《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 23


Chapter Twenty-Three

My next Target is in the Village Hidden in the cloud. It is none other than the Third Raikage. He is known to have been the most powerful Raikage in history. So much in fact that he was able to stand toe to toe against the Eight Tails and only suffer an injury hat he himself caused.

The Cloud Village or Kumo while not involved in the Third Ninja world war do suffer the loss of this Raikage as he battles ten thousands ninjas single handedly for three days and nights until his exhaustion gets the better of him.

It is because of this strength that I placed his abilities on my list of targets. I have pretty big plans and I need all the power I can gather before I can enact them.

I use Mayfly yet again and gain entrance to Kumo. I can sense a pretty incredible amount of Chakra to which I am drawn towards.

I find the Third Raikage training with his son and the Jinchuriki of the Eight Tails. At his point the Jinchuriki is Blue B. The Raikage and his son were both cloaked in a Lightening release aura while Blue B was using the Version 1 three tails Chakra form.

I watched in astonishment at the speed of their movements. The hidden cloud are renowned for their speed and seeing this before me really drove that home. Blue B and the future Fourth Raikage were however unable to keep up with the speed of A the Third Raikage.

The Raikage first subdued his son then it was a one on one battle between Raikage and Jinchuriki.

A toyed with Blue B making the Jinchuriki fall to his frustration. He then sprouted a fourth tail and switched to Version 2 Chakra mode. Doing this however he began losing his reasoning and began attacking wildly. The Third Raikage looked upon this sight with eyes filed with disappointment.


With speed so fast even my Sage Mode and Yamanaka sensory skills could barely keep up, the Third Raikage appeared behind the crazed Jinchuriki. With his three fingers pointed and flickering with so much Lightening Release Chakra he quickly uses his most powerful Jutsu the Hell Stab.

The Jinchuriki is pierce by the incredible force and its Chakra Mode begins to dissolve. Luckily for Blue B the Chakra of the Eight Tails lacks the caustic component that the Nine Tails does. Because of this his skin remained unblemished except for where he was stabbed by the Raikage's jutsu.

The Raikage didn't seem concerned however as the wound began healing immediately testament to the survivability of a Jinchuriki.

I did my usual scouting and waiting and copied the abilities of the Raikage without a hitch. I then decided to put my time in Kumo to further use. I travelled to the location where Blue B was being cared for. He was still unconscious so I performed the Body Snatcher technique on him.

This is the first time I had tried it on a true Jinchuriki so I was a little concerned about what would happen. To tell you the truth it was my curiosity of this which is why I decided o test it.

I quickly found that the unconscious Blue B was being tormented deep within his mind by the Eight Tails. The second I took control of the body the Eight Tails recognised that I was a different entity to its Jinchuriki.

In-fact the mental projection of Blue B was switched out with a mental projection of my self making it more than obvious to the Tailed Beast.

The Eight tails was a giant Bull with an octopus like lower body.

"Who are you?" Eight Tails said in confusion. His joy at tormenting his Jinchuriki now replaced with shock. As I am a mental projection of my self I activated the Rinnegan. Seeing these eyes the Eight Tails became even more shocked.


"May I please talk to you Gyuki?" I asked politely as I knew his name he began to settle down. While this was happening I tried the Auto Copy function and watched as it began as normal.

"what do you wish to talk to me about I wonder?" Gyuki asked in reply. I the spun a tale to him about how there is an evil person wishing to revive the Ten Tails and asked him for his help.

Gyuki was obviously shocked this knowledge of things such as the Ten Tails should only be known of by his creator and his brother. I implied that I had gained the aid of the Nine Tails already and turned its attention to the outside world where it could sense the Nine Tails Chakra coming from the Strength of One Hundred Seal.

He gave it a little thought and passes his fist through the bars of his seal. There he passed onto me a large amount of his Chakra. It was so much that it dwarfed the amount that Great Aunt Mito had given me.

"There I should have given you more than that Stingy Fox" He said with pride. He seemingly thought that the Nine Tails had only agreed to give me a small amount of Chakra.

The Chakra he gave me was quickly taken in by Body Snatcher I said "Thank you Gyuki" he smiled and said "No worries. I can tell you are not an evil person. If the people who wish to revive the Ten Tails are as you say they are they will come for me eventually. I only wish I wasn't trapped within this useless Jinchuriki who treats me like a tool".

I said to Gyuki putting on my best Sage like act "threat not Gyuki for I have foreseen you shall be joined with one who will become your most trusted partner. Be patient and the one who raps and has a thing for mature women with large breasts shall be the key to your survival".

"A Rapping pervert who likes big breasted mature ladies now that you mention it someone does spring to mind" It seems Gyuki is already aware of the future Killer B.

"My time is running out Gyuki I must bid you farewell". just as I was about to leave Gyuki said to me "Wait, If you go to the Jinchuriki of Matatabi I will explain the importance of the situation and have that cat offer you its aid to".

I nodded and thanked Gyuki before My timer ran out. I quickly backed up everything I had gained from this little experiment and began sinking into the ground using Mayfly.

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