《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 27


Chapter Twenty-Seven

I have left Loguetown several hours ago and have now entered The Grand Line. On my wrist is a New World Log Pose which cost me an arm and a leg. I would have been unhappy but as I can spam creating money using my Item Box it really didn't feel like that much of a burden to bare.

As the New world Log Pose is like a wrist watch with three compass needles in that point to three separate islands of the Grand Line I am able to follow their direction to make my way to the exact island I want.

I am heading towards the Village Hidden in the Mist or Kiri. Unlike most places on the first part of the Grand Line Kiri requires the usage of a New world Log Pose instead of the standard single needle Log Pose most people use on the first part.

It is for this reason I had to purchase the New World version. Sure I can travel directly there using Mayfly but I would miss out on the chance to gain new techniques if I was to do that. I have already gained enough to classify my decision as worth while so just imagine what else I may gain along the way.

I fly while following the needles on the Log Pose and decide to make my way to an Island which has the strongest reaction from one of the Log Pose needles indicating that it is the closest of the three possible islands.

As soon as I fly above the island I recognise it as Cactus Island and the setting of the Whisky Peak Arc of one piece.

This island in the story is home to Baroque Works the bounty hunting organisation created by the villain Crocodile.

As yet however there is only a small settlement here as it is a long time before the founding of that organisation. Without this I feared this island would hold no purpose for my visit but I could sense several people on the mostly deserted island so I chose to see if it was anyone of importance.


I was amazed to find the place where people are is the future site of Whisky Peak. The few people seem to be surveying the area and they are led by none other than a young Crocodile.

It is a long time before Crocodile becomes the heartless calculating villain he is destined to be. He seems to be leading some members of his crew with much of the same excitement you would see from Luffy.

The reason they are surveying the island however becomes apparent is because they are looking to have a low profile as there is too much heat on them from the Marines and World Government at the moment.

I listen in to their conversation and it seems recently the young Crocodile has been running a mock along the first part of the grand line and a barricade of Marines are stopping their entry into the New world.

As such they have retraced their steps along the first part of the Grand Line also known as Paradise in order to escape the Marines attention.

This deserted Island seems to be the perfect place for them to hide as this island offers no incentives for any one to come here normally.

I smile at my good fortune as I eye up Crocodile and decide to make his Sand Sand Devil Fruit powers my own.

I stalk my prey until they make their way back to their Pirate ship. The ship has a cartoon looking crocodile as the figurehead just like how the Going Merry has a sheep or the Thousand Sunny has a lion.

I believe this indicates just how light hearted this eras Crocodile is compared to his future self.

It seems there Crocodile has yet to set his heart on becoming the Pirate King however like his future self did before his dreams were crushed. I think it is mostly because this is still the Era of Gol D Roger.


the Crocodile of right now simply wishes for freedom much like Luffy does believing that being a Pirate offers you the most free lifestyle.

I do my usual and wait until night when Crocodile and his crew fall asleep and using Byakugan and the Mangekyo Sharingan in my left eye teleport directly into Crocodiles quarters.

The sleeping Crocodile has a stupidly happy smile on his face as he snores away peacefully.

I manage to use Body Snatcher without any issue and Teleport away while backing up his data. A new Devil fruit icon becomes available in my heads up display. I decide to take a rest until morning so I pull out a House I created with Wood Release from my Item Box.

This house is furnished with the most comfortable furniture I could buy with the Belly's I created using Item Box. I went to the bedroom within and lay on the comfortable king size bed and I quickly fell into a comfortable sleep.

I was woken up in the morning as my sensory abilities detected a disturbance. I put away my house and teleport over to where Crocodile and his crew are. It would seem Gol D Roger has been captured by the World Government.

I however am aware that he has turned himself in because he is dying of a disease with no known cure.

Crocodile and his crew are reading this from a newspaper which is using "The Capture of Gol D Roger" as propaganda to support the Marines and the World Government. There is even a huge section about his upcoming execution at Loguetown.

The Marines obviously chose Loguetown because that is the home of Gol D Roger and it is one final F.U to the man’s legacy.

It seems Crocodile and his crew plan to attend the execution and begin heading back to Loguetown. I too want to go back to Loguetown not only to witness the start of the Great Pirate Age but to try and gain the Knowledge and sill of the Pirate King.

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