai which allows them to manipulate their bones. This Kekkei Genkai is known as Shikotsumyaki.


I decided I really want this Kekkei Genkai as since I gained the dense skeleton frame of the Saiyan clan can you imagine how much more powerful this Kekkei Genkai will be in my hands.

I stealthily head to the Kaguya clan which is kept quite far away from Kiri. This is no doubt in order to be able to deal with the Kaguya Clan should they decide to rise up.

I examine all the people of the clan but decide to limit my search to those with White Hair. As their descendant Kaguya Otsutsuki and the person who their bone manipulation Kekkei Genkai derived from had whit hair, I thought it was more likely those with white hair would most likely possess the Kekkei Genkai.

I found one woman who had the white hair I was looking for pretty quickly. I used Appraisal on her from a distance and luckily she did possess the Shikotsumyaki Kekkei Genkai. I quickly rushed her and used Body Snatcher.

After I had gained control of her body I used Auto Copy and returned to my own body. I then cast a Genjutsu on her forcing her to forget before I merged with the ground in order to backup the data.

Luckily my hunch that those with white hair held the Kekkei Genkai was correct. I also found out the woman was in the early stages of pregnancy from the data but that is neither here nor there. Lets pretend I wasn't technically pregnant for that time I was in control of her body.

I decoded the data and scrolled through the database until I came to Shikotsumyaki. As I began to experiment with the Kekkei Genkai I felt a strange burning sensation within my eyes.

Suddenly my Byakugan forcefully activated. I felt wave after wave of indescribable pain.

In one moment of respite from the pain I used the Flying Thunder God technique to teleport back home to my Mothers house in Foosha Village.

As soon as I arrived the pain came back stronger than ever. I screamed as I collapsed and then everything went dark.

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