《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 25


Chapter Twenty-Five

The following day the village was once again in an uproar. It seems Arlong has escaped from his cell. He used his Fishman strength and bent the bars allowing himself to exit. I expected this to happen if I am honest which is why I made certain to gain his knowledge of Fishman Karate while I had the chance. I was always in awe at the character Jinbe’s fighting ability and although Arlong is weaker it give me a good starting place to be able to explore this different form of fighting.

I didn't give the escape of Arlong too much thought as I could sense he was no longer on the island I can only imagine he returned to the sea along with the rest of his slightly battered and bruised crew.

Now that I put the Arlong incident behind me I have a desire to head towards the Grand Line to see what the situation is like in the Village Hidden In the Mist. I could sail there or I could travel by Mayfly but I decided it would be a good chance to practice something I have been putting off.

With the use of Ki I can fly. At the risk of sounding like a coward however I have a little difficulty with heights so I have put off practising Bukujutsu the Flying Technique. I make my way to the cliff edge outside our house and I focus placing my Ki beneath me. I have all the knowledge required to do this already so it goes off without a hitch.

I begin rising into the air and despite my initial panic I manage to calm down. I was already able to use Ki to move quickly along the ground which I did against Kotoro this is merely the natural second step. I'm ashamed it has taken me this long to take it.

I moved out above the sea and I began picking up speed. The sea breeze felt incredible as I darted across. Suddenly the serpent every one piece fan knows erupted out of the water. This sea King is the one that bit off the arm of Red Hair Shanks. I couldn't help but feel such a bad-ass Character losing his arm to such a puny example of a sea king is ridiculous. Then again he was protecting Luffy at the time so I suppose I will give him a pass.


The Sea King also known as the Lord Of The Coast opened its gaping mouth and lunged towards me with those jagged teeth bared. Not feeling like playing with such a minor annoyance I simply use a Senjutsu enhanced fist and give it a slight punch. As such it scampers off making a whining noise to which I yell "you pathetic excuse for a sea king could you be any more of a wimp!"

I continue flying across the entire East Blue I pass many a pirate and marine ship but none that really give me much reason to stop. That is however until I come across a Marine ship with two people on deck that grab my attention right away.

They are two future Marine admirals one known as Sakuzaki and Kuzan or as they will be known in the future Aokiji and Akainu. They are far younger that they were in the Manga and Anime but then again this is the Era of Gol D Roger. Because of White Zetsu's ability to gather Intel we learned that it is not yet the great Pirate Era as Gol D Roger is still sailing the seas.

Anyway these two Future Admirals are as yet only Captains. Their ships are chasing one Pirate ship. I don't recognise the flag of the ship but if they have two captains chasing after them they must have done something.

Using all of my sensory abilities and my Byakugan I can see even from this distance that the Pirates are in a spot of bother. From one side Kuzan has frozen the waters stopping their ship and from the other Sakuzaki is bombarding them with huge meteors of magma.

However the Pirates are surprisingly still fighting back. What shocks me the most however is the fact I realise the Captain of these Pirates is using Ninjutsu. He sends a Fire Release towards the ice hoping to melt it while at the same time Summoning a wall of water to try and reflect the meteoroids of magma.

It seems these pirates have at least two more ninjas as I spot them running across the water towards Sakuzaki’s ship and across the ice to Kuzan’s. They then takes out a scroll each and summons thousands of Explosive Tags that stick to the ship before detonating.


It seems Kuzan managed to coat the ship in ice in time to defend against the attack but Sakuzaki's ship wasn't so lucky. In the chaos created by the explosions the pirate ship has quickly made an escape.

After the battle Kuzan's ship rescues the crew of Sakuzaki's now sinking ship. I follow them for a while from the sky as I look upon them like I have just been served a delicious meal. I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if I used Body Snatcher on Two Devil Fruit users.

As Devil Fruits are the source of their ability to control Magma and Ice respectively I wanted to attempt to try my luck if only a little.

A Marine Crew is incredibly orderly. As such with just a while of spying using my Byakugan and sensor abilities I memorised their schedule after just a few hours. It really did hammer it home how being unpredictable as a ninja is a superior Modus Operandi.

The two Captains took it in turns to rest so as such I would have my chance to attempt Body Snatching one of them sooner than I thought. The first Captain to head back to his cabin was Kuzan.

I waited until he was in a deep sleep. I had gotten so good at using my Byakugan I could even tell if my target was in Rem Sleep as I could see their eyes moving. I activated the trusty Mangekyo Sharingan and Teleport into the cabin where I quickly used Body Snatcher.

Being inside this body felt incredibly strange. This must be what it feels like to be what its like to become a Logia type Devil Fruit user. This type of Devil Fruit user can become create and control the element of the Devil Fruit they eat. In Kuzan's case that would be Ice.

I quickly select the Auto Copy but there is an Message that says

"Warning unusual Element Detected Auto Copy requires a New Tab to be Created Do you agree Y/N"

I quickly click Yes and the auto copy begins as usual if maybe a little slower. It has been a long time since I have had to look at he timer wondering if I will make it in time.

I barely finish the Auto Copy with around fifteen seconds remaining on my timer. I then return to my body and Teleport out of the ship to a safe distance. When I am backing up the data I am once again given a similar message

"Warning unusual Element Detected External Server requires a New Tab to be Created Do you agree Y/N"

I once again click yes and Kuzan's data is backed up. I spend the time until Kuzan and Sakuzaki switch command decoding the data I gained from Kuzan. I was incredibly happy to find that I now had access to Armament Haki to go along with the Observation Haki I gained from Madara. Luckily for me according to Kuzan’s current memories neither him nor Sakuzaki are very practised at Observation Haki at this point in time.

When they switch over I repeat the exact same and Teleport out to safety yet again where I back up Sakuzaki's Data. I am sadly warned however by the External Storage that I may only have access to one Devil Fruits abilities at a time. The only upside is that I can switch between the ones I have collected using a new function that appears within the top right corner of my vision.

It is almost like a heads up display showing a small square with the picture of a strange fruit with spiral markings on it. The image has written what the Fruit Selected is along with an option to switch Devil Fruit. I switch between the two Fruits at first my body becomes Ice and with the next Devil Fruit It becomes Magma. I also have the option to select none.

This option indeed comes in handy as Devil Fruit users are unable to swim due to a curse from gaining those powers. While I am not entirely sure the curse applies to me if I select none it most certainly shouldn't. Besides who has ever heard of a ninja that can't swim.

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