《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 28


Chapter Twenty-Eight

In a dark and dreary Jail cell laying upon a hard poor excuse for a bed The Pirate King Gol D Roger lay with his eyes closed. I begin moving towards him to when suddenly he speaks "hello there who would have thought I would have gotten a visitor at this time of night".

I became shocked that he managed to notice me he is the first one since Madara to ever be able to do so. I decide there isn't much point hiding so I sprout my head and torso out of the ground. "Hello the Mr Roger or should I call you the Pirate King" I say to the grinning fellow before me.

"You can call me what ever you would like. Now what can I do for you this evening?". I was a little bit taken a back as I wanted to use Body Snatcher on him I never expected him to notice me so now I have to come up with something on the fly.

"Well you see I happened to have heard that Mr Roger is suffering from an illness that cannot be cured and that you turned yourself in and wasn't captured, I simply wanted to verify that".

Roger began to laugh as his huge barrel like chest rose up and down as he laughed and laughed.

"Yep you can say something like that. This Pirate is coming to the end of his journey as they say". He said with not even the slightest hint of sadness. It was almost as though he was happy to have fulfilled his life’s purpose.

"Well then Mr Roger as you managed to tame the very seas what if I gave you the chance for a new adventure" Just the word adventure was enough to pique his interest.

I summoned White Zetsu who arrived in mere moments. It seems since he awakened an ability similar to mine we can communicate to each other through it in a text based system. Because of this we no longer have to wait to hear from the other.


Roger was confused by the strange appearance of the odd humanoid that appeared before us. I told White Zetsu to produce a clone that is lacking any sentience thought and he quickly did so.

I then looked at Roger and said "now how would you feel if I placed a copy of your mind within this body and made it look like you. Then after you pass away your mind will be off an another adventure".

Roger gave it some thought for a while and then said "I don't really care about dying but I would certainly like to travel to places I haven't before. I hear there are lands where people use magic and others where people battle each other with cards with pictures of monsters on them. My life has been about exploring the seas but I do think it would be fun exploring each of these new lands".

He then nodded and gave me the okay so I used Body Snatcher on the Pirate King. I was given a warning message the moment I selected Auto Copy

"Warning this Body is too damaged to copy completely. Select from highlighted areas you wish to Copy"

I saw an image of a humanoid figure with around 95% shaded in grey indicating just how ill Roger is. I'm surprised he can even smile yet alone survive how riddled with illness he is.

I select a few parts of his body his brain and a few uncorrupted cells and the Auto Copy begins. As it doesn't have much work to do it is handled in pretty quick time.

I then return to my body. As Roger realises he had lost control of his body for a while he stares at me confused.

"Don't worry was just making a copy of your brain" I say as I back up the data. It seems that the situation with Auto Copy giving me access to a new feature has also unlocked a new feature within the Database.


I was now able to modify more of the backed up data than I was before as such the uncorrupted cells of Roger I could make younger or older at will.

"Hey there Mr Roger how would you like your new body to be like it was in your youth?"

Rogers eyes opened wide "you can do that?" I nodded while it was now my turn to smile.

"Just tell me the age and I will set your new body to match. I should warn you that you won't be as powerful as you was and to regain any strength you lose will be a tough process for you to embark on" I gave him a little warning too just in-case he was unhappy with how weakened he becomes in his new body.

"Then I would say around thirteen is the ideal age. it was around then I began training in this life so lets just call it a do over.

I made the cells younger and downloaded them along with the backup of Rogers brain into the White Zetsu clone. I disable most of the White Zetsu features making it remain in the form it is going to change into.

I also had to set it to age as it turns out I could even control that aspect of the clone. I figured Roger wouldn't want to be stuck as an unageing child but as a favour I set it's age rate to half speed. Sure being a child may last a bit longer but he will remain in his prime for that much longer too.

The clone began to morph and shrink until a small child with messy black hair that covers most of his face appeared before us.

From under the hair you can tell two curious eyes are looking around. It then starts examining its body. As he is physically around thirteen he is taller than me and has a better build too. I won't lie I am slightly jealous. Seeing that he was naked though I had White Zetsu quickly go and get some clothes that the Marine recruits wear.

While he was gone Gol D Roger began talking to his clone and made sure it was his exact mind within the small body. As far as the clone is concerned he allowed me to use my ability on him then woke up in a younger body.

The two laughed thinking about how Roger's adventures will continue.

White Zetsu returned with a small Marines uniform which the child Roger put on. We all said out goodbyes to the adult Roger and I teleport Myself and the young Roger to the borders between The Land of Rain and The Land Of Fire.

I give the young Roger a bag filled with the currency of this part of the world along with a map that I had so as he will be able to find his way around. He looked incredibly excited but I warned him to be careful. The ninja's are currently at war against each other.

I then teleport back to Loguetown where I waste some time until the day of adult Rogers execution. I was present to witness the start of The Great Pirate Era which I thought was incredibly exciting.

And as for young Roger it wouldn't be until much later where I learn he was taken in by Yahiko, Konnan, and Nagato and trained with the three in Ninjutsu under the tutelage of Jiraiya.

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