《Reincarnated In a Naruto like world》Chapter 19


Chapter Nineteen

I appeared right beside my White Zetsu which had remained hidden outside of Madara's hideout. According to White Zetsu he has a barrier erected around that interferes with the Flying Thunder God, because of this I can't use that as a way to gain entrance.

Unlike most enemies where I don't mind wasting a bit of Chakra and teleporting with my Mangekyo Sharingan I feel that would only be a fools move against Madara.

I decided I needed to come up with something that he wouldn't have taken into consideration. Just then a flash of inspiration strikes.

I wait as I usually do until my target becomes tired. Madara however has White Zetsu and his clones guarding him while he is asleep. I plan to use this to my advantage.

Using my Byakugan I watch silently until the old and weakened Madara falls asleep. I was shocked by how old Madara looked his skin looked so wrinkled and dry and his hair was a shocking white even brighter than the Zetsu’s.

Myself and White Zetsu then begin to merge with the ground. This is a special ability of the Zetsu's known as Mayfly. I gained the knowledge of this ability when I used Body Snatcher on White Zetsu however my ability to control Wood Release was lacking at the time.

Now however with the increase in Body Snatchers abilities allowing me to used Chakra stored in the Database I can use this at practically no cost.

Myself and White Zetsu appear within Madaras hideout. It is dark and damp this place had such an eerie vibe it was well deserving of the name Mountains Graveyard. I watched as my White Zetsu appeared before Madara. The weak and feeble looking Madara stired and awoke.

Zetsu gave a report on Konoha. I had him feed back false information that the members of Danzo's Root organisation are planning to infiltrate the Village Hidden In The Mist. I know this is an important location for Madara as he plans on placing the Mizukage under a Genjutsu and control them eventually. He wants to use this puppet as an excuse to plunge the Ninja world into war.

Madara quickly orders the Zetsu who was guarding him to go to Kiri and find out everything about what is going on.

This left just my White Zetsu guarding Madara as he drifted off to sleep once again. When I felt the time was right I appeared out of the ground. I watched as the sleeping Madaras chest rose and fell. Deciding the time was right I made my way towards Madara as stealthily as I could.


I reached my hand out towards him when suddenly. I was pushed back by an invisible force. I flew back with such force I cracked into the wall. Suddenly I heard a wheezy sounding laugh. I lifted my head to see Madara wide awake and staring at me with those eyes.

The shocking purple and those concentric rings can only mean one thing Rinnegan. Just staring down at them my body felt as though it was under a tremendous pressure.

Madara had just used one of the Six Paths Techniques knows as the Deva Path, this controls attractive and repulsive forces.

"Those Markings just like Hashirama's" He said in a hoarse whisper. He however began Laughing even more. He sounded like a man possessed.

Suddenly the older Madaras body began sprouting mechanical limbs. He almost appeared to be like aspider. If it wasn't for his humanoid body sticking out of its top you would call him a robotic spider.

I however know this is yet another power of the Rinnegan knows as the Asura Path.

Not wanting to continue being on the back foot I used a Sage mode enhanced Wood Release Golems to keep him busy. This however may have been a mistake as Madara became even more ecstatic "Wood Release too. Oh my, What has this old man done to deserve such a gift come to my very own door step".

The spider like Madara was happily toying with my Wood Golems However as they were enhanced with Senjutsu Chakra they managed to put up a small fight enabling me to regroup and come up with a new strategy.

I took a deep breath and began setting my plan into action. I activated the Mangekyo Sharingan of Kotoro. Seeing my eyes he became even more amused.

"My what a rare beast you are. Hashiramas abilities and those of the Uchiha too". I was a little annoyed that he was so comfortable as to be able to talk down to me even in the midst of battle.

Then again my opponent is Madara Uchiha what did I expect. I have been having it too easy for far too long. Its about time I got a challenge.

Just as my Wood Golems began to crack and crumble I teleport right behind Madara. He didn't even turn to face me as I felt the Deva Path begin to repel me again.

I teleport away and back within the sphere of repulsive energy after it had gotten far enough away from Madara. Now that I am within striking range one of my eyes switch to a Byakugan.


Madara was quite amused by this change "HAHAHA now you're a Hyuga are you". Using the Gentle Fist style I injected some of my Chakra into Madaras Tenketsu. He didn't even dodge as though he was once again looking down upon me but I don't care.

I let Madara lead me around until the perfect opportunity to pressure him arrives. He then uses the Deva path once more so I teleport in and out and use Gentle fist in the same exact spot. That is step one complete

Now I switched to the Nine tails Chakra Cloak. For a single moment there was a slight crack on Madaras smug expression but he soon realised I am not a true Jinchuriki and the smug face returned.

I used the speed boost to dart around the room now I used my Mothers Taijutsu style. Madara used the Deva Paths power of attraction. I was gripped by an invisible force that began pulling me towards Madara. I however once again teleport away then landed a huge Taijutsu blow using my Mothers style.

The elderly Madara was shook momentarily. But that completed step Two

Now I just began biding my time I would teleport out of the range of his attacks. Use Wood Release, Magnet Release and pretty much every other trick I had up my sleeve to keep him thinking I was fighting against him desperately.

"Oh my It is like I am fighting everyone from Konoha at once". His smile was disgusting but I didn't mind I thought to myself that’s right keep taking it easy.

"Once I had wasted enough time I switched to Silvia’s Mangekyo Sharingan in my right eye. One thing I was grateful that Madara doesn't seem to know how to deactivate his Rinnegan yet.

I use Silvia’s Mangekyo Sharingan and trap Madara in the Tsukuyomi like Genjutsu. I am not stupid enough to believe it will keep him for long but this was Step Three.

Now with my left Mangekyo Sharingan I cast the Uchiha’s ultimate Genjutsu on him. I used Izanami and that eye immediately lost its sight. I however simply activated a backup of that Sharingan returning it to normal. I watch on as Madara is now in a Genjutsu within a Genjutsu.

Even he I would expect Madara to take a while to break out of that. I take this opportunity to use Body Snatcher. Within Madaras body I see he has just broken out of the Tsukuyomi like Genjutsu only to receive a Gentle Fist blow to his Tenketsu.

The Izanami is a Genjutsu that traps the victim in an infinite loop until they realise where they have gone wrong with their life. I ironically used this on Madara because I hated how his story ended in the anime and manga.

I begin the Auto Copy function of Body Snatcher after all of Madaras data is scanned I return to my own body and back it up on the external Server.

Then my eyes turn to deep within this dreary underground hideout. The Demon Statue Of Outer Path seated upon a tree. From this tree however is the upper body of a living clone of Hashirama Senju. I'm not sure if it will work or not but I try to use Body Snatcher on the clone.

My mind quickly becomes one with the clone I use Auto Copy again. After returning to my body I quickly backup the data I got from the clone. Now I will have true Hashirama Senju cells at my disposal. This should boost my life energy and Chakra levels explosively.

After leaving the clone I alter it like I did the White Zetsu I forcefully download a backup of my mind into the Clone. As it has no mind of its own this is far easier and cost less Chakra than it did with White Zetsu. As a little treat I also infuse its cells with Jugo’s clans ability to naturally absorb Nature Energy.

The Clone opened its eyes and just like Zetsu sprouting from the ground it exited the tree.

"Hi there. Lets see its weird to call you Hashirama and its weird to call you Rowan. I will name you Kamui" I laugh internally thinking of the wood based hero from My Hero Academia.

"Seriously dude". The clone said in response. Then it looked at its body then back at me before saying "Well I suppose it does fit Kamui it is".

Myself Kamui and the White Zetsu I altered all stand together this is quite a bizare scene three separate bodies sharing the same mind.

Right Kamui I won't tell you what to do with your life. from now on you are your own person. I only hope that if anything happens to our Mothers and I'm not there you and this Zetsu will protect them. We all shook hands and went our seperate ways.

The only thing remaining in the Mountains Graveyard was Madara standing still like a statue as he remained trapped within Izanami.

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