《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 20


Chapter Twenty

When I got time to decode the backups I had made I was presented with quite the surprise.

In the data I got from Madara an ability I really wasn't expecting was present. It was none other than Observaion Haki from One Piece. This explained why he was aware of me even with his eyes closed and me completely having no presence to detect. I was happy for the unexpected gain.

I went through Madara's memories and to my surprise there is a Grand Line in this world. It seems the Ninja villages are devided between the North East South and West Blue seas With the Village Hidden in the Mist located within the Grand Line. Which is this worlds analogue of the Land of Water.

It seems after leaving Konoha old Madara became a pirate for a few years and made it all the way to the New World before coming back to challenge Hashirama at the Valley of The End.

I teleport back to our home in Konoha just in time for sunrise where I begin decoding all the data on the external server.

It took quite a while to implement all the changes to my body. After finishing My Chakra levels and life energy had been raised to the level of a prime Hashirama Senju. I also have complete almost control of the Rinnegan. Sadly I couldn't deactivate the Rinnegan on my own I required the aid of Body Snatcher to switch it out with a Dojutsu I could deactivate.

I was a little worried that as a copy of Madaras Rinnegan their vision would be linked but luckily that doesn't seem to be the case.

I spend until mid afternoon becoming familiar with every Jutsu that Madara knew. I even experimented using the Black Chakra receivers I was now capable of manifesting as hey gave me an idea for their use.

I then felt a large amount of people slowly beginning to surround my house.

As I am in Sage Mode and also capable of using the Yamanaka clans sensor abilities I was more than aware for quite a while of who they were.

It is none other than the Uchiha in the guise of the Military Police force. I walked calmly outside to see almost two hundred of them.

They began to part like the sea would for Moses and walking directly towards me was the head of the Uchiha clan I previously had interactions with.

"Do not resist Senju you are under arrest" He looked at me as though one would look upon an ant. This attitude did not go down well with me however.


"And what is my crime" I said while releasing an overwhelming amount of blood-lust. Some of the least powerful Uchiha’s began shaking at the mere presence of that blood-lust.

"You attacked the Hyuga clan did you not" the Uchiha clan head seemed to be enjoying this .

"Are you forgetting that the Hyuga attacked my family first. What punishment have been levied against them?" My attitude was rubbing some of the overly proud Uchiha the wrong way.

One such Uchiha yelled "Listen kid stop acting so high and mighty". His Sharingan began to rotate and morph into a Mangekyo Sharingan. I as quickly attacked by this Uchiha as a partially formed Susanoo arm rushed towards me to land a powerful blow.

I simply stood there and after activating the Rinnegan I used the Petra Path and absorbed the Chakra that made up the Susanoo. The influx of Chakra boosted my already large Chakra reserves.

The Uchiha’s watched on as their previously smug faces contorted in horror. "Rinnegan!" The Uchiha clan head shouted in horror.

"That's right Uchiha. My Dojutsu have evolved into the Rinnegan" I bluffed. I figured as the Hyuga and the Uchiha share a common ancestry they would assume that both Dojutsu could be evolved into the Rinnegan.

As the Uchiha clan head was contemplating the chances of victory some of the least informed Uchiha began to attack. I found myself battling against wave upon wave of Uchiha grunt.

My speed and strength were more than enough to handle them however. I darted in-between each member of the Uchiha. As the Rinnegan could see the Tenketsu within the body just like the Byakygan I used the Gentle Fist Method of Taijutsu. With each attack more and more Uchiha began falling to the ground.

Any and all opposition the offered was quickly over come. If they used a Ninjutsu I absorbed it with the Petra Path. If they used Taijutsu I used the Gentle Fist and shut them down. I used the Eight Trigrams Vacuum Wall Palm creating an incredible shockwave sending them flying.

Eventualy my opposition became smaller and smaller. I had taken the initiative to which the Uchiha were unable to recover. Only a few managed to weakly offer any resistance.

When it came down to just myself and the clan head I could see how nervous he appeared to be. His forehead was drenched in sweat and his brows were furrowed.The clan head activated his Mangekyo Sharingan. I was a little taken aback to see it was an Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

He rushed towards me with a katana in hand. I in my arrogance decided to take his attack and counter attack with one of my own. I lunged towards him with a Kunai in hand. I was shocked to find that I phased right through him.


It didn't take long to realise e had an ability quite similar to Obito Uchiha in the Anime and Manga. The uchiha clan head was looking at me with a sense of invincibility. I however I am more than familiar with how this kind of ability works.

from out of my Item box i summoned the puppet I had taken from the Hidden Wind ninja. I had spent the mrning inserting Chakra recievers into its various parts and with the power of the Rinnegan I was able to manipulate it like a puppet master would only without the need for Chakra Threads.

I then sent wave after wave of copper sand against the Uchiha clan head to attack and distract the Uchiha clan head. Since I had become a sage the copper sand had become much faster and harder than it was before.

While the Uchiha clan head was busy phasing through the sand I attacked from his blind side wih the puppet. This contnued for a while until the Uchiha clan head attempted a counter attack against me.

This is exactly what I wanted as the moment he switched to attack his fate was sealed. I repeated a scene almost identica to Minato vs Obito. As the last of my attacks phased through him and the clan head was corporeal again in order to be able to attack me I reappeared behind him I stabbed a Black Receiver straight into his shoulder pinning him to the ground.

The Black Receiver interrupts his flow of Chakra making him unable to escape even with his Kamui like ability. I continue pinning his limbs down and once I am sure al Uchiha's have been defeated I claim the spoils of war.

I go between each and every Uchiha that showed any kind of useful ability and use Body Snatcher on them. I made a backup of five Mangekyo Sharingan's and the Clan Heads Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. Everyone else were deamed to be trash and a waste of my time using Body Snatcher on them.

Not long after I completed my work backing up any useful abilities a squadron of Anbu arrived being led by the Third Hokage himself. I deactivated my Rinnegan and waited for him to arrive.

"Hello there Lord Third. wonderful day isn't it" I said to him as his expression was tense looking around at all the fallen Uchiha’s.

"Little Rowan it seems you have yet again done something most people would advise against" He said with a hint or regret in his eyes.

"Not at all Lord Third. Just like last time I was provoked. I am not one to simply lay down and be victimised. Especially not when those who dare make me a victim are sorely lacking in ability to do so".

The Third was unable to agree with me and said "then I'm afraid we have come to an impasse. I can't allow you to keep disrupting the villages stability".

I laughed heartily at those words. "Surely you jest Lord Third. This Village's stability is nothing more than a precarious house of cards. Every Clan bar a few think to profit over the others. They gain their strength not for the well being of the village but their own. However if you say that you can no longer tolerate my presence in the village then I shall simply move on. How does that sound to you".

The Third looked dismayed by my words however before he managed to say if me leaving the village was for the best or not, with a puff of white smoke Danzo appeared surrounded by his Root Anbu.

"I whole heartedly disagree Lord Hokage. How can we allow someone so dangerous to leave our village alive" his calm measured voice barely masking his contempt.

"Ah Danzo, I wondered when I would be meeting you. Are you still pretending your machinations to amass power under any means necessary is for the best of the Village". I said hitting closer to home than Danzo would have liked.

"What do you know child?" his tone of voice became dark and dripping with sarcasm.

"if you truly wish for the stability of this village Lord Third you should really keep an eye on those closest to you" I watched them both stare each other down

I quickly interrupted their thoughts however and said "well then I here by tender my resignation as a ninja of the Leaf Village. Effective immediately myself and my family are no longer citizens of Konoha. As the Third puts the safety of clans who attack us before our own we no longer feel safe living in this village".

The third was just about to say something however but I raised a finger to interrupt him. Then I decided to make a show of my exit and used the Flying Thunder God to teleport to the house I made for my Mothers.

I like to imagine that the Hokage and Danzo were both dumbstruck by my theatrical exit.

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