《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 21


Chapter Twenty-One

As I appeared outside the house I made for my Mothers in the forest near the Fire Temple I was quickly pounced upon by a much larger Kuma. Hearing the commotion both my Mothers came outside and looked at the scene fondly.

Inside the house I explained the happenings of the village. They were infuriated to hear that yet again the Uchiha’s attacked and even more so they were disappointed in the Third Hokage for him backing the Uchiha along with the Hyuga despite their recent actions.

I said "I tendered my resignation but I seriously doubt they will accept it and instead classify me as a Missing Nin in order to save face" they both look heartbroken at such thought.

I then asked "With how things are what would you like to do?" they both looked at each other. It seems a conversation was being had between their eyes.

"Well we have no reason to return to the village. They have already allowed two attacks on out family to go unpunished" Mother said with a resolute expression.

"Do you know anywhere we can go where we may be safe?" Silvia asked to which I nodded.

Using Madaras knowledge of the world from his travels I was aware of a union of countries that has very little to do with Ninjas. Hidden in the East blue is a little island that will be the beginning of the One Piece anime and manga.

The island is known as Dawn Island and a small scenic little village known as Foosha Village sounds like the ideal place for my Mothers to keep a low profile.

As I was kind of expecting to have to make an escape from Konoha eventually I had White Zetsu travel there before my confrontation with Madara and I set up a safe house Foosha village ready just in case.


After telling them about it they both saw it as a place to enjoy their retirement together. We packed up everything within my Item Box and I used the Flying Thunder God to take us there.

The place I chose was filled with green fields and quaint little windmills that turn with the sea breeze. In the distance is a large mountain which is home to the mountain bandits that Luffy will be raised by. I however had no need to worry about the safety of my Mothers here as they could easily handle some mountain bandits with ease.

Our house was situated on a small cliff over looking the shimmering blue ocean. The house I made was an incredibly Beautiful house as I had made for the two of them. I wanted them to be as comfortable as possible

Their eyes were shining with excitement as we made our way inside. White Zetsu has been preparing for our eventual escape from Konoha and as such he as been gathering all the requirements needed for our Mothers to live comfortably.

It was quite amusing as we entered the parlour room to find Zetsu sat down reading a book. Both Mother and Silvia were shocked when they first saw him but I quickly explained that he was made using a special Jutsu that backed up my mind within his body.

After asking I’m several questions that really only I should know they both grew quite fond of Zetsu and began treating him as yet another of their sons. I happily explained that there is another one of us made with my mind as a backup and they were excited to meet him eventually.

I however am not sure exactly where Kamui is at the moment. I believe he is probably off somewhere enjoying his life as that is pretty much what I have been doing since coming to this world.


Later that evening while both Mothers were walking around the scenery to get a grasp of their location myself and White Zetsu were having a talk about the situation within the Leaf Village. He had left a clone there to relay information back in much the same way Madara had.

It seems the Village is in an uproar with both the Hyuga and the Uchiha demanding I be treated as a Missing Nin. The third however is refusing to take that action which is hurting him politically within the Village. Danzo however has gained the support of the Hyuga and Uchiha by taking advantage of the situation further improving his political might within the village.

I shrugged it off as I don't care what the village do as long as it doesn't impact my Mothers. What I was most shocked about however is that according to White Zetsu he has awakened an ability similar to my Body Snatcher. He says it is only at the level of when I first used Body Snatcher but he has been using it to gain enough strength to be able to defend himself from any upcoming threat.

Unlike me however who can use a mixture of peoples cells and abilities he can only use one at a time and it requires him transforming into that person. There also seems to be a time limit on how long he can use their abilities for at full power.

He however just cycles through transformations as the time limit runs out refreshing it. He demonstrated by transforming into a ninja that seemed to be from the hidden Rain Village. In the anime and Manga white Zetsu's had the ability to manipulate their Chakra and transform into a Ninja being almost indistinguishable from the original. They were however far weaker than the ninja whose form they took. I was glad to see my White Zetsu had the ability to far surpass any other white Zetsu.

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